Phone: 410-713-4005
Email: AlberoForMayor@gmail.com March 28, 2013
What Happened to “Stick to the Issues”?
Salisbury’s Daily Times is planning its own version of the “October Surprise” for this Sunday’s edition. According to Daily Times city reporter Jeremy Cox, the paper plans to run a front page “expose” outlining the past legal difficulties of incumbent mayor Jim Ireton and his opponent, businessman Joe Albero. What Happened to “Stick to the Issues”?
“I’m really disgusted with the entire approach taken by our local newspaper”, stated Albero. “It’s small wonder that they’ve had to put their building up for lease. People just don’t want to read a paper that is one step above the National Enquirer. Who cares that Jake Day has a heavy foot, or that our three District 1 candidates have met with personal financial misfortune, or that both my opponent and I have had some minor brushes with the legal system? Why does the Daily Times think that these things take precedence over my plan to bring jobs to Salisbury, Jim Ireton’s repeated attempts to raise our taxes, or Jake Day’s plan to use our tax dollars to subsidize residential development in the city?”
Albero also noted that early in the campaign the Daily Times stated that they wanted to ONLY report on issues. “Throughout this campaign I have focused on how to make Salisbury a better place to work and to live. It’s unfortunate that they have gone back on their word and chosen to take this path. What have we seen from our local paper during this campaign? Most of the articles we’ve seen this election season have been thinly disguised attack pieces. Any discussion of real issues has been little more than fluff. I don’t believe that reporter Jeremy Cox is either lazy or a bad reporter. I can only conclude that publisher Tom Claybaugh and editor Michael Kilian believe that they can gin up advertising sales from certain business segments or somehow increase readership by attempting to use Gannett’s assets to impact a local election with salacious stories that have no real impact on Salisbury’s residents and businesses.”
Albero’s publication, SBYNews will print a response (written by a named contributor) after the Daily Times runs its piece.
I just called to cancel my subscription and got an out of state person. They begged me to stick with them but I told them I've had enough.
"Who cares that Jake Day has a heavy foot, or that our three District 1 candidates have met with personal financial misfortune, or that both my opponent and I have had some minor brushes with the legal system? Why does the Daily Times think that these things take precedence over my plan to bring jobs to Salisbury, Jim Ireton’s repeated attempts to raise our taxes, or Jake Day’s plan to use our tax dollars to subsidize residential development in the city?”
Quote of the month! You said that so well! It proves your slogan, "It's not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's Salisbury's election to lose(or something like that!)
The Times is out of time, and their operation couldn't fill a single unit in a strip mall!
I just spoke with my father who said to go ahead and cancel his subscription he gets at his business in Delaware. He's been getting it daily for atleast 30 yrs that I know of. Also a relative who works in the office said she would cancel hers also as she's been wanting to but has been putting it off and just needed a boost.
Wake up folks! This is typical of the Daily Times. Yes, we got new faces to replace old faces,but we still have the same mentality. If you are a citizen, elected official, or a candidate, no human being should be subjected to this "below the belt" nonsense.
The only conclusions I can make sense of is that the Daily Times 1) is not interested in promoting our city,
2) not smart enough to understand what the issues are and 3) has no vested interest in our community.
They all need to go back to where they came from.
is this laundry list going to include every instance of the current mayor's public drunkeness? it seems like the listings wouldn't be complete or accurate without them
Yeah i hope they post the Complaints of the Employees at MOJOS too?
The only way that paper can increase sales would be if they did a spanish version. Everyone else knows it's not worth the tortilla it's written on! Gives me Montezuma's revenge!
The DT's semi-endorsement of Ireton was hilarious!
It basically said we want to endorse Ireton - IF he stops acting like the person he is.
We don't want Albero, 'cause...just 'cause, dammit!
I think Joe expected this to happen. The power and influence the local paper is still quite strong. Without SBY news we would never know what is behind the scenes. Understand that the MSM is programed by Democrats. There are many older voters in Salisbury that do not have computers and the only info they receive is from the Daily Times.
