- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 22:25:43Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 21:25:03Nature: Pi Accident City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 19:50:38Nature: Injury City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 18:37:30Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 16:03:57Nature: Psychiatric Emergency City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 15:52:52Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 13:36:22Nature: Hemorrhaging City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 13:10:12Nature: Emergency Unknown City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 11:25:13Nature: Industrial Accident City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 11:14:44Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 1229 Mt Hermon Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 10:03:09Nature: Stroke City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 07:53:19Nature: Diabetic Difficulty City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 05:59:42Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 04:25:15Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 04:00:15Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 02:38:00Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
- Wednesday July, 24 2013 @ 00:29:04Nature: Pro Qa Ems City: Salisbury

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 28, 2013
SFD Calls For Service 7-24-13
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Just wait until you have nobody else to call while you are in the middle of a heart attack or stroke Joe.
I think this great.I think the viewers need to see why we dont need payed fireman. I wish you could post there daily calls each day.
Goin' keep tellin' all on 'em farmin/EMT. If I can't get readers riled by telling where those "waste of my noney" eat every day, it is time to send more info to SBYNews. The Daily Times has refused to report the truth that I send them. Would certainly not put my life in the hands of those scumbags or call them if my house was on fire even if my rugrats were still inside. Who needs the jerks who do nothin' at all but ride around on tax payers gas. in tax payers big old ingunes or ambbulances and never show up timely when needed 'cause they'd rather be eatin on taxpayers money instead of doing the jobs they were hired to do or volunteer for.
Anyone who does not believe what I write is the truth should read the daily comments written over the past several years by viewers who are "in the know".
^^^^^That can't happen soon enough!
This is not news; this is smear. Get a life Albero.
What is the purpose of attacking the fire department again? This is getting old. Give it a rest already. As much as you're protesting, it sounds like you want to be a fireman, but couldn't make the cut. Is this the reason for your deep seeded resentment?
To all the Paid firemen posting on here don't you all have some place to be. Like getting Lunch or running earns. We need to get back to an all voluntary fire department.
You're right. It's not news. Just Joe stirring the pot.
Looks like your teachers were over paid, you didn't learn to spell.
So, please tell us what your point is.
You too, your teachers were over paid. No wonder the Daily Times wouldn't take your information, they couldn't understand it.
Wait a minute, maybe I'm missing something. All I read is a list of calls SFD responded to. Where is this an attack on the fire dept.? I think it's a good thing to list the call log. Then everyone could see how busy & what type of calls are coming in. Most look to me as EMS calls.
What are earns? Another overpaid teacher.
I always thought it was stupid to see fire trucks at a house that was not on fire, there was just someone in there with chest pain, gee I thought that is what EMS was for. It looks like the fire department uses any excuse to make a run and then charge the persons insurance for the call. Fraud at it’s worst! Keep after them Joe, and also you need to go after the lazy cops that race through traffic with lights and siren to the restaurants!
To ALL of the Firefighters attacking me claiming these are smear posts on Firefighters, get a life.
The PUBLIC has every right to see the calls for service, just as we do for the Sheriff's Office and the Salisbury Police Department on a daily basis.
Never once have we received an attack comment in 9 years of doing so for publishing that information.
In my HONEST opinion, it is painfully obvious the Salisbury Fire Department is ASHAMED and even embarrassed that tens of thousands of people are FINALLY seeing what is really going on each and every day and we will continue to show the tax paying public just where their $7,000,000.00 a year is going.
The public will finally come to realize that they are probably paying anywhere near $20,000.00 to $50,000.00 PER ACUAL FIRE CALL each year.
This information also confirms what I have been trying to say for years. The SFD is making every possible excuse to run fire truck to any possible call, most of which are ems calls.
Divide the ems from the sfd and bring in the volunteers. We will prove over the next year that a paid staff is absolutely ridiculous.
Now, with all that said, you watch Ladies & Gentlemen, the Mayor and Council will do everything possible to STOP providing the taxpayers with the information in this Post because they have everything to hide and nothing to show for your multi million dollar yearly expense.
At least the ems is charging insurance companies for their services. Divide the department and watch how much money is being thrown away.
FYI-the firemen signed a social media contract and are not permitted to post anything on this blog. Hey, did you ever think that their family and friends are tired of you bashing them? It's just ridiculous how much time and energy you're putting into this when there are more pressing issues in Salisbury, like poverty and homelessness. Use your blog site to promote positiveness Joe. You're so negative.
