DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The food price inflation blame should be placed where it is rightfully deserved. Yes, a jump in oil and commodity prices does cause some inflation. The devaluing of the U.S. Dollar does cause some inflation. The extent of food inflation leads me to believe that the real blame is EBT participants. I blame food stamps for supplying an artificial demand on food. Every time I am in the grocery store I can’t help but get pissed. I see people with completely full shopping carts and too many kids. I know not one of these people can afford that much food on their own. I get even more pissed when I have to wait behind these people in the check out line.More
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Please i hear your on assistance.
Wait till you see them pile all of those groceries in the 'boyfirend's' Escalade!
"I know not one of these people can afford that much food on their own."
~ I can...lol.. MAYBE because I work 2 jobs.. but dont assume that everyone with a "full" cart and more than one child is on state assistance! foh
In years past, our family used food stamps for a few years. I wanted to be sure that my babies were getting the proper nutrition, which we could not afford at that time. Our grocery cart held meats for protein, vegatables and fruits. We did not get sodas and junk foods, desserts with the food stamps. I felt that if I was asking/needing assistance I had to be a good steward of that assistance.
I do agree with this author, there are many items in the food stamp grocery carts that should not be allowed. I believe there would be healthy families with less Doritos and HoHos in the carts.
I believe the there should be restrictions in place for food stamps just like WIC has very definite guidelines for what is purchased for the children receiving WIC.
Oh well deal with it who r u to say someone has to many kids. If you get pissed waiting behind me im gonna ask do you have a problem.
12:27 , yeah I have a problem with it, if you haven't figured out yet what caused all those kids, you need help. If you can't afford the first one, why do you keep having more and more. Get yourself fixed so you can't have any more.
12:54 they won't do that because the more kids they have, the more money they get. Many times, they don't even know the father's names. So many kids, so many fathers it's disgusting.
They aren't too lazy to lay on their backs and have kids, they are just to lazy to work for a living.
Blame the price of food on the ethanol industry. They receive goverment subsidies and there's a mandate that 40% of the corn crop must go to ethanol production (bad harvest? too bad). Now contemplate the staggering amount of food items that contain some sort of corn derivative and understand that if the price of corn goes up, so does the price of food.
12:27 Question? How many children do you have? Are you employed? Are you married? Or, are you just a baby factory sponging of me and the rest of the tax payers? From your last comment I'd bet my last dollar you voted for Obama.
I AM 12:27 .. Okay so after clocking out of my job at DELMARVA POWER i am back. I am not on food stamps, i did receive them after i lost my job at verizon. Yes i do have kids (2). So i will bet my last dollar I Make more than u. Lol judging people. Any more questions scumbags.
bunch of racists on here. You want people to buy what you think they should buy and nothing else. Even tho it is perfectly legal and acceptable by the ones who issue the stamps/cards!?
That's like walking up to someone who has that lobster tail in their cart and telling them they cannot buy that, but they can have all the catfish they want.
You can't buy that box of corn pops but you can buy this bag of rice. You can't buy that 12 pack of soda's but you can buy these tea bags and make all the tea you want.
Incredible. They are handed cards or whatever, to buy whatever they want, but you don't want them to do that. You want them to buy what you decide they are allowed to buy. Because that's all you can afford to buy yourself. That sounds a little socialist to me. Or maybe it communistic. Or is it marxist? It certainly does not sound capitalistic. Or freedom of choice.
You want to govern what the government does not. That's not the way it works, nor should it.
You want guidelines? Restrictions? Limitations? You have to go to the ones issuing the cards and tell THEM what you want to be allowed to be purchased by these cards.
You have to start at the SOURCE, not at the end user.
You think every situation is the same as the one before it. You have no idea what is involved with either one.
You are just jealous that they are able to buy what you cannot. You don't think it's fair. You don't think it's right. You think these people are beneath you so how can they buy items that are ABOVE you? How dare they! That's where the racism comes in.
And that's not playing the race card. That's an observation.
Even if it's not right, even if it's not fair, it is LEGAL.
I hope you people are intelligent enough to see what I am getting at. You are hating the chicken that lays the egg, but won't go to the farmer to get rid of the rooster. Maybe that analogy will get through.
Understand this 12:27. If you expect me to pay for your housing, medical care, food, transportation, phone, etc, then I have every right to be critical of you and your chosen lifestyle. YOU deal with it.
Anonymous said...
Understand this 12:27. If you expect me to pay for your housing, medical care, food, transportation, phone, etc, then I have every right to be critical of you and your chosen lifestyle. YOU deal with it.
May 10, 2013 at 9:15 PM
No, you don't. You do have the right to be critical of how your representatives spend "your" money.
I guess you just don't get it.
