Jim Ireton

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Candidate for Salisbury Mayor
- General Election: April 2, 2013
- Contribution Limits: $250

Jim Ireton has been Salisbury’s mayor since 2009 and is the city’s first openly LGBT mayor. A native of Salisbury, he’s been a teacher in Wicomico County for nearly two decades. He’s served as a City Council member and on various volunteer and non-profit boards and committees. Under his leadership, Salisbury has not raised its property taxes, lowered its capacity fees and lowered its violent crime rate.
Ireton flaunts his homosexuality when it serves as a vehicle for campaign donations but hides it back home.
Zero integrity.
Openly gay?
Didn't raise tsxes under his leadership?
This is not a leader, it's a self-promoter.
It's too bad that we have more of them than we do true public servants.
Taxes haven't went up because of Debbie Campbell, not Jim Ireton. Ireton wanted to raise our taxes last year, and it was Debbie that asked the question "how much is the city of Salisbury's budget surplus?"
Debbie also worked on getting the city's police department raises in that same year without raising taxes.
Not a good example for your kids or grand kids. If he doesn't know which way to go, how can he lead!
Who cares if he's gay. So long as the other dude wants to participate, he's not hurting anyone.
Posting this is a low blow, Joe.
I cant imagine how he treats kids in his class.
Hey joe if he can post he is Openly gay it should be Alright for you to say your openly STRAIGHT.
How is this a low blow? It comes from another website. Are you saying Jim should be ashamed of what the other website posted?
Anon 1037 -
In what conceivable universe is posting this information a "low blow"?
I don't care that Jim is gay. As far as I know, Albero doesn't either. This is evidenced by the fact that we both supported his candidacy in 2009 and vehemently defended him against some pretty nasty attacks.
I don't even have a problem that he is using his sexual orientation as a tool to raise money. "All's fair", and all that ...
Here's what I do have a problem with:
Jim Ireton, along with Laura Mitchell and Jake Day, promote a leftist agenda that is not in sync with our community. Jim seriously bends the truth about his record. Then he is supported by liberal groups like the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. I don't care that these folks are gay. I do care that they want to destroy our nation with leftist policies which have been shown time and again not to work.
I don't care that Jim's raising money from gay groups across the Bay. I do care that he's raising money from some of the most left-leaning legislators in Annapolis (SOME of whom happen to be gay).
You can't have it both ways. You can't be using these folks to raise money and then cry foul when it becomes public.
Sure, I recognize that some folks will vote against Jim because he's gay. Shame on them. They should be voting FOR Joe Albero because Albero has a REAL plan to improve the city's economy which will allow other improvements to our overall quality of life. They should be voting for Joe Albero because Jim Ireton has had four years and accomplished next to nothing (although he takes COMPLETE credit for the few positive things that have happened despite them being the work or ideas of others).
He should be ashamed.
Mano E mano is just not natural.
He is a sick man.
Do you want him guiding your young boys into a life of homosexuality?
So if i have NO Experience in politics but i am Gay does that mean i get the job just because i am GAY, Awesome.
I support gay rights AND I support Joe's right to post this. If a women's rights group was promoting a female candidate to increase representation of women in elected office, would it be wrong to link to that site? As a gay rights supporter, it seems hypocritical to me for people to think it's bad for Joe to post this when the whole point of that website is to say it's okay to run for office and let it be known you are gay.
This has gotten to be a dumb discussion among the commenters. Joe Albero supported Jim Ireton 4 years ago. Joe didn't care that he was gay. Joe is now running against Jim because Jim is a disappointment as mayor. End of discussion.
10:37 Must be gay and must be liberal. HOMOSEXUAILTY IS NOT NORMAL. It sickings me seeing to men or 2 women together.The gay people always try to push there agenda about equal rights and try to get people to accept this lifestyle. It is hard to try to explain to my child why to men or to women are kissing and holding hands.Gay people cant have kids the way god intended then. Most gays don't believe in god either because they know what they are doing is a sin.If they want to be gay do it but dont try fo convince people this lifestyle is normal. These people have mental issues and should not be allowed to adopt kids.
This should be clear. Back when Jim was running in 2009 he assured many of us that he would be open to suggestions from the public. I told Jim then, if you don't, I will run against you in the next election. He has not, therefore I am running for a better tomorrow.
Funny how Jim is all of a sudden LISTENING to MY platform and adopting his own to match MY ideas. So is ANOTHER candidate. Yet MY ideas weren't good enough over the past 4 years.
I say Jim is now on his own. He has proven he cannot manage the City nor the Council.
As I have gone door to door I have never mentioned Jim being gay. I have never bashed Jim in any way, shape or form. In fact. I have clearly stated Jim is a great guy but he has NO experience. He has NEVER worked outside government employment or in the business world. That is NOT an attack, it is a fact.
Thanks for your comment GA.
11:22 you don't need a job you need prayer and some mental health counseling.
11:37 The truth hurts girlfriend.
"He’s served as a City Council member...."
This is quite deceiving. It fails to mention Jim Ireton didn't complete his term and just quit. Ran out of town like a pansy. Shame on them and shame on Jim for his disgusting dishonesty.
The caption under the picture states the candidate isn't accepting funds through that site? Am I missing something here?
Ireton takes credit for all of the dilgence and hard work of Debbie, Terry and Tim. Ireton would never have gotten elected in the first place had he been TRUTHFUL about his agenda--the radical leftist FACIST agenda of the Democrat party. And somehow, Jake Day has managed to be the next Louise Smith and completely fooled alot of Distric 2 residents. All you residents of Camden, Pinehurst, Forest, Clairmont, what in the world are you thinking? Your quality of life and your property values are gong to plummet if they construct 500 unit Section 8 housing. Have you lost your minds? Doesn't the fact that Day is in bed politically with Ireton and Mike Dunn bother you at all? Hard to beleive that YOU ARE GETTING FOOLED AGAIN!
By pure definition, a LGBT person has a mental disability.
I am a gay man and I know more gay people who are ashamed of Ireton's grandstanding and public display of stupidity than I do his supporters. He is an incompetent, immature manipulator and if Salisbury favors him and his puppet Day I will do everything I can to move
851 Please put the word out and vote April 2 thank you.
Amen, 8:51, thank you. I am straight but have many gay friends I love with all my heart. Jim has spent so much time promoting "image" that he has damaged that of others and of the city.
8:51 PM
Instead of moving, bring like-minded people to the polls.
omigod, he is like so cute!!!
So, that's the only qualification to running a city? Who knew? How does that in the furthest stretch of the imagination come remotely close to qualifying for any public office/ career/ skill??
Joe, please tell us more about your business background. Where was your business? When did you move it to the Eastern Shore? How many employees did you have? Some of us need to know this before we can get behind you.
I thought LGBT was a brand of appliances. I wish it was...I wish it was...
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