No one blames Ireton for the poor state of the national or state economies. However, as other areas of the nation – state and local – are preparing for an economic rebound, Salisbury remains mired in the policies of redistribution and government power. Businesses, the means to grow our local economy, are treated like second class citizens, or worse. Citizens are having to pay for operations / projects – such as an expensive fireboat – after being told that all of the funds were coming from “grants”.
The most disturbing aspect of Jim Ireton’s term as mayor has been behavioral. Despite our disagreements, many of us have watched in horror as Ireton has behaved like a petulant child whenever the council majority disagreed with him.
Enter Joe Albero. It is doubtful that Joe Albero would have run for mayor had Jim Ireton lived up to half his promise. Yet, Albero has worked hard to provide Salisbury voters with a clear, distinct alternative.
Don’t You Deserve a Mayor That Works As Hard as You Do?
Albero’s platform has been one of simple, common sense: Salisbury needs a full time mayor who will work to improve the local economy. The tagline above, taken from an Albero brochure speaks volumes.
While Ireton wants to raise taxes, Albero has a plan to broaden the tax base. While Ireton wants the role of government to expand in Salisbury, Albero wants Salisbury’s economy to grow by providing services, not over-regulating.
You can throw millions of dollars at a problem, only to see the problem return soon after the money runs out. Encouraging employers to move to Salisbury and encouraging existing businesses to expand creates jobs. Home ownership increases. Neighborhoods stabilize and improve. Crime goes down. The city’s overall quality of life improves.
The choice between Jim Ireton and Joe Albero is as stark as it is clear – Joe Albero should be Salisbury’s next mayor.
Joe will get three votes from this household.
"preparing for an economic rebound"
Are you trying to say that Obama is taking us in the right direction?
One of Jim Ireton's lackeys just knocked on my door and I didn't answer it. When he left my boy opened the door and took the flyer off the door and tore it up. Good boy!! Jim Ireton doesn't even have the decency to stop by my house in person, but he doesn't mind asking for my vote via email and other people. It's probably a good thing Ireton didn't stop by because I probably would have given him a piece of my mind. I was one of his former friends and supporters. I will be voting for Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell tomorrow morning and I will be bringing several of my neighbors to the polls as well. Jim Ireton I hope you rot in HELL!!
Good luck to you Joe in the election. Wish I could vote for you but I'm out of state!
The last good mayor Salisbury had was Ruark. Decades ago. The rest have been terrible. Not one has had the passion for the City as he did. The rest had personal ideas and did not listen to constituents. The Councils (City & County) have had ups and downs. Some good. Some bad. There has almost always been a trouble-maker and a mole on every one of them that keep the division going and prevent progress. I hope this will get better soon. Politics in Salisbury and Wicomico County are at an all time low. Including Biggy Ricky and his total failures.
Jim is probably scared to walk door to door. He would probably get escorted off the property. He don't have enough people to go with him to protect him.
Joe is a man and a good honest one. I don't think anyone would escort him off their property.
JOE FOR MAYOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ricky 5 cent tax hike. RIGHT.
11:53, you have some serious issues. I'm for Joe but I don't wish Ireton to rot in hell...
VOTE Joe & Debbie save our city.
Where will you be Tuesday night, Joe?
Since my morning dog walk, there are missing & trashed Albero & Campbell yard signs. One @ his MIL's house was in a mud puddle. This really makes me angry since Joe said he was putting day & ireton signs back up. I wish he hadn't done that. I'd like to see them lie in the dirt where they belong. Talk about mean spirited. No wonder good people don't want to run.
4:57 I agree with 11:53 because you obviously don't know Ireton.
Hey Joe,
Does this mean Jim will have to run SBY NEWS? HE will screw that up too.
Good luck Joe
Joe,you have laid it all out so anyone can understand,now the voters have to wise up.
This from the Chamber of Commerce today.
Dear Chamber Members,
Today at 4:30 pm in Conference Room 306 of the Government Office Building, the City Council will be reviewing the "False Alarm" ordinances that were passed a few weeks ago for revision/repeal.
It is critical that as many Chamber members show-up in support of repealing this ordinance that currently makes Salisbury one of the highest fee/fined cities in the United States for "false alarms".
Thank you in advance for your attendance and support for the repeal.
Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
It wouldn't suprise me if the voter turn out tomorrow is weak. In my opinion people are still battle weary from the sickening presidential elections and the ugliness of the local politics may just turn enough stomachs to make a sorry election for the rest of us. This is the first time in a long time that I have felt like not voting at all.
What people call compromise these days isn't really compromise at all, merely getting their way as much as they can.
A vote for Joe is a vote for improvement for the city. His willingness to serve all the people, his willingness to LISTEN to the citizens is refreshing, much more than we have experienced.
His ideas are really good and after all the turmoil Ireton has created we need a positive change.
Good Luck Joe!!! I so wish I could vote for you tomorrow, but I live out of state.
I think you are the better choice for mayor. But allowing comments like wishing Ireton would rot in hell is completely unprofessional. He's not a serial killer or anything like that. I wish you the best tomorrow!!
11:53 AM
One of Ireton's goons went to my bro-in-laws house soliciting votes. He told him he was not voting for any 'gay person'. Bro said he could tell the guy was thinking of doing something to him in his mind so he stepped back into his house. Maybe he was Ireton's bf, who knows.
Gay people are God's children as well and for whatever reason they are gay God still loves them. I firmly believe being gay is not a choice. It is the way you were born. But being gay has become far more acceptable b/c of hollywood and the fact that so many famous people are either gay or have a family member who is gay. Love the sinner...hate the sin.
Well said, ANON 8:14. The reason I am not voting for Jim Ireton is not because he is gay. If Joe was gay, would people NOT vote for him? I don't think so. They are voting for Joe because he is the best one for the job. People need to stop the childish rantings on here and focus on getting Salisbury back where she belongs.
To those big Jake Day supporters out there do you think he will be able to fulfill his job as a city council member if elected? If you remember reading the Daily Times article when he commented about his numerous speeding tickets he blamed it on having to drive 65 miles a day to work each way. If that is the case do you think he will be able to take off every single day there is a work session? Do you think his employer will allow him that much time off. Think about it, that is 130 miles a day which means he is on the road over 2 1/2 hours every day. There are a lot of work sessions and budget work sessions coming up very soon. I doubt seriously he will be able to participate in the work sessions. Work, Court, National Guard duties? How can he make that commitment. It is quite obvious that Jim Ireton picked Jake Day to be his Rubber Stamper at the night meetings if he can make it. Jake Day is a bad choice. You talk about grid lock, it will always be a 2 to 2 vote because Jake day will rarely be at the meetings. Don't be stupid on this one.
On the voting area by Giant I saw allot of GLBT's holding Ireton signs: GAY-LESBIAN-Bi-SEXUAL-Transvestite community out in force for Jim Ireton.
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