In a statement Friday night, George said he would announce his campaign for governor on Wednesday in Annapolis. George says he will focus on creating a new business environment in Maryland for small businesses to thrive.
The 59-year-old Anne Arundel County Republican has been a member of the House of Delegates since 2007. He was a businessman for 40 years and has owned his own jewelry business.
On Monday, Harford County Executive David Craig is expected to announce his bid for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Craig has scheduled an announcement for his gubernatorial bid in his front yard in Havre de Grace, followed by a tour around the state.
I have met Ron on a couple of occasions. He is very likeable, good sense of humor, has business sense, and I truly believes he listens. Whomever the Republican nomination is, we need to support him or her to get us back to some kind of common sense in this State.
Hers got my vote!
OOPS SRRY> he has my vote.
This is the reason Republican lose elections because the party doesn't recruit and select a candidate like the Democrats do. How many Democrats are running for Maryland governor? 1. How many Democrats ran against Obama during the last election? 0. Republicans don't know how to recruit and support the best candidate. It is a failing party and they are to blind to see it.
12:45, hes very likable, good sense of humor and he is republican? Nope, he wont get it. Has to be a democrat hello!
Good luck, don't know him, but has my vote....
So you jokers don't know what he stands for, but he's got your vote because there's an "R" beside his name.
That's just ignorant.
I'm with you, 9:57. I don't care what the little letter is next to your name, and it's been painfully obvious for 40 years that if it's an R or a D you are highly suspect. I'll vote for the person with a proper platform and a history of following that platform. I voted for Johnson in the last election, and won't mind voting independent again. We have 50 years of historical proof that the R & D's have been ruining the country.
If I were a Maryland resident I would certainly be looking for a candidate that has been business experience, especially if they were running a business that was profitable. I am beginning to think that there isn't a successful democrat person in the state of Maryland; that is judging by those running the state and putting it further and further behind in all things positive.
9:57 You mean we're not supposed to vote on skin color, the letter next to their name or how many twitter followers they have? I want my money back for college!
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