Again 9:15 read the whole thread before you comment..you dont pay for my housing....I have a mortgage...you dont pay for my medical...I get it through my job...I own my vehicle....and um my husband pays my cell bill(he has a job to)!!!!! So maybe you should try the same..If i was on foodstamps I would buy what i want. Thats my point. I probably pay more taxes than half of you on here. I`ve worked for years, with the government rapping my checks. So if i fall on hard times like i have in the past, and i need foodstamps....YOU DAMN RIGHT IM GOING TO BUY WHAT I WANT, AND THAT INCLUDES STEAK AND LOBSTER IF I WANT IT. Anyone who thinks otherwise...oh well deal with it. Thanks for posting my earlier comments Joe.
The truth lies between 12:10 & 12:17 there are those who know how to expand the meals to feed their family and do not abuse the system, and then there are the rest(why are we talking the race card only brought up by 1 person?). It is an inconvenience to stand in line to get a little over 10 items
and someone ahead of you on assistance buying unnessary items, and no $ and one by one taking items out because they can't pay for it.
I AM 12:27.......Thats what the express line is for 9:16. I just hope you people know that how you treat people it will come back to you. How dare you look down on someone because they are on assistance...so what. THE BIBLE SAYS GET THE PLANK OUT OF YOUR OWN EYES BEFORE YOU TRY TO GET SPECK OUT OF MINES. GOD IS WATCHING ALL OF US. I am so ready for the lord to return again, maybe then folks will understand that this world isnt about the president and congress, or how big your house is, or how many cars you can afford. Mark 10: 25 SAYS IT IS EASIER FOR A CAMEL TO GO THROUGH THE EYE OF A NEEDLE, THAN FOR A RICH MAN TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. We all need to get off our high horses and bow down to GOD.
"No, you don't. You do have the right to be critical of how your representatives spend "your" money.
I guess you just don't get it."
NOT mutually exclusive. I have equal contempt for the politicians who buy your vote with trinkets bought with my tax money.
Back off 10:45. I think people like you may be in for a rude awakening if/when the Lord bothers to return.
8:59 - My 9:15 post was not directed at you, unless you are also 12:27. Tripped up by that damned reading comprehension thing again?
Oh no 1:39 he WILL return and i speak nothing but the truth..I am ready for him to return so speak for yourself. Good nite Joe! #done
NOT mutually exclusive. I have equal contempt for the politicians who buy your vote with trinkets bought with my tax money.
May 11, 2013 at 1:29 PM
But they are the only ones who can change how your TAX MONEY is being spent, not the ones spending it. (ones on food stamps)
Getting mad, jealous, frustrated or whatever, when you see someone buying what they want with such monies is pointless.
It's not targeting the correct people or avenues, that make up the rules.
Anonymous said...
The truth lies between 12:10 & 12:17 there are those who know how to expand the meals to feed their family and do not abuse the system, and then there are the rest(why are we talking the race card only brought up by 1 person?). It is an inconvenience to stand in line to get a little over 10 items
and someone ahead of you on assistance buying unnessary items, and no $ and one by one taking items out because they can't pay for it.
May 11, 2013 at 9:16 AM
Thanks for you opinion. I disagree.
And the race card does not have to be brought up in every single comment or sentence. But you felt the need to bring it up again.
Regardless, it should be plain for everyone to see most are expressing emotions, and yes, racism, rather than facts and knowledge.
The biggest concern for most is that they cannot afford what they see others buy.
They are buying what they what, as would any of you, whether it's their money or food stamps. AFTER, they have been approved and issued said food stamps.
Until the laws are, (if), changed, there is nothing that any of you can do about it.
Deal with it or keep making your blood pressure go up. Your choice. And neither one affects anyone other than yourselves.
Make me!!!!lol is your blood pressure up yet!!! I`m gonna have a nice JUICY STEAK TONITE!!!!lmao
Anonymous said...
Make me!!!!lol is your blood pressure up yet!!! I`m gonna have a nice JUICY STEAK TONITE!!!!lmao
May 12, 2013 at 11:43 AM
Nice mentality you got going on there
The Obamanites will riot when the government runs out of our money for EBT.
People with that mentality can't find a job because they don't have a bit of common sense. So while they think it's funny to post such things there will come a time when karma will bite them in the rump. Sad really that they are a slave to the state and don't even realize it. Goes back to having common sense that I already mentioned.
You should cheer when you see a family with a lot of kids.
After all the more kids the more that pay Social Security. That is the problem right now people did not have enough kids and thus now there are too few paying in and too many taking out.
But seriously inflation is because too much money is being printed. That is simple economics. Also worldwide food sales are way up as people in China and many other places can afford to eat more than just rice and soybeans.
9:00 pm who was talking about Marxism and Communism-which sounds like taking away money from the working class by force and using it to feed those who do not work.
Certainly 8:33. Can you now afford to buy condoms?
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