DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 26, 2014
How Do You Feel About A County Employee Drinking And Driving Your County Vehicle?
Warnings to the County Executive Rick Pollitt have gone out about a particular County Employee regularly using a County vehicle to go out locally and openly drinking and driving. The original warning was ignored.
Another face to face attempt to discuss this matter happened soon after and once again Rick Pollitt brushed it off.
A third attempt was then taken directly to that County Employee in which that individual agreed that it was wrong and it would never happen again.
Last night that very same County Employee was witnessed once again at the very same Bar drinking alcohol with icy road conditions. The Employee tried to disguise the vehicle behind a neighboring business but keen eyes picked up on the individual as well as the vehicle and photos were taken as evidence.
Mind you, there is no policy, (believe it or not) on the books for County Employees to NOT drink and drive County vehicles. Where does common sense prevail? However, there is language stating they can not use these vehicles for personal use.
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Alcoholism is a disease...put him in rehab and monitor him. I want to know what kind of Insurance the County has? These people should have to have random testing so the price of that Insurance is diminished. They must think they are on the same level as Federal Workers. I recognize this car. I wonder if it was the same inspector who was harassing the owner of Fat Daddy's over a couple of Picnic Tables in front of my Son and in front of his customers? That guy looked drunk to both me and my Son.
The sun isn't even down so they had to be drinking on the clock.
Anyone who drives a government car while under the influence does have an alcohol problem because this shows their lack of control. Of course they won't admit they have a problem. Liberals like to say they are 'in denial' so to be politically correct. The real word is 'lying.' They are lying when they say they don't have a problem.
Evidence of guilt-hiding the vehicle esp w/the icy conditions making it a possibility that the more distance you have to walk, more the chance of slipping and busting your ass.
He was drunk. Where is the High and Mighty (shorty pants) Mike Lewis. As Sheriff of this county should his office not be made aware of an active DUI. As I recall he likes to open his big mouth regarding DUI's. Let's see if he gives his usual knee jerk reaction. Doubt he will do anything that could hurt his political future (chicken sh*t).
fat daddy's is in worcester county not wicomico where this picture was taken
this photo was taken in the Johnson-McKee parking lot across the street from the Backstreet Grill on Snowhill Rd. Moron thought it was slick, what a dufuss.
This is a sad situation. I recognize this vehicle with the antennas. This person should be setting an example for all the employees.
10:19 my Bad -- Fat Boys
31278 Old Ocean City Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804
That's Backstreet Grill. Car is parked across the street at what used to be SNHS.
I do not think it is okay to drink and drive - in a county or a personal vehicle, period.
First, a County vehicle behind a building is not proof that the employee was in a Bar drinking.
Give Rick proof, or put the absolute proof on this site, than you've got a case.
Did, who ever approached Mr Pollitt give him proof, or just hearsay? If it was proven than Mr Pollitt needs to explain why nothing has been done about this employee.
Amazing that when the people of Princess Anne came on here and were in orbit about Frank White's Bar hopping in a town vehicle you defended Frank and trashed the DT daily. How did Frank's law suit against the DT go?
we had a former member of the alcohol board who use to be very visible and very drunk on double Gins who set the precedent for this behavior. He would swill half a pint or more quickly and move on to the next bar-- his behavior caught up with him-- he is no longer the tough guy busybody he use to be
anonymous 10:31, we have witnesses and proof.
Who is the county /employee who drives this car?
Now whomever this is, is going to whine and cry and say they are being picked on but they brought it on themselves for being stupid. In this day and age you have to assume everything you do is on camera. It's not like the old days where if you saw something chances were you didn't have a camera on you to take a quick picture of the offending sight.
Albero get a job at the bank if u wanna be a teller
Oh please 10:31! I guess he was taking his pet to the vet's?
