The sanitizing of Rachel Jeantel’s Twitter account came as the 19-year-old Miami resident prepared to take the stand
In relating that conversation, Jeantel has told investigators that a “scared” Martin said he was being followed by an unknown white man who demanded to know what the teen was doing inside the Retreat at Twin Lakes, a gated community in Sanford, Florida. Jeantel contends that she heard Martin ask the man, “Why you following me for?” before she heard someone “bump” the teenager. “Next thing I hear…the phone is shut off,” Jeantel told investigators in an April 2012 interview.
I have an old workboot smarter than that woman. Geez
You're right, and just think, she is going to college studying criminal justice.
another outstanding lawyer in the works.
Watching her testimony on the news the other day....the judge must have told the prosecutor not to go off-script with this one...her testimony was so practiced - you could hear the BS flowing!
Hopefully, the jury has some active brain-cells and could see through all of it!
If you can put the trial on now 9:17. She's back on and if she isn't stoned then the world is flat. If she is the State's "star" witness and this is as good as it's going to get for them then it's over. State's "hear" (as opposed to eye) witnesses' have fallen flat. They'll all changed their stories, lied about things and were shown to have an agenda.
the fact she stated that trayvon was being followed by a "white man" tells you its all a lie!
1008, huh? She says that was what TM told her. How is that a lie?
Why were the expert voice analysts'testimonies deemed inadmissible in court when everyone on the stand is asked who was screaming on the tape? Why would people who have zero voice recognition training be taken more seriously?
10:32 - On the juries that I have served - this would produce 'reasonable doubt'. They should let the jury consider all of the available evidence. Holding stuff back is not right - regardless of who it supports.
10:32 because they are selling themselves as experts. During hearings on this matter Defense had the opinion of a senior analyst from the FBI state that no technology exists to determine who the screams were coming from. Many reasons but one being that it was in the background of another conversation between different individuals.
State dug up 2 "experts" who claimed they could positively identify screams as coming from Martin. One "expert" had a financial interest because he "invented" some kind of voice identifying software or something and the other "expert" was on TV shortly after tapes were released to the public claiming to hear all kinds of other stuff that absolutely no one else in the whole world was able to hear.
She and TM are obviously racists. He's a guilty thug and she is a liar
This Judge isn't inclined to let this trial turn into a circus as was Anthony, 10:32. Defense is probably secretly unhappy with the decision because they would have had a field day w/1 of the State's so called experts like Baez did with the "Sniffometer" guy during Anthony.
Mr Sniffometer came up with some contraption that measured decomposition smell. Contraption evidence not ever been used in court before nor was it ever peer reviewed for reliability/accuracy.
Similar story now with one of the State's voice recognition "experts."
yeah 11am, TM was the racist. Not the guy paiting TM as some kind of a-hole thug just because he was walking down the street.
1:14 GZ was doing just as he was instructed to do as a Neighborhood Watch member. Report unknown individuals to non emergency 911. The police dept coordinator of this program who may I add is a black lady testified to this and as a matter of fact said to her GZ always appeared meek and was responsible, so responsibility in his duties that she had wanted GZ to take a more active role which would have given him a car complete with light bars but he declined. That blows the wannabe cop portrayal of GZ right out of the water.
I think it's over. The state has not shown any evidence yet. Most witnesses have helped defense more than the prosecution because they can't be positive about anything which is grounds for reasonable doubt. The professionals that have been witnesses were played too much-, questioned into too much detail that due to this not being a whodunit case, I think in a move to provoke emotion.
At this point in time it appears that emotion is all they have for any hopes of a guilty verdict.
not really, but we appreciate the one-sided version of the case.
Face the facts 3:59 the case is falling flat on it's face because there's no case, unless you believe GZ's injuries were self inflicted.
Update-lady who made the 911 call in which the screams were heard in the background testified. Though State's witness she was a big win for the Defense.
The whole case is about race!!!! Not the truth. Blacks are just as racist as whites!
The problem with this witness is her memory got better over time and she kept on adding "details" she'd never mentioned before.
She's not too bright which can be overlooked but her terrible terrible attitude is what was the real problem. She was a friend of Martin's and if she's representative of that circle of friends it would not be much of a leap to assume Martin was of similar attitude.
This young lady was just a terrible witness all around even if she is found to be believable. If believable then one conclusion is that by her description Trayvon was all ramped up by some "cracker" whom be thought was following him. Compare that with GZ's call to 911 in which he was cool, calm and collected. Any reasonable person could conclude that it wasn't the cool headed person who is likely to provoke a fight.
That slob is dumb as a stump!
Is that a doughnut around her neck?
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