DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Station 16 Assessed At $513,400.00, Sold For $85,000.00
Heck, I paid $475,000.00 cash for my building Downtown and now it's only assessed at around $300,000.00.
Gillis paid $5,000.00 for Feldman's and $85,000.00 for the old Fire Station. Am I missing something here? The old Fire Station is worth, (AT LEAST) $513,400.00, as is.
Some have come on here saying that Gillis will turn these properties into GOLD. From experience I can tell you first hand, they have created a Great Depression in Downtown Salisbury and the ONLY people making out are the Gillis'.
The assessment above clearly shows the old Fire Station is worth a hell of a lot more money than it was sold for, AS IT SITS!
Perhaps it's time the Downtown property owners find a lawyer that would be interested in a class action lawsuit against the City of Salisbury for depreciating our investments so much.
The hilarious part is, Ireton wants YOU taxpayers to revitalize Downtown. He wants to give away EDU's and impact fees to build subsidized housing units which will again lower property values Downtown even further.
The big question now is, you taxpayers are seeing first hand what the assessed value is on this property. Are you going to accept the sale of $85,000.00? Are you seeing ANY of this in the Main Stream Media?
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Gillis is a crook, and needs to go to Washington with all the other Democrooks!
I am not a mathematician, but my calculations tells me that Jim Ireton and Jake Day owe the tax payers $428,400.
And guess what, my taxes are going up and this fool hits the jack pot. You can't tell me that Jim Ireton and Jake Day weren't bought and paid for by the realtors/develpers!
This is piss poor management of our money folks. No wonder this city is nearing bankruptcy.
Oh, and Ireton wants to sell of YOUR parking lots for pennies on the dollar to build those subsidized housing units too. Remember Folks, those are YOUR parking lots!
I should add, (before some jackass challenges me) my building is similar, (if not larger) than the Fire Department and is complete remodeled, (all three floors). It has three finished apartments in it as well.
A sale like this tanks everyoneelses values and the tax base along with it. Nice going Jim and Jake. Bring Debbie Campbell back. This never would have happened on her watch.
Does Brad Gillis have any ties to the RE pack that spent so much money on mailings, etc for Jake's campaign?
I don't live in Salisbury. I have grown up with that building in my life. I can't believe the citizens of Salisbury gave this property away! Why the citizens? Because of the damned clowns you voted into office. Personally you deserve the tax hike and any other crazy fines those clowns decide to tax you with.
A lot of people over paid for property. The real estate bubble is still way way over inflated.
Good Grief! man you better get rid of that elephant. Nothing is going to be of value down there if it's turned into low cost housing.
This is what you voted for and it just got started and those that dif not it was the same ad a vote for the dummies
458, of course not; well a little. mostly. but not much. Nothing to do with Gillis Gilkerson! Nope, only a little, but not much, except his company, GG is funded by a close relative, but it doesn't count 'cause they're separately licensed. So, nope, nothing.
Did you get to hear his answer to Tim Spies' question for final clarification of the relationship/ Non-? He spilled the beans! He had to!
Tim, that question was genius. Even Brad didn't know any beans were spilled!
My lord! Now I understand why Terry Cohen looked like she was going to throw up last night and wouldn't take part in the vote.
Personally I don't know why the city is farting around with Gillis. Their record or lack there of speaks for itself. They've been around downtown for forever and downtown has progressively gotten worse.
I don't see the fascination Ireton and others have with them. What am I missing?
Can we say kickbacks!The good ole boy system is alive and well in Salisbury. Jim Ireton is out of control and he know's that you the citizens won't do anything except complain.
Gillis is a good ol' boy. He gets $$$ while the regular folk get screwed.
Was the property sold in accordance with the City Charter's provisions regarding the sale and disposal of City assets and real property? Normally a bid process, either sealed or open is required by law.
What every other property owner needs to do in downtown yourself included Joe is to now challenge your assessments. If the city officials say this is what property is worth then they should know.
