"Within a few days, the Senate will be called on to vote on whether to give the President of the United States limited authority to use military action in response to Syrian President Assad's use of chemical weapons against his own people," she said. "It is an enormous and grave decision. It is the most serious vote I can take. When a United States Senator is called upon to authorize the use of American military action or military might, it calls for the most sober reflection, the most due diligent analysis of the facts and the compelling need. It is one of the few votes that you cannot take back."
She said many of her constituents are against the decision to strike Syria.
someplace a bridge is missing its troll
The mouth that roared
Same old crap from a Democrat. She says she has listened to her constituents. Since when did she start doing that? Most people were not in favor of Obamacare and she knew it, but voted for it anyway, without reading all of it. Babs suffers from a selective hearing problem. She only hears what she wants to hear.
She is an embaresment to MD and an idiot
If Obama jumped off a bridge, do you think she would too? Imagine it for a moment. The happy thought for today!
I fully support a strike against Barbara Mikulski.
Obama never came up with an idea that Mikulski didn't like. She is such a liberal.
She'll have another Natty Boh too!
send her over there, she will scare them all to death just by looking at them. thanks sjd
If she supports a strike against Syria, send her, then we'll see how much she supports it then. What an idiot.
I asked how the calls were running and I was told 9 - 1 against. hmmmm. and she still goes along with the muslim liar in chief. my goodness; where are her brains?
NO don't answer this please.
I spoke to her once about my disdain for gun control...she said she believes in gun control, does not share my beliefs and all persons should turn in their guns
1:22 If Mikulski jumped off a bridge over water there would be a devastating tidal wave.
The evening I called, the tally was NO calls were for action; and ALL calls were for no action! So, how does she "represent" anyone?
anonymous 4:24, Maryland elections are fixed, that's how. She represents no one but the left wing nut jobs.
Has Barb ever voted against Obama? This Old Looney Toon needs to retire. Or if she really wants attack Syria I suggest to "attach" her to one of the rockets. Barb, YOU ARE BEING FIRED!
Democrats are such hypocrites
another reason to get as far away as possible from Maryland the sooner the better
Wow. Shame on you, Babs. Some of your constituents died in the Pentagon on 9/11/01 and now you're proposing helping their al Qaeda brothers in Syria.
Barb STOP KISSING BARRY's ARSE! You suppose to represent the People of Maryland and your crooked leftwing liberals of Democ-rat party. But I guess you "forgot".
Correction!.....and NOT your Crooked leftwing liberals of Democ-Rat party. Typo Error on 1st one.
Sometimes when you call her office, a (I think it is a woman) answers with a very heavy smokers voice will listen to you for a minute, IF she likes what you are saying...when they were ramming Obamacare down our throats the other year, as soon as I was trying to talk calmly about opposing it, she got angry, very short with me, and transferred me to an answering machine...Thanks for listening Babs & company! An embarrassment to the formerly free state of Maryland.
How is it that her constituents hate the idea but she does what the hell she wants anyway?
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