- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 22:06:12Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 20:21:06Nature: Syncopal EpisodeCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 19:18:46Nature: Intoxicated SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 16:54:48Nature: Heart PatientCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 15:37:17Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 15:04:02Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 106 Truitt St Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 13:50:23Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 13:03:27Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 12:24:01Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 12:13:16Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 11:00:15Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 10:59:46Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 10:57:42Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 09:49:59Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 08:00:14Nature: Emergency UnknownCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 07:48:50Nature: Structure FireAddress: 209 Buena Vista Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 07:48:49Nature: Structure FireCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 07:48:47Nature: Structure FireAddress: 209 Buena Vista Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 07:30:07Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 01:58:59Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday December, 26 2013 @ 01:31:14Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 29, 2013
SFD Calls For Service 12-26-13
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All ambulance calls except one house fire. Still doesn't justify a 24 hour round the clock paid fire department. They do nothing to recruit volunteers because they don't want volunteers. They run them off. Invest more time and effort and resources in the EMS division.
Volunteers probably can't do Pro Qa's?
Are not one of you nerds going to tell us what the FD did wrong at the house fire?
I know there has to be something you arm chair fire chiefs think was done wrong. Come on, show us your knowledge. Or lack thereof.
I see it another way. Two comments yesterday, three today and many days none. Does this few comments with no intelligent content or productive dialog justify this thread that appears everyday. What does this thread prove JOE ?
If you are so threatened by Joe's post for Calls for Service why come here? This information is posted on the Salisbury Fire Departments own website. Why do you get so upset when Joe posts it here?
I agree with the above comment. Maye if they spent more money on trying to recruit volunteers we could say the city some money.
Anon 1:46 PM, you must be offended by the last sentence 12:47 wrote.
He was just asking for the arm chair Fire Chiefs input.
The department spent $ 5000 two different times on recruiting drives. TV ads, newspaper ads and radio air time. Both drives produced much of any viable candidates. Those who did join failed to remain more than a year. The fact that the fire department spent $ 5000 drew more than its share of criticism. The sad news is that volunteerism has fallen everywhere. Government mandates of 130 hours for Firefighter 1 training, Haz Mat Awareness and FEMA training before their first call often runs Volunteers away. Not to mention the time required to answer alarms. Ambulance Squads have rapidly trended to paid membership and nobody ever questions that trend. The theory that Salisbury should have more volunteers sounds good, but you have to have the horses to run the race. Times have changed and Salisbury is not exempt.
Careful anon 4:16pm you speak of common sense here of which the followers of sbynews.com have none when it come to running a fire department.
How in the world could anyone be offended by that last sentence?
We see this list day after day with hardly any fire calls on the list. When one appears maybe once a week you firemen jump on here like we should pat you on the back. Give it a rest. If you dont like Joe posting this don't come here. It's a choice only you can make. No one is forcing you to come here. I think you just like to bitch and moan about something.
I have had dealing with the Salisbury fire department and I have to say some of you wouldn't know what professionalism is if it jumped up and bit you in the behind.
Anonymous said...
The department spent $ 5000 two different times on recruiting drives. TV ads, newspaper ads and radio air time. Both drives produced much of any viable candidates. Those who did join failed to remain more than a year. The fact that the fire department spent $ 5000 drew more than its share of criticism. The sad news is that volunteerism has fallen everywhere. Government mandates of 130 hours for Firefighter 1 training, Haz Mat Awareness and FEMA training before their first call often runs Volunteers away. Not to mention the time required to answer alarms. Ambulance Squads have rapidly trended to paid membership and nobody ever questions that trend. The theory that Salisbury should have more volunteers sounds good, but you have to have the horses to run the race. Times have changed and Salisbury is not exempt.
December 27, 2013 at 4:16 PM
Um... Please tell us the dates and times that the Salisbury Fire Department spent $10,000 on recruitment drives. Please tell us when? I noticed you failed to mention the evidence.
Also please let us know how you demonstrated the facts that none of the recruited members stayed more than a year?
2005 and 2008 volunteer media campaigns. Salisbury even hosted the training classes at station 16 so candidates would not have to travel as other volunteers do. MFRI instructors did the class which typically started with over 30 candidates. Before the class ended there were less than 10. Your blog site posted a story critical of Bill Gordy for spending that kind of money. Salisbury candidates now travel to Princess Anne or other locations to get their firefighter 1 training. There are openings at every station in Salisbury and wicomico county. People just don't have the time or interest anymore. Get used to it because the problem isn't a Salisbury problem. Its an every department problem.
Mr Abero. As an outsider looking in there are a few things I do not understand. First, how do you make judgment on a fire department when you have no formal or otherwise fire service experience ? Second, how do you speak of fire department goings on when you are not a member or ever enter any city firehouse. Its a fair expectation that you would have some association to make the statements you make. Please answer my questions.
8:48 you state the Salisbury Fire Department had volunteer media campaigns in 2005 and 2008? Well you still don't get it. This is 2014 and still nothing has been done. 2005 was 9 years ago so the first comment was accurate. If you think recruiting twice in the last ten years you are an idiot. Again the City and the Salisbury Fire Department do nothing to recruit and retain volunteer firemen.
Today is 12/29/14? Wow! I guess it it will be 2015 on Wed..
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