For eight years Campbell has worked diligently to give citizens a prudent, fiscally conservative voice on city council. She can claim credit for stopping two tax hikes proposed by incumbent mayor Jim Ireton. The recent pay increase for city police officers – something promised for years – finally became a reality thanks to Campbell’s leadership. Mundane actions, such as putting the city’s insurance out to bid, and sundry cost savings in other areas have saved taxpayer dollars and will continue to pay dividends into the future. Debbie Campbell can be compared to a work horse. She may not be flashy, but she gets things done.
Campbell’s opponent, Jake Day, is the mirror opposite. Day’s campaign has been flashy. Day has proposed grandiose schemes – some with merit, others not. An informed voter can quickly sweep away the chaff and find an overriding theme: Day wants to return to the era of the “Dream Team”. Day’s proposals harken back to the era of handing out millions in taxpayer subsidies to residential developers while the city moved to the brink of fiscal ruin. It should not be a surprise that the same people who handed Salisbury over to a select few, and wasted tens of millions of dollars, are some of Day’s most ardent supporters and campaign contributors.
By giving lip service to consensus and civility, Day hopes that voters will buy into the meme that Campbell, et al, are the cause of the city’s woes. However, if one attends council meetings and work sessions – something Day has rarely done – the objective observer knows that it is Day allies Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell, and Shanie Shields who are the primary cause of discord and uncivil behavior.
Voters should be reminded that it was Ireton and Shields who literally stood on a soapbox and implied that the council majority were racists – while Mitchell stood nearby and clapped.What concerns us most about Day’s campaign – and what will probably take him to victory tomorrow – is the fact that national special interests are pouring tens of thousands of dollars into promoting Day’s candidacy. Equally as disturbing is Day’s denial that this has even occurred. Voters should not trust a candidate who doesn’t hesitate to deny such an easily provable fact.
The choice in District 2 is as simple as it is clear: Does Salisbury deserve a council member who will work (albeit ploddingly) in their best interests, or does Salisbury want a slick, flashy candidate that will take it back to the brink of bankruptcy? We hope that Salisbury chooses the former – Debbie Campbell.
I agree Debbie does deserve another chance, personally I I think she should switch parties. I'm sure she would garner more financial support as well as other important types of support in this county going forward
I'm amazed that Jake Day has the gall to deny that special interests are spending money on his behalf like it's water! I supported Debbie before, but this just makes me realize how important this election is.
Day can't even run a radio ad. It said to vote for him "next Tuesday" this morning. Maybe all of his people will show up on 4/9/13 and find out they are too late. Not even smart enough to say a date in the ad. Not as smart as he thinks he is. hahahahaha
I have always voted for Debbie and would be doing so again if it weren't for the fiasco of re-districting, now I am forced to vote for someone in District 1 that I do not know or want to vote for! Why can't Salisbury elections make it that if you live in the city vote any pole you want, that would be fair to everyone?
Good luck to you Debbie.
Joe, Keep Debbie and Cynthia's articles up top under yours! We NEED her!
I have the same problem with day as I had with our president. LACK of meaningful experience!
He's too young with little more than college to his credit. He's been on the housing board, yet doesn't get to half the meetings. Then there's the matter of his license suspensions for failure to appear & pay fines. We can do better!
Vote for Debbie!
Anonymous said...
I have the same problem with day as I had with our president. LACK of meaningful experience!
He's too young with little more than college to his credit. He's been on the housing board, yet doesn't get to half the meetings. Then there's the matter of his license suspensions for failure to appear & pay fines. We can do better!
Vote for Debbie!
April 1, 2013 at 5:25 PM
I agree with you. Also if he was such a great person with leadership skills why isn't he employed in Salisbury? Why does he have to drive 65 miles to Queenstown for a job?
Day is proof positive that the Army still takes anyone who has a pulse and both feet.
This email was sent out by the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce. I have a feeling the change they are referring to is District 2 and not the Mayor. More reason for me to vote for Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero.
Get Out and VOTE!
Voice your opinion by voting at the General Election TOMORROW, Tuesday, April 2, 2013. SACC is asking all members living in the city to make themselves heard this election day. We are encouraging employers to please give their employees an opportunity to go to the polls during business hours. Change starts with you, so get out and VOTE!
I have always voted for Debbie and I will do so again. She fights for doing the right thing for Salisbury.
When making decisions, a good leader needs to know when to say yes and when to say no when the issue(s) aren't in the best interest of the city. Debbie has proven herself time and time again on this fact. She has saved us millions, and tax hikes under the reign of Ireton.
Day can't even be bothered to attend council meetings or sessions so why in the name of heaven makes you think he cares about anyone except the realtors and slumlords that represent him?
Common sense tells me, if he cared, he would be attending those meetings inorder to learn. However he hasn't.
Another question, why would you vote for someone who doesn't have any experience?
Debbie has the PROVEN experience that can be backed up with facts and minutes of all the meetings.
A vote for Debbie is a vote for a much better Salisbury.
Don't let special interest groups who don't know you, who won't know you, and who could care less about you that Day represents have your vote and raise your taxes.
2:58, there are federal laws that mandate districts and populations being equal across them. Salisbury even got taken to court in the '80s and had to create District 1.
If you supported Debbie, then GO VOTE for Polk so there will be an honest, decent person representing you instead of the landlords and developers. Your vote is important to get a businesswoman instead of Shields.
The reason Debbie is "plodding" through this stuff is look at all the CRAP these mayors (Barrie and Jimbo) have pulled! If they don't look at everything, BAM! the taxpayers pay through the nose while somebody has a good ole time at the favorite watering hole.
The Hearn property bait and switch, the old Mall TIF (fail!), the fireboat that won't cost us anything - except this and that -- and so many other clusters.
Debbie, THANK YOU for your years of fiscal battles! And, this time, if you get to go again and have Joe as mayor and Cynthia as a team member, Salisbury will have a true chance at a financial comeback and businesses will be returning to the city!
Please vote Polk, Campbell, & Albero!
Those who have not seen Debbie Campbell's video explaining Day's intentions should watch it and share it with their friends:
No worries. I will definately be voting for Debbie and Joe! There is no way I would even think of putting Ireton back in along with his puppet, Jake Day. I also admire Ms. Polk as a small business owner, so for those of you in her district, keep her in mind. Shanie and all her Peoples comments get old after awhile. Four more years of Ireton and Shields, with Jake joining them is like putting Obama and Biden back in and that was one MAJOR mistake for those who voted for them.
Best luck Debbie, Joe and Ms. Polk.
Debbie has stood up for those of us who live in Salisbury for 8 years with courage and integrity. Today is the day for us to stand up for her by turning out to vote: Debbie Campbell. Call your friends and neighbors. After 7:00 it could be to late and we will have nothing but regrets and higher taxes.
We need more politicians serving the people like Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen!
Debbie Campbell has proven to be true to her word. She presents facts. She has helped balance Salisbury's budget and saved taxpayers much $$$. Her opponents are those who look for the hidden and personal benefits that special interest groups and individuals offer. Or they just don't understand details in policies and believe what others tell them rather than check the facts for themselves. Salisbury needs Debbie Campbell to continue to serve its citizens and taxpayers. And while you're voting for Debbie, vote also for Cynthia Polk and Joe Albero.
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