DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 01, 2013
Mayor Ireton Wants You To Believe Downtown Is Revitalized
While there are MANY more pictures I could have put up showing the first floor vacancies in Downtown Salisbury, you wouldn't believe the 2nd and 3rd floor space available in many of the buildings Downtown as well.
Last night I ran into a young man who has been waiting on permits to a new home he built in the City, (rare as that may be) GET THIS, he's been waiting TWO YEARS and actually had to threaten to sue the City. His Bank was about to call his construction loan because he couldn't get his final permits. It had something to do with the end of his driveway meeting the street and the elevation the City felt could cause some kind of flooding.
After his attorney threatened to file suit, (go figure) the City finally gave him his final permit to occupy the home. TWO YEARS Folks! The young man told me he and ALL of his friends were voting for me. He explained how he wrote Jim Ireton time and time again trying to get help but the Mayor did nothing.
"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".
Jim Ireton is completely out of touch and in way over his head. He has no business sense, NOR do most of the department heads being paid the big bucks to run portions of the City. When someone completes a home and has to wait TWO YEARS for a final permit, heads need to roll. When buildings sit vacant for the past 16 years and the current Mayor made promises to change all that, 4 years later, does it look any better to you? NOW all of a sudden he has an opponent that knows what he's talking about and once again Jim wants to tell you Downtown is revitalized!
Jim is a nice guy, (most of the time) no one will argue that. But he's a part time government employee who knows NOTHING about running a business and clearly many department heads don't know either. Too many of them have forgotten where they came from and you have my word, I'M GOING TO CHANGE THAT IMMEDIATELY.
Again, if your happy with the way things have been run in Salisbury for the past 16 years, vote for Jim Ireton. If you are truly ready for revitalization, vote for Joe Albero.
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I know the young man your speaking of. He has been through hell and back with the city and he is getting married tomorrow. He speaks the truth Joe. Many of us are voting for you in April.
The city needs a full time mayor. It seems obvious to me that John Pick isn't doing what he's paid all that money to do either. We will vote for you Joe.
Salisbury has no downtown. It is tiny. One maybe two blocks. And a dismal couple of blocks at that.
Yeah, I know, someone will come out with the square footage.lol
There is nothing there to revitalize. First, something needs to be built or improved or demolished, to have a starting point.
I like historic buildings but these 3 storied monstrosities glaring down on everyone who walks by are outdated, ugly, perhaps even unsafe due to age and lack of maintenance.
Stop trying to put lipstick on a pig and really have a conviction to improve the area, its function and appeal.
A big authoritarian courthouse and other such buildings do nothing to improve downtown. It is not a family attraction, unless you're supporting your family going through the court process.
That area is just a den for thieves and habitat for lawyers.
Both of which that should be avoided if at all possible.
It looks as if more buildings are empty than occupied.
No one cares about downtown except the people who own the buildings.
Stop making promises you can't keep Mayor Ireton.
I notice alot of these buildings have a Day sign it in. Empty space empty promises. just like the pansy of a mayor.
All those Day signs in those vacant slum lord buildings mean nothing except Day is financed by slumlords and wannabe developers. Traffic is so small that wasting those signs on the plaza does nothing for his campaign. This is the only time I saw those signs and they were on the internet. Chances are I won't see them again because I won't be going down to the plaza.
Vote Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero
Jim is a nice guy? To me he is one of the most arrogant little pr***s I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
I am voting for you, but I am concerned with others who don't have a clue. On this blog you are preaching to choir. My elderly neighbor does not read your blog. I mentioned you to her - she has never heard of you. My hoa does not permit any signs of any kind, but I have only seen one of yours anywhere else. We need to do more to get your name and view point out there. The clock is ticking Folks.
We should find the person responsible for all the fires in Virginia. He could "rid" us of all the deserted building down town? Or hire a large bulldozer. We could start over.
anonymous 11:21, so do tell me what you are so afraid of? Are you afraid that a guy like me can come into Salisbury and actually get things done? I say that because that is exactly what each and every Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton supporter fears. They know I actually have the ability and concepts to turn things around and they are bashing me on EVERYTHING they can think of because they know I will make them look like the novice fools that they are.
