DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Salisbury Police Vehicle
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DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Why was he out of his area...???..visiting his girlfriend? ...report him.
Nothing will be done.
Did you get the tag number or car number?
anonymous 12:42, yes, I did.
Keep right unless passing, If you want to sit in the left lane expect to have your bumper ridden.
The left lane is no longer considered a passing lane..
don't want to beat you over the head Joe, but 135 is correct, save one thing. Riding someone's bumper is a violation also. No matter who does it.
Scumbag government people think laws are just for you and me.
I would've Locked up my brakes $$$$$$.........and Joe I agree with 135.....62 in the fast lane is ludacris.
I don,t normally make a comment but could not let this one go. I always thought the speed limit was the same in both lanes.If I am doing the speed limit no matter what lane stay off my bumper!!!
October 18, 2013 at 9:33 PM
That is what the law says. And the law also says keep to the right. If people were not so aggressive and stayed in the right lane, all traffic would move smoother.
But some people do not like being passed for some reason. They think it is an attack on their manhood? They have to prove they can drive fast too?
All it proves is that they are a pita and they don't know how to drive.
You were speeding. Having said that to hopefully prevent some kind soul from pointing that out to me, actually for a police vehicle to exceed the speed limit it is required under the MD Motor Vehicle Act to activate its emergency equipment. Of course none of them do it.
What law book are you making your reference from 1:00?
There is a Salisbury police officer that rides back and forth to Snow Hill everyday.
1:35, people like you are the cause of many problems on the road. Tailgating is ILLEGAL. If the driver was going 62 mph (speeding, by the way as noted by 9:14 am), what was the problem? Oh, right, road rage-afflicted "special" people who don't have to follow the rules (speed limit 55) want to drive 70+. Your comment is ludicrous. I hope you get a whopper of a speeding ticket along with tailgating and reckless driving!
Just one more thought ... sometimes folks get in the left lane anticipating a left turn and not being able to get over from the right lane in time. Get a grip - just go the speed limit in both lanes and everyone will get where they're going unharmed.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don,t normally make a comment but could not let this one go. I always thought the speed limit was the same in both lanes.If I am doing the speed limit no matter what lane stay off my bumper!!!
October 18, 2013 at 9:33 PM
You are correct, but the left lane is the passing lane then stay out of the left lane if you are not passing. It is none of your business if someone is driving faster than the speed limit. You are not a cop or the judge and jury. Follow the law that says slow moving traffic must stay in the right lane. If someone is driving 60 and you have your ignorant butt planted in the passing lane then move over. Moron!
Anonymous said...
Just one more thought ... sometimes folks get in the left lane anticipating a left turn and not being able to get over from the right lane in time. Get a grip - just go the speed limit in both lanes and everyone will get where they're going unharmed.
October 19, 2013 at 11:32 AM
I just happened to be following a slow poke in the passing lane in Fruitland the other day and I just knew he was going to make a left turn. I followed him all the way to Pocomoke doing 55 mph and low and behold he made a left turn on Rt. 113. Yep he held up nearly 40 cars at various so that he could make that left hand turn just 30 miles down the road.
I had a Berlin State Trooper do the same thing to me from Salisbury to Steven Decatur High School...As we approached the light I pulled to the right and than behind him at the STOPPED LIGHT; he turned his lights on and gave me a $180.00 ticket for following him too close after the light turned green and he pulled in behind me again...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What law book are you making your reference from 1:00?
October 19, 2013 at 9:46 AM
Seriously? You're another one of those that don't know the rules of the road? Do a search of traffic laws, it won't take you long to find it I promise.
5:15 PM
Can you explain that a little better please?
Anonymous said...
Just one more thought ... sometimes folks get in the left lane anticipating a left turn and not being able to get over from the right lane in time. Get a grip - just go the speed limit in both lanes and everyone will get where they're going unharmed.
October 19, 2013 at 11:32 AM
That's fine, if the left turn is within, say, a mile. Or maybe in a town. Open road? Not so much. If someone cannot adjust their speed to safely change lanes, or turn around and come back, they need to take a driving course.
And use your signals.
Should have given you a ticket. 6 miles over limit
That's Tim Robinson's vehicle.
I don't believe MD code requires right lane if not passing. It is also legal to pass on the right as a result. The code may have been changed, if so some of you lawyer clowns can put me in front of a firing squad. The left lane losers really jack my jaw also, but what can you do? Just chill out and it'll be fine even though you do want to run them into a tree.
Lt. Tim Robinson is NOT with The Salisbury Police Department, he is with The Wicomico Co. Sheriff's Office. Which is it? SPD or WCSO vehicle you saw and reported. If you are going to start playing "Guess who the speeding cop is?" At least get the department or agency correct. I also used to be singled out every morning on the way to Mardela Middle & High School for speeding in my patrol vehicle. Odd thing is people were able to read my plate number, car number, and small identifiers on the vehicle. Must have really been moving fast in order to get SOOOO close to identify who was driving and had an accurate speed when calling it in saying “That Salisbury cop was going 100 MPH in his sheriff’s car”.
Yep, that accuracy for you.
@11:30, You seem to be the only one getting all riled up and acting entitled. I'm perfectly calm when driving, you on the other hand seem like a liability on the road. Maybe go take some anger management classes?
5:16 AM
It doesn't matter what you "believe", what matters is what the law says. As far as I know most, if not all, states have left lane restrictions. There are even signs along the highways to remind people like you.
I'm not sure what the law says about passing on the right. I know it shouldn't be done, but is a common practice nowadays because people will not get out of the left lane.
Did they stop giving written exams before passing out permits and driver licenses?
5:29 AM
ur a friggen idiot. and ur a cop?! wow.
I hope you move this to the top of the page instead of letting it fall off the bottom, Joe.
It seems there are still a lot of people out there that don't know traffic laws, and I suspect one of them is a cop.
OMG you people really are clueless. You can't drive, you have poor judgement, and your opinions are stupid. 5:29, you tell-em. these people can't figure out who is driving what. In the words of our great Sheriff Mike Lewis: Why do cops speed? answer: Because we can! Just ask any Trooper flying down RT50 going 120. Oh by the way people, The Trooper cars of MSP are brown and an Olive Green color. Just so you don't confuse yourselves saying, "that Trooper was speeding in his deputy vehicle". But, most likely someone will screw it up and need to call the police to get them straight, as usual because you are a bunch of cry babies that love to scream"Not Fair, not fair, booh-hoo, that is not fair"
I think Cpl. Lee Stevens should be Sheriff. He would clean that place up, to include Wicomico County. That Guy is squared away and an awesome leader.
This is not an SPD vehicle. Once again, swing and a miss!
anonymous 8:52, OMG, how do people like you come up with such BS? It's car # 12 from the SPD, you Idiot.
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