It is known that Pollitt has had complaints about this before - he was hesitant to address the employee - probably because of the role he plays in the County. This man usually is in the company of a Department Head who knows all the waitresses by name at Back Street...big watering hole for the county elite who think they are teflon and can get away with anything as the rest of us are not nearly as bright as they are. Arrogance will take you down sooner or later. Lewis ought to park a Sheriff's car down the street and stop those guys and check them out....if he won't maybe MSP should.
yeah i think for proof you need to breathalyze him not kiss hime
Who's car? where is the "proof?" Worse than MSM . "We have proof" sure you do Dan Rather.
10:32 a correction on your post. The person you refer to was not a member of the liquor board but instead an employee of the BD of License. And yes, you are right, he no longer works for the county.
Greg (liquor inspector)got what he deserved for being a drunken hypocrite. These buffoons get on a power trip. Another good old case of Karma!
Ever here of having dinner.
10:43 couldn't be more correct. But Lewis won't stop them so hopefully someone from the MSP will read this and follow up on this.
10:52 the word is hear and yes I have heard of drinking dinner also. White wine is a favorite of this dudes.
It was daylight in the photos. So just what time were these pictures taken? Was it during work hours that this happened?
Why isn't a name associated with this? In essence, you are just accusing every county employee that drives a County vehicle of drinking and driving. If you have the proof then single the person out or quit stirring the pot.
You are not allowed to drink period while driving a county vehicle.Take it away from him.
anonymous 11:20, IF you are suggesting I might not know who this employee is, you'd be mistaken.
Our quest here is to get it stopped. Our quest is to let the County Executive know that there IS a source willing to do just what you are suggesting IF it continues to be ignored.
I can assure you at this very moment the County Executive and this particular employee have had a coming to Jesus meeting and it will end immediately.
Now, IF it happens to pop up in comment there's nothing I can do about that. In the mean time I'll do things MY way for now and we'll let the chips fall where they may.
I think most people can figure out who it is...who is the best pal of the Department Head who hangs out at Back Street - they have been seen drinking together many, many times. It isn't just the driver of this photographed vehicle that has a drink while driving a county car. What about that Department Head. I do have to say I am aware of responsible county employees who would not even consider doing something like this. As someone stated above - the ones blatantly doing this are in senior positions and think they are above rebuke. They are ARROGANT and need to be slapped down, but I doubt Pollitt has what it takes to do it. Another reason he needs to go - not a strong enough Executive or leader.
should be fired and or the vehicle taken from the sob. Please name the employee so we can all be on the look out.
Here's a challenge for the rest of the local media. If you want facts to back this up, request Rick Pollitts e-mail messages and you will quickly learn ALL of this is factual and true.
However, as I'll explain in an early morning article tomorrow morning around 7 AM you'll see why it will never see the light of day in the Press.
Rick Pollitt - this is an amazing lack of principles for someone in your office. We are now going to see what you are made of.
Could it possibly be that this employee may be aware of or a party to something that Rick dare not have made public?
it's easy to find out who this is. get the license plate number from this picture then drive by the GOB on the side near the Verizon bldg and see what spot this car is parked in. Hint...only two people use this type of car daily. Rick P. is one of them. Can only be one person!!
Strasburg or Creamer, why is creamer still allowed to double dip at the trough?
It must be there are people who respect this county employee or someone would have named him. Unfortunately, I wonder if he deserves the respect if in fact this post is correct and Rick and he were given the opportunity to discontinue this behavior. So let's see if this embarrassment will make a difference. If not then the police need to take action.
Joe--Thank you for publishing the story and photos. We would not see this in our other local "news" media. They are too busy running old news and stories from other states.
A person who would hide a car as this car was hidden shows a total lack of character. What a sad situation that he thinks hiding the car takes care of the problem. And how is he going to discipline an employee who has the same actions?
Joe, you should run for County Executive or a county council seat. Too many liberals in the city.
I've seen Mike Lewis in Backstreet many times. Surprised he hasn't seen this going on.