Concerned citizen need to file a lawsuit which would without a doubt at the minimum halt the sale of the property. From what I understand the city failed to follow their own rules by removing the restrictions on the property (procedure not followed) besides the lack of competitive bidding AFTER restrictions removed.
I don't think the lowering surrounding property values angle is going to float because this isn't your typical arms length sale.
Some of us want more free stuff from Salisbury. With the addition of Jake Day's support, we are realizing this. I want to move into nice quarters in Salisbury while collecting my food stamps and stuff. It make the city a much better place to want to live in.
Uh, I don't understand the term "taxpayer". Can someone explain what that is? Do I have to apply for another government program to qualify for this too?
I'm glad I don't live in Salisbury, but at the same time, it's frustrating living nearby and being saddled with the poor decisions of Salisbury voters.
I watched the news tonight. It is always so funny after Joe does the story first the liberal media has to do there own version. Joe gave us the truth. Gillis seems like he is very phony. Look at how long the city council and former mayor no good Barrie have been talking about making downtown thriving again. Its been years and years and nothing has happend. You have this homo and a city council that are on the same path. Today was an example of another waste of money at the expense of the taxpayer. Giving away property for half the value and nothing is going to be done. Smoke and mirrors. And of course the homo mayor and Fake Day will chant and cheer like they have really made another accomplishment and that is a bunch of crap. Look at the old mall, The Bricks, The old movie theater that was donated to the arts council and is not there anymore.Downtown Salisbury is stagnant and will continue to be until the right leadership comes in.
low info voters and no info voters always vote for liberals who have no common sense; no business sense and love to spend taxpayers money until they run out. they will never do what is right for their community and it's citizens; only what is expedient and good for their pockets.
isn't that just peachy keen???
go figure it out for yourselves.
Salisbury residents are learning a valuable lesson. You can dress up those involved in this up but in the end they are no better than common thieves. This is a reflection of their values and lack of a moral upbringing.
Does this come as any surprise? A mayor who runs from the police? A councilman who has such a need to show off that he speeds to the point of it being pathological, refusing to learn a lesson and putting others in danger? 2 councilwomen with too many difficulties to mention?
Why would anyone expect honesty from this bunch? It's not in them. They were never taught and it's carried over into their adult lives.
Salisbury needs more gay destinations like Rehobeth. The problem is that it's too expensive. Governor O'Malley should pour in a bunch of money to Salisbury to make it a more attractive city for gays to live in. That would help force traditional families out of town in favor with more modern family relationships. Low income housing will help us be complete families.
7:51 What planet did you fall from. Any idiot knows what a taxpayer is. Are you really that stupid. Everyone knows if you own a business or work for someone that you have to pay taxes.Unless your a leech and mooch of the government or fraud.
8:32..never gonna happen..I have been following this blog from the beginning and a distance.(not salisbury).i find the salisbury politics amusing and a joke..leadership HA..bite your tounge...lol..after the parade of incompetence after years of elections...they will continue to be insignificant little city controlled by government welfare..slums.. ..false sense of security..corrupt developers and politicans...service industries jobs....joes site is a breath of fresh air.exposing what we all know is true but cant prove in a court of law ..BACK ROOM DEALS..at the expense of anyone stupid enough to live in salisbury..i hear everyword you say and agree ..libtards cannot run a city..but sure are doing a fine job of ruining it
I agree 9:41 and I too am and have watched from afar. The same group that turned Salisbury into an Armpit of the Eastern Shore supported this new group of incompetence. What silly stupid voters the city has.
Chew the up and spit them out Joe. Nothing like a little sunshine under that rock.
9:56 - please don't label all city voters silly and stupid. I happen to be a city voter and did not vote for this mayor or the council president. I do not like what is happening in Salisbury but the few who are concerned cannot change the dirty back room deals that go on daily.
I hope that this is the top post all week. Turn the heat up on the scoundrels and scaly wags:)
This is one big SNAFU!
