Maybe the president didn’t understand the basic architecture of his own health care law, which depends on a government takeover of the individual insurance market. The rules governing the new system impose a novel federal definition of insurance on the country, and plans that don’t meet it, regardless of how well they may have served their customers in the past, are, by and large, verboten. Some are grandfathered, but the rules are strict and a great many existing plans won’t pass muster.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 03, 2013
No, You Can’t Keep It
So far the part of the Obamacare rollout that is going most smoothly and affecting the most people is the cancellation of current insurance polices. In states around the country, hundreds of thousands of people are getting notices from insurers that their plans are no longer allowed by the law. All told, 16 million people may be dumped from their policies, in flagrant contradiction of President Obama’s famous promise that you can keep your health plan if you like it.
Maybe the president didn’t understand the basic architecture of his own health care law, which depends on a government takeover of the individual insurance market. The rules governing the new system impose a novel federal definition of insurance on the country, and plans that don’t meet it, regardless of how well they may have served their customers in the past, are, by and large, verboten. Some are grandfathered, but the rules are strict and a great many existing plans won’t pass muster.
Maybe the president didn’t understand the basic architecture of his own health care law, which depends on a government takeover of the individual insurance market. The rules governing the new system impose a novel federal definition of insurance on the country, and plans that don’t meet it, regardless of how well they may have served their customers in the past, are, by and large, verboten. Some are grandfathered, but the rules are strict and a great many existing plans won’t pass muster.
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He wants single payer system like they use in EUROPE...this will destroy the free market more.
You can't keep it if it doesn't meet minimum coverage standard.
Obama should be impeached for lying to Congress, the Supreme Court, and the people.
That's not what Obama said 1:38 once again proving his utter ignorance. He said you could keep your existing insurance-PERIOD.
Every single day the moron proves time and time again his stupidity. This is supposed to be his signature law-his baby-and the ignoramus doesn't even know how it works himself. It's been said before and I will repeat it. If he is the best the African American community has to offer than no wonder their communities are overwhelmingly nothing but cess pools of crime and poverty. Dogs have a better set of standards.
2:10 You are correct. 1:38 is also showing his utter ignorance as well. When this all began there were no stipulations on keeping your existing health plan. Obama is a liar.
You idiots hear what you want to hear, oh and 2:10, you are a raving racist and should be shot.
What's not true about 2:10's comment 3:07? It's the truth and you know it and because you know it and have no defense you cry racist-LOL-and so typical.
Another thing Obama never ever said their were strings attached to being able to keep your current insurance. No one missed it.
You are the typical Obama supporter. Someone who the lies flow out of their mouths so easily.
Oh so Obama said you could keep your insurance if it met minimum standards 3:07?
I'll answer for you-NO HE DIDN'T.
The comment wasn't racist. It's true. As a matter of fact it's what everyone says behind black people faces-everyone.
3:07 is the problem and what is wrong with Black communities. When you scream racism all that proves is you've been beaten down and have a victim mentality. Rarely will black people break away from this mentality.
One shining departure is the mother of Dr Ben Carson. Little education, couldn't read and worked at several white people's homes as a maid. They lived in the projects amidst severe poverty and high crime. Unlike most blacks she didn't play the blame/racism game. She studied what made these people a success and demanded it in her sons by emulating the behaviour of these wealthy white people.
Though little formal education she is a brilliant woman. She refused to follow the usual mantra of other blacks and has 2 extremely successful sons to show for it.
Remember what Martin Luther King said... it's about character and obama has none he is a liar and does the relect well on african americans who work hard.. but Dr Carson this white boy would vote for that type of black character in a hearbeat...
You can't keep it if it doesn't meet minimum coverage standard.
October 30, 2013 at 1:38 PM
Yeah, "minimum coverage"...that is GREAT for the 70 year old man with the vasectomy that he now has maternity coverage! People have to pay for stuff they don't want and don't need to pay for all the others that will not have to must be soooo dumb that the government has to tell you what you need...I think you need some more Kool-Aid
6:45 Isn't a 70 year old on medicare?
The government should get out of the healthcare business. It is not their job to sell any product, period.
TO the American people anyway. I'm not talking about the drugs they bring in or the guns and weapons they sell and trade IN THIS COUNTRY.
It is the job of CONGRESS to REGULATE commerce, NOT TO CREATE IT.
Government needs to go on a very strict diet post haste. It has gotten much too large, and it is unhealthy for them and US.
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