Guilty Fireman is right, how many of them get convicted of Arson? 1 in 10 is a fire bug! I heard one fireman saying in a local bar how he likes to look under the young college girl’s skirts and dresses to see if they got underwear on, sick! There is no need for a Fireman to be at an car accident unless the Jaws of life is needed or the vehicle is on fire! The cops respond ASAP and they evaluate the situation pretty accurately rather the person is trapped in the vehicle or not, no need 99% of the time for a half million dollar Fire Truck to go out on the call. Keep after them Joe, you’re the only one that keeps them in line!
There is no need in Salisbury for a full-time paid fire department. There are many developed areas that are covered by volunteer fire departments. Google Lower Merion Township or zip code 19035. In fact, Gladwyne is one of the wealthiest zip codes in America and covered by volunteers. Zip code 19004 is also in Lower Merion and has 7 story office buildings, malls, hotels and hospitals...all volunteer covered. Why does Salisbury need a full time paid department?
The list is interesting as it helps us to understand the work load. It would be great if there was additional information about whether the equipment was dispatched inside the municipal boundaries or outside int eh county and what type of equipment responded. I support the fire department, but do not trust the city's administration or the chief (based on his record with the dept's budget) and the facts would help me to draw accurate conclusions about how my resources, as a taxpayer, are being used. thank you.
I don't understand why some are getting so upset that this was posted. The post is not bashing anyone it is simply showing what calls they went on for a day. Why do some think this is a bad thing?
You get a life Albero, in your simplistic tonka toy world you don't need professionals because you don't know the meaning of the word. You have no qualifications whatsoever for anything. This is grown up stuff, stick to what you know, being a jerkoff.
All fire dept. are very similar ,
most calls are for medical reasons , very few fire calls.
In the west side it's very rare , and then it's a rekindle.
How is this an attack? All I see is a listing of service calls or responses or whatever you call them. I actually feel a little educated seeing what the fire dept. responds to. Why is that bad?
Because Joe in his scheming underhanded way is trying to show that using the fire truck in some instances is unnecessary. What he doesn't say is that, yes the calls may not require the fire truck, but that may not be known until the situation is assessed. I say better to have it there and not need it, than to not have it there and need it.
Well genius, if it's rare and only a re-kindle doesn't that mean there was FIRE to begin with?
Hey Joe... Losersayswhat?
The reason why Fd goes on EMS Runs are to justiry there existance, MEANWHILE they complain about going on Medical calls,Hey FF you CANT have it BOTH ways......Shut Up.
From the comments, farmin caint spel!
This shows their education level. They couldn't make it in school, so they joined up with their dropout friends. No wonder they think a fire engine has to be at a "trouble breathing" call. It might be because of smoke!
To the paid guys posting the negative comments: you are not helping your cause at all! You need to do a better job at picking your battles!
You're the idiot "Tell All" isn't a fireman. "Tell All" is the one who needs an education.
ha folks we fireman are going up millys in vienna fri with 2 trucks. can some one meet us there we are short on change..
Tell All said...
Goin' keep tellin' all on 'em farmin/EMT. If I can't get readers riled by telling where those "waste of my noney" eat every day, it is time to send more info to SBYNews. The Daily Times has refused to report the truth that I send them. Would certainly not put my life in the hands of those scumbags or call them if my house was on fire even if my rugrats were still inside. Who needs the jerks who do nothin' at all but ride around on tax payers gas. in tax payers big old ingunes or ambbulances and never show up timely when needed 'cause they'd rather be eatin on taxpayers money instead of doing the jobs they were hired to do or volunteer for.
Anyone who does not believe what I write is the truth should read the daily comments written over the past several years by viewers who are "in the know".
July 25, 2013 at 9:22 AM
And your point is?
Not clear which side you are taking or who you are bashing?
Anonymous said...
What is the purpose of attacking the fire department again? This is getting old. Give it a rest already. As much as you're protesting, it sounds like you want to be a fireman, but couldn't make the cut. Is this the reason for your deep seeded resentment?
July 25, 2013 at 9:32 AM
I don't think I have yet to see an attack. Joe is clear posting calls by the Salisbury Fire Department. You are so threatened by your job that every thing Joe posts is an attack to you.
Why do you have to be so defensive?
Anonymous said...
This is not news; this is smear. Get a life Albero.
July 25, 2013 at 9:25 AM
Why is this a smear? Because you say so? Joe has a life and he is keeping us tax payers informed. Quit being so defensive about your job.
Anonymous said...
What is the purpose of attacking the fire department again? This is getting old. Give it a rest already. As much as you're protesting, it sounds like you want to be a fireman, but couldn't make the cut. Is this the reason for your deep seeded resentment?
July 25, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Please explain how this is an attack? Based on your opinion and we are supposed to believe your word. You paid firemen are the only ones that get on here and attack someone.
Anonymous said...
