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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Board Of Education Does It Again

Board of Education's Second Public Budget Hearing 5:30 Tonight at Wicomico High School Auditorium

The Wicomico County Board of Education's second public budget hearing for the fiscal 2013-14 budget will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 20, in the Wicomico High School Auditorium. Parents, students, community members and Board staff are invited to come with comments. Public input is critically important in the budget process for Wicomico County Public Schools. For information please call 410-677-4561.

Publishers Notes: While we scanned their Website at least two times yesterday, this didn't get posted until late and clearly when they state that the meeting was "Tonight" they did NOT give the public the opportunity to get involved.

Here's my problem with this. You all know they knew this meeting was going to take place WEEKS in advance, yet they purposely delay any announcement to assure you will not get the opportunity to get involved. More than 50% of your tax dollars in Wicomico County go to the Board of Education and this is a slap in your face on a regular basis. 

They have a PIO person who is PAID quite handsomely to inform the public and that person is not doing their job. 


Anonymous said...

Normal ops.

Anonymous said...

They don't want us to know, that's why they do this.

Anonymous said...

Our school informed parents via weekly telephone message. They do every time there's a meeting.

Anonymous said...

The fish stinks at the head! Dr., what say you?

Anonymous said...

I've given up on this issue. I don't waste my time going to those meetings. Either pay the taxes and shut up or leave the area is what the defacto message is.

Anonymous said...


Not all county taxpayers have children in school!

Anonymous said...

There was hardly anyone at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

There is a open board meeting for the Wicomico County Humane Society tonight too. Anyone see that published any where. NO because they don't want anyone to come

Anonymous said...

Report them as being in violation of the Maryland Open Meetings law.

Anonymous said...

You are right. It was mentioned in the HS newsletter but not included in the calendar at the front of the newsletter. It is also not on their website.

Anonymous said...

Another reason to leave M.D. crooks to many libtards and morons..and Boe...I don't have kids so to me taxation with representation..will be moving to vVirginia

Anonymous said...

That was the point 1:03.