Take a 2 1/2 year test ride with Joe Albero and see what a real professional can do in such a short period of time.
anonymous 11:14, I am knocking on as many doors as humanly possible and the results have been overwhelming in my favor. In fact I've only had 4 people tell me they are voting for Ireton.
Rather than having volunteers knocking on doors, I am trying to do so personally so people can get to know the real me.
Thanks for putting up all these pictures lately. It has convinced me to vote for you. I have seen and experienced just about enough here in Salisbury.
Joe, I'm an artist. Like many artists, I can't live off of my work and must work a full time job. I would love to have a studio space a few evenings a night and on weekends. I see all these empty spaces downtown and talk of wanting to be an artist center. I can't help but think, if those spaces were filled with artists like me while they are empty it may just bring some foot traffic and interest to downtown. Couldn't the owners of those empty businesses get a tax break for housing local artists during the periods their locations are between leases?
I also find the lack of parking downtown an issue. I often find myself not bothering with the few stores that have been downtown because I often don't have cash in my pocket for the parking lot or a meter. Are we so dependent upon the revenue brought in from the downtown lot that we can't find a different solution? How about a parking voucher for people who make a purchase in a downtown shop? We need fewer law offices in thoses store fronts and add actual stores!
anonymous 11:36, There are breaks for property owners to work out deals with artists Downtown. My suggest for the moment is for you to contact any one of your Council Members and they can fill you in on what is available.
As far as parking, my goal is to completely eliminate the metered parking in most of the lots Downtown. Salisbury needs to be inviting and NOT PUNISHING with fees to park and or tickets because you didn't get back to leave Salisbury fast enough for the City's liking. It is what it is but I'm going to change that.
What about that vacant, derelict "fahrhouse"?
Mayor Ireton vision for downtown has failed. There are more vacant buildings and failed attempts with numerous businesses closing then when he started as Mayor. In addition John Pick has got to be the worst public servant in history. Remember he applied for a job in another state, and was not hired. So he came running back here like a whipped pup. If I were mayor I would clean house and get competent Department heads to run this city. To much dead weight within the city management.
I agree with 11:14. You really need a campaign web-site and Facebook page devoted specifically to your campaign and only the campaign issues. Facebook page will help spread the word.
Speaking of Mayor Ireton yesterday was Feb. 28,2013. This was the date set forth by the Salisbury City Council as the last day for extending the acting fire chief status for Mr. Hoppes. Has Mayor Ireton submitted another name to the City Council as directed? What happens now?
Anonymous said...
The city needs a full time mayor. It seems obvious to me that John Pick isn't doing what he's paid all that money to do either. We will vote for you Joe.
March 1, 2013 at 10:19 AM
You are correct. The Mayor's position should be full time. You mentioned John Pick, but forgot to mention the evil Lore Chambers. oops, I meant Dr. Chambers. Get rid of those two and that will pay for a full time mayor with money saved. You could also hire a vice mayor or a new City Administrator at a fraction of the cost. It can and should worked on and adopted after the new mayor and council are sworn in. That way the next Mayor will be full time with benefits. The City council should work on bringing their salaries up to at least what the county council makes and bring back the health insurance. There is nothing good the city offers to attract quality candidates.
You left out some of the biggest buildings Joe. How about the Vernon Powell building.
12:29 is more correct than any of you know.
Barrie Tilghman thwarted efforts to revive downtown and Jim Ireton is following in her footsteps.
Why? Because the properties could then get sold DIRT cheap to Very Important People, just like Feldman's, the old Ulman theater, the destroyed Boulevard theater...the list will keep growing.
The one advantage to housing? Built-in voters. But even if it went strictly commercial, it would still be an advantage to those who got a sweet deal.
Barrie was not stupid. Jim may be, but as long as he keeps politically climbing the ladder, he's a happy boy.
I moved from Salisbury in 2005. but I saw this handwriting on the wall back then and I know of what I speak.
Salisbury could still be something great, I hated to leave, but you are really on the edge of losing it, depending on what happens with this election.
Liberals dont like growth,that's why most businesses trying to get ahead can't get permits.They like raising taxes.
