Both suspects have severe injuries to their faces, but the victims - we're told - are doing just fine. The pair who allegedly attempted an armed robbery had the tables turned on them Tuesday night, becoming victims themselves, so to speak.
Johnny Calderon Jr., 19, is facing four charges: two for attempted robbery, one for pointing a firearm and one for using a firearm in the commission of a felony. More
Bright looking young men there!
Talk about "Stand Your Ground". This is great; my sides hurt from laughing so hard. I wonder if these two idiots had hoodies on yelling,"justice for Travon,yo" while they were getting thier asses handed to them.
We need more news like this where the good guys win once in a while.
Good for the STUDENTS
Wow. Best news I heard all day! Someone opened up a can of Whoop-A@@ on these two idiots. Bravo and Job Well Done, Kudos to students of UVA. Hold on, I have a feeling "Rever-rats" Sharpton and Jackson will be making an appearance soon.
To all women out there...self defense classes are so good for every woman as they teach preventative measures and common sense in such cases. If I had a daughter she would be in a class. Carry your keys if you have a car alarm so you can activate it if needed is one hint.
They are lucky it was not me because they would be dead.
This is racist! One has dark skin and the other is clearly very stupid! The students should have just given up their money and valuables. Can't buy alcohol and drugs with the baby momma's food card you know. Now they'll have to get on a talk show with Al Sharpton to discuss suing the University for unleashing these violent racist students on the poor thieves.
Hi,I'm Earl Scheib,and I can bandage those wounds for $39.95.
9:22 you are an IDIOT
Someone here clearly doesn't recognize or understand sarcasm.
lol this is the best thing I have seen in awile.
Don't forget that the one thug would probably look like Obama's son..........except for the giant knot on his eye
Sarcasm is wonderful .. but I have found that every time I try it here someone gets upset b/c they believe that I am taking up for preK programs which shouldn't be needed to begin with. Some people are just wound too tight.
And these idiots can VOTE!! Scary, isn't it? Guess who they probably voted for..
Stand your ground and give them a dose of their own BS
LOL! Poor babies! Still wannabe thugs? Come to my house! You'll die laughing!
Put these 2 on a redneck dating site and no one would be the wiser.
Wish kids in public school who are victims of thugs like these two would fight back.
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