The New York Times first reported of this disparity in 2010, stating that the mayor uses taxpayer dollars to pay for two armed city officers to accompany him on get-away jaunts to Bermuda. But before he can fly them in, he has to obtain special permission so they can keep their guns: Bermuda is so anti-gun that even its own police force isn’t armed, The Times reported then.
As Mr. Bloomberg ratchets up his Second Amendment clampdown, and spends millions of his own dollars to push for stronger gun controls through Capitol Hill, the online community is reigniting this story.
No ship. Do as I say not as I do.
You can't have it both ways. either the gun is there for your protection, or it is absent for your protection. You decide.
Remember that in days of old only the aristocracy and ruling class were allowed weapons of any kind- The elitist wealthy politicians and Hollywood hypocrites want to keep their guns but deny them to everyone else.
Accused of hypocrisy?
He's guilty as sin.
He and all the other limousine liberals know if you disarm the public you open the door for criminals.
He's not willing to take the chance but he is more than willing to see to it we HAVE TOO!
What a rich scumbag.
27 Billion dollars enables a mentally unstable person to do almost anything.Mayor Bloomberg is routinely hostile toward reporters & displays tendancies that a mental professional can easily recognize.He and his money need to go.
Just another liberal Democrat who will probably win again because Democrats are so stupid they don't know the difference.
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