Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel announced he would challenge U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran in the Republican primary next year, a day after the GOP’s senior senator voted to end the 16-day government shutdown and grant President Obama more borrowing authority.
Mr. McDaniel immediately

“Our country can’t afford

For the past two weeks, the deep divisions within the GOP have been on very public display.
The tea party will not get it until the entire country is given over to left wing liberals by default. These people that you call RINOs are true Republicans who can save this country. By the time the true effect that the TP has on the two party system is figured out our country will not be recognizable. You may be wondering how can that be??? Well the TP may win primaries but the will not win general elections (with minor exceptions). So who wins general elections, the liberals! Wait and see. History will not be kind to the TP movement. They are responsible for putting Democrats in control.
Keep on them and Rip apart the foodstamps make them WORK LIKE GULIANI DID.
What 11:24 said
I'm still trying to figure out what 1124 said. How would a bunch of Constitutionalist TEA Party folk be responsible for putting Democrat Socialists in office" This one baffles me!
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