Its not hard to understand! Ireton and Day along with some very important people WANT downtown Salisbury destroyed. In its place, large multi unit low income housing will be built, and Baltimore's low income finest will be bused in. Of course those temporary construction jobs will be crowed about. Follow the money.
Whew! I spent an hour today talking with someone who had been told all sort of nasty things about Debbie Campbell, Tim Spies and Terry Cohen. I think I at least have them thinking about Campbell now, but no guarantees.
This is turning out to be a filthy dirty campaign despite all the talk about civility and working together and "restoring pride." I'm really ashamed that people in this town can say the kind of garbage I heard today.
Come on Salisbury help us send this clown back to where ever he came from (I think Rehobeth Beach).
Haven't been to Salisbury for over 5 months and am shocked how many Day signs there are in the city. Genuinely worried that the citizens of Salisbury ware going to not re-elect Campbell and not elect Albero. Salisbury is at the tipping point--between becoming another Frostburg or becoming a viable city.
Ireton and Day along with some very important people WANT downtown Salisbury destroyed.
I think the correct term would be razed.
And I think it should be too and begun anew.
Low income housing? No, I don't think so. A few condo's or duplex's maybe, but at a price that would keep the rift-raft out.
Do we really need the size of court houses and offices that currently take up space downtown?
They could be renovated into something more useful and pleasing. Put courthouses out there on Naylor Mill with the jail and sheriff's office.
Keep all those crooks in the same area. And any prisoners could go there as well.
But at the end of the day, I don't think there is much, if any, interest of even having a downtown.
Right now it's more or less an eyesore and borderline slum.
Joe and others don't want to hear that because they want some kind of return on their investments.
I can't blame them, but I think that is a losing proprosition.
Anonymous said...
What about that vacant, derelict "fahrhouse"?
March 1, 2013 at 12:06 PM
It's a fire house and it needs to stay a fire house. It should have never been abandoned by See, Gordo and Hopeless. Place EMS units in there for quicker responses if they don't want to place fire engines in there. The need is for Ambulance/EMS personnel and not firemen. Place those 12 additional fireman on the two parked ambulances and place 5 total ambulances in service around the clock. Poor leadership in the department when you have a leader in the form of an acting fire chief with very minimal educational requirements and credentials. No wonder the city council doesn't want to confirm this clown.
Can't anyone tell the citizens or Salisbury what is going on with the acting fire chief status? What is the big secret. We the tax payers have a right to know.
After Ireton gets the 500 ghetto units up and running, the empty store fronts will be bustling with seedy laundry facilities, a thriving pawn shop, and I'm sure a Turkish owned market with a myriad of flavored cigars and malt liquor. Its time to cut bait.
Vote Campbell & Albero, or you can kiss this now seedy little town good-bye!
12:22 am, the courthouses are not going anywhere. How on earth do you think this proposal would actually play out in real life?
A big problem with what would otherwise be the "downtown" area and the contiguous neighborhoods (newtown, etc.) Is that route 50 cuts the area in half. There isn't a large walkable neighborhood that might make the area attractive.
Have any of you been to downtown in Easton, Cambridge, Berlin, and others that have the meters heads cut off? Berlin is at 100% OCCUPANCY! 100%! It's because city Mayors know how o run a city! Tax revenues flow in and license fees, flourish! It is WORTH the businesses' time to be there, as they are making money! It's BUSY there!
Get in your car, and go there, and see it happening on ANY DAY.
Now come back and tell me our downtown neds to be bulldozed!
12:22 am, the courthouses are not going anywhere. How on earth do you think this proposal would actually play out in real life?
A big problem with what would otherwise be the "downtown" area and the contiguous neighborhoods (newtown, etc.) Is that route 50 cuts the area in half. There isn't a large walkable neighborhood that might make the area attractive.
March 2, 2013 at 10:22 AM
The same way I described earlier.
Rt 50 dissects that area whether or not the courthouses are there are not.
Right now there isn't anything for anyone to walk around that area. And wrong time at night might get you mugged or worse.
One has to have vision and see in his mind what is not there yet, but could be.
No offense, but you don't sound like you are one of those with vision. Hence your reply.
But it's ok. These are just ideas being kicked around.
question, joe, if you do away with the meters, what keeps employees from parking on the streets which makes visitors no place to park?
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