The last time Gillis bid $100,000 on that building it was APPRAISED at over $700,000, I don't remember the tax assessment figure. Did they get the 2 open space properties on the river with it?
Anonymous said...
Does Brad Gillis have any ties to the RE pack that spent so much money on mailings, etc for Jake's campaign?
July 9, 2013 at 4:58 PM
I have been watching this Gillis and the good ole boy network do this downtown for the past 25 years. That's how it go's.
while we may object, there's no recourse.
for mare to tell Cohen to get out of the way, what would he say to the rest of us. we can't sue & we're not being heard. HELP!
How can it be assessed at over 500,000 and sold for a paltry 85,000? There has to be some illegal goings on. I'd like to see the "procedural" errors explored, but outside that, what can we do? What can be done?
Why hasn't anyone addressed the real problem?
Salisbury went south the day commercial and residential property owners lost their voting rights because they don't reside in Salisbury.
Taxation without representation.
Unbelievable... Just want to make sure I understand, this was a city owned building that was sold without any bid process? I haven't reviewed the City charter and procurement/real property sales regulations but I'd bet there is a competitive bid/sales process required. I have worked in a number of municiple Administrations and if a competitive sales process is not required, this would be the first time I have come across any government administratin that did not require it... Maybe one of you downtown property owners should talk to a Lawyer. Me, I'm putting my house up for sale while I can still get something for it... and no it will not be given away, it will be sold for fair market value... Sorry Gillis et al.
One of the first thing that could be done is a mailing go out to Chamber members. It should explain how the Board jumped on board with the mayor's downtown plan that included affordable or some other term for residential units which in reality equates to projects. And do the members really want projects to be a part of downtown?
8:08, I may be wrong and need correcting but it was 'listed' on the city site for sale but w/conditions attached.
Interest only from Gillis.
After last council meeting conditions were lifted. Not sure if offers are still being accepted.
Even if not illegal this without a doubt reflects the lack of honesty and integrity and shows a character flaw not in any way positive for elected officials.
When you contribute to the campaigns of mayor and council, people you should expect favors and penny on the dollar deals?
Seems like this should be a conflict of interest and since Day received campaign donations from the buyer (Gillis), he should have abstained from voting on the matter I would think.
Reeks of payoff.
If you like to buy run down buildings, come to Crisfield, towns loaded with them.
Salisbury anymore is one big joke. If I know I could sell my house without taking a major loss, I would if anyway possible. The value of my home has decreased 50 percent since I purchased it six years ago but my taxes have gone up - and to see this kind of shenanigans going on the the old fire station makes me even more furious. Ireton and Day are big liberals who I cannot stand!
Apparently the owner of Plaza Deli (Phil) picked up this weekend and left town without a trace and dumped bleach all over the floor of the deli before he left. Another downtown business gone, but hey, at least Palmer Gillis has to pay for the cleanup!
What bothers me most is that Brad Gillis is the president of the Chamber of Commerce. I paid close attention to the city election. There appeared to be favoritism at the Chamber debates, especially the one at SU. Now the president of the Chamber buys this building for a song. In my mind, it doesn't reflect we'll upon the Chamber.
Just keep pissing people off Albero. Just don't ever expect any breaks from the people you do it to. Karma is a bitch and you are too.
10:49 your an idiot. How is Joe pissing anyone off. Sounds like your the one who is pissed truth hurts. The taxpayers should be pissed selling the firehouse for half the value and just for it sit there like the Feldmans building. The Gillis group have not did anything great for downtown. Just what downtown needs more frickin office space down there. When you have a homo pansy mayor and Fake Day and a council showing special interest to the Gillis group how is that fair. They have no real good ideas for downtown just buy buildings for half the value and let them sit
Anonymous said...
Just keep pissing people off Albero. Just don't ever expect any breaks from the people you do it to. Karma is a bitch and you are too.
July 10, 2013 at 10:49 AM
Brad your little pansy ass needs to quit making idle threats. Now crawl back into your closet.
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