Chris Beck served for 20 years on SEAL Team 6 — the same unit that ultimately raided bin Laden’s compound. He retired six months before the bin Laden raid, but nonetheless still went on 13 different deployments during his military career

But something was amiss.
LOL, I can't believe there are no comments on this one!
I wish we could go ahead and make a formal declaration to all "transgender" folks. Dude, this is America. You have every right to walk around like a chick if you want to. Just as I have a right NOT to participate in your little game of dressup. Don't like it, then we don't have to interact.
Cris. Don't get angry if I forget to put the seat down for you.
Suffering from PTSD I would imagine. Another possibility could be that all the traditional type ex -SEAL books are all the same guts & glory. I guess a SEAL in panties will make for good book sales especially with the new gay movement and all.
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