You'd think the dumb ass would have switched to a personal car by now. This is no different that the lame Sheriff in Somerset who has to pulled out of ditches on a regular basis. You think MSP isn't aware of this? HA HA I laugh in your face. Or what about our buddy now out of the area that people were begging 911 all the way down 50E to stop until finally somebody in OC had to do it? Place is a J O K E! Go get 'em Joe.
no accountability as usual, fools with our money never part, they stick together with a gang mentality
Joe at one time I can honestly say I didn't think much of you and your blog. Not to say I didn't believe in your rights do as you do on your bog. I even was following JT's blog when I started blogging his blog Moore so then yours even. Now days if I want local hard hitting news and facts I come straight here for my reading.
Today I find myself slightly disappointed in you for not releasing the mans name associated with this county vehicle. If in deed this man has been confronted before in the past for this type of issue and he continues to do as he pleases it is in total disregard to the people of this county and public safety . One can only hope this man doesn't kill someone in a county vehicle before he is removed from his position. I wish to thank you for bringing this story to the public eye . if it was not for you many issues such as this would have been simply pushed under the rug over the years.
I would like to add sby news is Delmarva's news leader in my mind and many others on the shore. Your hard hitting stories blow the other out of the water. JT's blog does nothing more then offer lunch menu's and post of cold cases in hopes of one being solved so he can say he and his blog had something to do with solving a case. Oh! We must not for get his hard hitting (how do you feel about) post he puts out. Can you believe this a$$ hat even has a post claiming he stands behind Rick Pollitt for another term?? What a tool .
Anyways keep up the good work. You must have good reasons for keeping this mans name from the public. I just hope it doesn't come to someone having to die on the road before his name is made public.
Where is the Criminal Division of Wicomico County on this? They have the evidence...holmes should be charged...
Yes, the Wicomico County Government good old boy system is still alive, well and operating at its peak. Even though some of the "old guard" are not currently in office, they still have their hands on the puppets especially Tricky Ricky. If the public only knew one half the story of what is "covered up" by them, there would be a tea party on the Wicomico River tonight.
I have worked for the taxpayers of Wicomico County for over 15 years. I have worked hard and can't think of a day that I could go home and not feel that the taxpayers got their dimes worth that day. I knew the pay sucked when I took the job and didn't expect that to change simply because I got a job there....the pay still sucks. oh, well. I have no advantage to take up for the county because I am not using my name. There are department heads that I don't care for and decisions that are made that I sometimes question. But I can say this. The worker bees of the county are constantly, at the insistence of the powers that be, to save money, make good decisions, and we fill out a form every year that is anonymous that goes to an independent auditing company to state if we feel there is any funny business going on. I am not saying that there hasn't been a job or tow handed out over the years that went to a friend or something like that, but I do not believe for a minute that there is any funny business going on. Even if I got canned tomorrow due to budget cuts or whatever, I can't really think of anything bad to say. I am a fairly conservative guy and worked in private sector....was actually surprised at the checks and balances that are in place right now and how tight they are when we buy things. We never do anything without thinking of the public perception first. Sometimes there are things that if it were up to me I would do, but because the public wouldn't understand the reasoning and it would probably save money, they won't do it. I think you guys got it wrong when it comes to the county level. Can't speak for the state or city, but if there was any funny business going on, believe me, it would have been exposed years ago.
anonymous 4:41, Thank you for dedication as well as taking the time to deliver your comment.
anonymous 4:42 I'll thank you as well for your support. I can honestly say I have not been to JT's site in more than 4 years so I cannot say anything in reference to it.
To Sheriff Mike Lewis
Sheriff Mike Lewis will not put his future political career in danger. He will not act upon this. He will, however, have one of us in administration take action by assigning a deputy to handle this. That is all the action that can be taken at this time. Upon furhter review of any action taken by a deputy in this office will determine how Sheriff Lewis will bring this to the public through trusted media sources.
anonymous 5:50, "trusted media sources" Do you mean the media sources who are too afraid of Mike Lewis and will do and say whatever he wants them to?
Mike will ALWAYS get a fair shake here on Salisbury News but let me be very clear here and I'll share with you something I told Mike MANY years ago. IF someone from his department screws up, (including Mike) it WILL get reported on Salisbury news. Mike agreed.
