To make matters worse, many lawyers don't even want to take the case -- the fine usually costs much less than an attorney's time. That means most drivers roll over when faced with speed camera fines.
But an Ohio judged struck down a speed camera ordinance in the Village of Elmwood Place, arguing, in part, that the law violated due process since defendants were not afforded an opportunity to contest the camera's maintenance or effectiveness in court. Although speed enforcement ordinances and court procedures vary, attorneys said that the Ohio case suggested that speed camera laws can be effectively challenged in court rooms -- including in the Washington area.
The Government is broke giving money to all the free loaders...
they need to tax or fine the working class to pay for the LOAFER CLASS.
I've been saying for months that every camera ticket should be challenged in court. The camera that issued the ticket should be subpeoned into the courtroom.
No no no, that can't be. It's all about SAFETY. That's why they allow you to go 12 mph over the limit before they take you mugshot....picture.
And no points so you will be even less inclined to fight the ticket.
So glad a JUDGE finally has spoken what the masses have known from the start and have been saying it to deaf ears for decades.
It's a money making SCAM.
75 % of Police work is a money making scam too.
I'd like to institute a Nationwide
3 strike rule for moving violations.
You receive a warning twice then a fine. A one year renewal where all violations are dumped after a year and you start over. Their scam is to collect money, AND give the insurance companies an excuse to jack up your rates.
THEN they make drivers that register their vehicle properly and legally pay the uninsured motorist fee!
THEN, you hear the municipality dropped the SPEEDING violations for cops. Awe... just give them a pass... yeah, I know he was off duty but what the heck ya know....
Government lack of integrity is the problem.
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