FYI-the firemen signed a social media contract and are not permitted to post anything on this blog. Hey, did you ever think that their family and friends are tired of you bashing them? It's just ridiculous how much time and energy you're putting into this when there are more pressing issues in Salisbury, like poverty and homelessness. Use your blog site to promote positiveness Joe. You're so negative.
July 25, 2013 at 11:34 AM
As a tax pay the only poverty I am concerned about is the poverty I am living in because my taxes are so high just to pay over $7 million dollars a year just for an unneeded paid fire department. Separate EMS from the fire department and let the volunteers take care of the few actual fire calls there are.
As for the homeless people again that is not my concern. I did not bring them here ECI did. It's not my job to feed them. If I have to keep paying for the $7 million a year fire department I am going to be homeless.
Anonymous said...
FYI-the firemen signed a social media contract and are not permitted to post anything on this blog.
July 25, 2013 at 11:34 AM
You are right and that was Jim Ireton's Resolution and what is he doing about it? Nothing.
What is Rick Hoppes doing about it? Nothing.
Maybe the city should block Joes site on the volunteers wireless Comcast account so they won't post while they are on duty with their own laptops.
All EMS calls. Proves there isn't a need for paid firemen, but that is what Hoppes and his "leaders" waste your tax dollars on. There are only 3 ambulances in service full time with a paramedic and an EMT while there are up to 4 fire engines staffed during the day. Nights and weekends there will be a crew for the engine and a crew for the ladder truck or the rescue truck. There are also 5 chiefs cars that are in service 24 hours a day with no calls to respond on. Guess what the paid firemen are doing while the 3 ambulance crews are running their butts off? They are on their lap tops writing negative comments on SBYNews.com. They are eating. They are watching TV. They are watching movies. They are working out in the gym. They are eating. They are playing video games. They are napping on the 20 leather recliners. They are eating. They are sleeping. Did I mention they are eating?
Wouldn't call them if your house was on fire with your rug rats still inside? Your the most idiotic person to partake in a convo on this site ever. Do me a favor .....post your name coward ...let the farmin know who you are . So they can punch your stupid butt after they can remove your charred children from your house. All of you fire fighting haters post your names. Oh that's right you won't because each and every one of you know you may need us one day. Here's the kicker folks....even if you post your names cuss us call to take our jobs that feed our families and wish us ill...we are still willing to lay our lives down for each and everyone of you.you guys are pathetic.so much energy into your hatred of us when there is so much other crap to complain about.
Anonymous said...
Because Joe in his scheming underhanded way is trying to show that using the fire truck in some instances is unnecessary. What he doesn't say is that, yes the calls may not require the fire truck, but that may not be known until the situation is assessed. I say better to have it there and not need it, than to not have it there and need it.
July 25, 2013 at 3:27 PM
This policy of sending fire engines didn't come until Hoppes, Gordy and Tull came up with the idea for the engines to self dispatch.
The fire engines weren't sent on ambulance calls for years just like engines weren't sent on car accidents for years. This is just and idea to increase call volume to justify paid jobs for firemen. Most of the medical assists by the fire engines are self dispatched so they are picking and choosing as well as free lancing.
Joe please keep this and other Salisbury articles at the top.
I think listing the calls is good, however, I would like to see what they actually accomplish in a work day other than getting breakfast, lunch, dinner, tv time, nap time, rest period and oh of course get to sleep at night. What other job provides lazy boys, commercial kitchen and a $500k limo cart blanc. The public is missing the big picture, having paid firemen just isn't cost effective. Invest in volunteers!!!!!
11:45 PM I posted that little ditty to show the idiotic remarks made on this blog by readers. Uneducated fools who do not know the correct way to make changes, which is proven by the fact that change has never come.
This blog's viewers has has attacked the firemen and fire company for nonsense for years. If these geniuses had a lick of sense they would have figured out blogs cannot make changes. It is only capable of of posting complaints.
Perhaps the members of the Council and the Msyor read SBYNews BUT they WILL NOT take action of complaints written on a blog. Hint, Hint, if you wish to change what you believe to be wrong than speak to each Council Members, go to their meetings with others who support your position,and air your concerns, start a petition listing the problems and present it to the Council.
It appears you folks only want to gripe and you know your complaints are not legitimate.
So to answer you 11:45 I do not have a problem with either the firemen or the fire company.
You can slice this apple any way you want. The fact remains that your not the Mayor, he Fire Chief or the City Administrator. You have no say in any operational matters of the City and nobody in a position of authority will listen to a word you say. The sad truth is in you quest to attack the Fire Department you have humiliated yourself. Your lack of understanding of modern Emergency Services makes you "The Fool" and not the firefighters. It is clear to me that you are on a mission to nowhere and only further discredit your already low standing in the community.
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