Twitter has suspended the account belonging to ‘Truckers for the Constitution’, a group that has received national media attention over its plan to roadblock traffic in DC and arrest members of Congress later this week.

Although the event, scheduled for Friday, has been public for around a week, it went viral this morning after being covered in a lengthy piece by U.S. News & World Report which was also linked on the Drudge Report.
“We are not going to ask for impeachment,” the group’s organizer Earl Conlon said. “We are coming whether they like it or not. We’re not asking for impeachment, we’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.”
Out of curiosity, once they arrest these Congresspeople, where are they going to take them?
Freedom of speech is slowly fading away. Oh wait. Only if you think differently from the left. Thank a liberal thug.
so their intention is to clog up the traffic on 495. Will there be someone their to signify the "start" of the clogged traffic? It's ALWAYS clogged. Those people are accustomed to it. Cue the clown music.
lmao at 12:48, it's only clogged when some fool f's up and that's usually around peak travel time. Which may be every minute of the day when these guys get rolling!
2:42 you prove my point. It's ALWAYS clogged up. Please define peak time. Sometime between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m.?
Do not listen to Earl Conlon. This is not the same one as the REAL protest. He is trying to help, HELP, the gov. declare martial law.
Don't fall for it.
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