I/We are NOT here to be rebels. We are here to tell the TRUTH and deliver FACTUAL information. Something you obviously do not see or hear from thee other so call "trusted media sources".
Maybe said official will have an affair with MSP trooper's wife and then will get caught…..
As a County employee, I'm disgusted.
Not hard to figure out who this is.
Some people just think they're above the law.
6:09 here: I do have a question though Joe, why not reveal his name?
Dont worry - Rick will not do anything about it. He was notified several years ago when one of his county employees was using the county truck to go to Virginia (chincoteague) and PA. on vacation. This particular division of the county is no longer in existence - but it went on for several years and Rick turned a blind eye.
Don't do as I do, do as I say.
Joe - should we be connecting the dots here - is this person associated with the $3.5 million mistake you reported on yesterday. Someone dropped the ball, misjudged - whatever term you want to use - on the revenue projection. Is this the same person now using this kind of poor judgment? Do we have multiple people with bad judgment? Do they answer to Pollitt? What is he doing about it?
anonymous 6:49, YES, absolutely.
This is VERY ALARMING if this person is also involved with the revenue shortfall. A person with either poor judgment or incredible arrogance is in a very important position affecting our financial picture....and that my friends, includes your pocket book too. This county is a rudderless ship. Scary!!!
5:50pm What is there to act on legally?
All the jobs O'Malley, Pollitt, Day and Ireton claim to be creating should make up that county deficit in short order.
Joe --
You have no problem in identifying City officials by name in publicizing their conduct, so why don't you ID this County official?
Why is the County using huge gas-hog cars like this one?
This is Wayne Strausberg's car. Why is it being hidden ?
Andy's Place 2nd.)
I've said this before and I will say it again, this is the kind of stuff that makes this site great. Without this site we would never know about all the government corruption that takes place. Thanks to Joe the people that are paid with our tax dollars always need to be looking over their shoulders and I for one think that is a good thing.
SALISBURY — A Wicomico County Detention Center employee faces charges in connection with thefts from the detention center.
The Wicomico Bureau of Investigation was notified by detention center administrators Tuesday that someone was taking items. Detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Arthur Laron Byrd, 37, on Wednesday, and he was taken into custody while working at the detention center, according to WBI.
The Wicomico Bureau of Investigation said the execution of the search-and-seizure warrant yielded additional stolen items, and additional charges are pending.
He faces charges of theft less than $1,000 and theft less than $100 for incidents between Nov. 1 and Dec. 14, 2013, and was released on personal recognizance, online court records show.
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore at 410-548-1776.
So, this is Wayne Strausburg? He needs to at least go home and get his own vehicle for this purpose, and now his wife will know what he does at work!
Time to pay the Piper!
What n idiot!
This is hilarious!Wayne, you need a break!
Great article! Great comments!
My question is why do all these people have "take home cars" !!! Can you imagine how much would be saved if they didn't !!!
Wayne Strausburg needs to be fired. He should have never been hired in the first place.
Anonymous said...
My question is why do all these people have "take home cars" !!! Can you imagine how much would be saved if they didn't !!!
January 23, 2014 at 11:18 PM
Not much
anonymous 1:44, Your an Idiot.
It says on the County website that he is serving a 3 year term on the Ethics Commission.
How ironic is that ?
8:00 That's not irony, that's the good old boy's system. This really didn't change my mind about Pollitt though, I wasn't going to vote for him again anyway.
Wayne was probably meeting his buddy Mackes. They meet for drinks all the time. Remember Mackes supposedly bought a $57k SUV on our dime that he now drives. If Wayne is getting nailed, so should Mackes - I'm sure Mackes isn't driving home and getting his personal vehicle before meeting Wayne.
With that said, I agree with comments about "take home" cars. Why does Wayne need one - and some of the other county employees. Most just use them to drive back and forth to work - and we are paying for the gas and the vehicle. The only time they should "need" a county vehicle would be for meetings outside of the county. It would be cheaper to pay mileage than to maintain a fleet of vehicles so these people can drive to and from work. ANOTHER SCREWING OF THE CITIZENS!
Isn't it a conflict for Strasberg to be on Ethics when he is part of the Executive's office? Does anyone in the county executive office use their heads. They make one mistake after another with no common sense and some financially devastating. What the H@LL is wrong with those people?
Joe this is such an important post can you please move to top so we can easily read all the comments. Thank you.
anonymous 9:37, I moved it up to the first post for today but not the top post. People need to start using the Top 5 articles of the week on the top left hand side of this Blog. Amazingly enough, this article rose to number ONE in only hours. So if you click on that link it will take you to this article with ease.
Thanks Joe. I am didn't realize about the Top 5. Some of us aren't as tech savvy as we should be. This helps!
all I can say, let one of these gentleman get in an accident and in a county vehicle, while under the influence and the county will be more then 2.7million in the red. Can someone say lawsuit?
If the cars aren't for personal use, then it's theft of county property to drive them home right, because they're not on the job. I say they arrest them like they did the CO for stealing toilet paper.
I think in Wicomico County, they term it unauthorized use of livestock, motor vehicle, etc.
Policy? POLICY!!?? How about the LAW? When does the county (or ANY government entity) need a "policy statement" to keep employee from violating the law? Really?
"Your honor, I know I was driving drunk, but the county never had a policy against it, so I thought it was okay"....
We, the people, go to jail and pay huge fines and penalties.
Government workers and cops get some sissy-ace "come to Jesus" talking to.....
Which is supposed to make 'we, the people' believe something is actually being done and there are penalties and punishments for EVERYONE who breaks the law, not just the ones with a job and no connections.
Keep cheering.
This person is nothing more than a coward, hiding his car so he can booze it up. What else is he hiding from the taxpayers these are the kind of people that Pollitt hires. Pollitt you should resign and take this flunky with you.
Maybe our local officials will start feeling a little more responsible to the people with a REAL local news media around. Thanks for the good work Joe.
This is a dead story, no post at 7 a.m. and what's going to happen. Nothing, have a good day. The HR Director won't deal with this she's part of the good ole boy or girls system.
ha ok it was me there you got me but cant pass up on free drinks and food all nite plus company car to take home you people have to stpo crying mcdonalds is hiring
How is the her director supposed to deal with this when it is her boss that is accused?
Easy she's in an appointed position and if she doesn't do her job then the county will not have any confidence in the system. How can she enforce rules on lower level employees, but not upper level administrators. She needs to disgust with his boss, but like you said it's her boss, guess top positions will always be untouchable. So she in essence is one of the good ole gals. Point proven.
Joe noticed the story died, did they threaten you if you didn't stop?
there is so much corruption in the county that it needs to be dealt with from the federal level. because people like this and others that work for the county that drink and drive could get in an accident and hurt or kill innocent people. and even then they will try to sweep it under the rug.
Of course while drinking and driving is not ever acceptable, to do so in a government vehicle shows signs of someone who has not ever matured into a responsible adult.
Why don't we have Wayne chauffeured around in a fire truck? They are used for everything else, especially trips to sub shops and bars. Problem solved.
Noticed that Politt won't comment about this issue which indicates a level of truth to the story.
4:12 Father was a so called judge but guess what?.........son is a total failure!LOL
Anonymous said...
Wayne Strausburg needs to be fired. He should have never been hired in the first place.
January 24, 2014 at 1:42 AM
I can't agree with you more! That RINO slithered his way into a cushy job. His English's business was a failure and the Democrat hired him anyway. That is how Democrats roll!
Why should the taxpayers supple vehicles to county employees for after hours entertainment.
I like it actually.It gives the county character.
Welcome to Weeekeemeeko County Boy!!!!! Did anyone see him derinking
If this employee is drinking and driving, he should be charged with the DUI and be suspended from his job until he has had substance abuse treatment. Simple as that. He needs to be held accountable but also get the help he obviously needs.
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