Do we really expect the Dailyslime to be balanced? Look where they are based out of. Next they will be running ads in their newspaper to take away the big gulps.
Anonymous said...
I think Joe expected this to happen. The power and influence the local paper is still quite strong. Without SBY news we would never know what is behind the scenes. Understand that the MSM is programed by Democrats. There are many older voters in Salisbury that do not have computers and the only info they receive is from the Daily Times.
March 28, 2013 at 5:51 PM
Maybe so, but it's up to Albero, Campbell and Polk supporters to call their neighbors and implore them to vote for these 3 candidates. Make sure they don't believe everything in the Lame Stream Media.
It's just downright silly because bringing up any of Joe's past legal issues amounts to nothing more than flogging a dead horse. It's all been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum. Jacob Day's traffic violations is new news since he's a newcomer to public life and to bring up Shanie and the other ladies financial troubles was in extremely poor taste. Shanie's politics get on my nerves but she's been dealt some hard knocks in life so even though she tends to get riled up I realize that's her personality and I do still respect her.
What was up with that endorsement 5:37? It was strange, to put it mildly.
The reason there is a SBYNEWS is that the Media in this town is so ONE- SIDED, Screw them JOE.
You are the man!
I think they are running scared. They don't want anyone to actually investigate who owns what and where and who all the dealing partners are. Funny this comes out after we were discusing the realtor partnerships/CAR yesterday.
The "left-handed endorsement" of Ireton was to accomplish two things:
1. To look "fair" (okay, sure, uh huh)
2. If Jake Day gets in, Jimmbo will have a rubber stamp council and will be very well behaved so they can say, "see, see, it was Debbie and those OTHER people's fault, so boot the others in 2015."
Laura Mitchell will start behaving, after she has publicly destroyed the new attorney, of course. Man, I don't know how he restrains himself with her. She is one big mouth.
Got me! I had to read it twice to make sure my funny bone wasn't just acting up. Poorly framed - no accomplishments, vague statements as fact - "there's no doubt". No reason why the reader should vote for Ireton, only that he was their man.
Shallow was the only thing that came to mind, besides hilarious.
The Daily Times has exposed its dark underbelly this time.
Sure, people care about the moral fiber of the candidates. But the time to expose that is when it's first found out, and maybe again before the filing deadline. But once it's old news and this is the field to choose from, forget about it. Jake Day is the only "new" person in the picture, too, as someone else said.
FYI, I do care that he has a lead foot -- THAT many times!
LOL-I had to read it twice also 7:16. I wasn't quite sure I was reading and comprehending correctly. Finally I was like...okay I got the point but the reason why is?...is?...is?...well? It was just totally off the wall bizarre.
Joe, you need to get court records for the daily times and their employees and post those. If they want to bring up peoples records then lets make sure their records are clean as well.
Laura Mitchell is a lying, conniving piece of crap. One of these days it is all going to catch up with her...one of these days. It can't come soon enough.
Jeremey cox is not a bad guy i know him its the idiot management team at the DTs.
God I will be glad when this election and all the drama associated with it is over. I am actually looking forward to see what Joe does for this city.
I surely hope the other powers that be cooperate and do what's best for the city, and not be babies fighting tooth and nail to not get anything done just to make Joe look bad.
People are really getting sick and tired of how things are in Salisbury and how some people do their damnedest to keep it that way. Hopefully their power train ride is over.
Either get with the program and help the PEOPLE of Salisbury or get the hell out of the way.
I'm sure there are those who wish to see Joe fail just to say 'I told you so'. What they don't realize is if Joe does fail, so does Salisbury.
You've had your turn at the wheel and look where it's taken us. Grow up and do the right thing(s).
instead of getting all upset- wait and see what they say. you all act like this article is going to lose Joe the election. thanks to Joe nobody reads that rag. The DT will not place itself in a position for a lawsuit so I doubt the story will do Joe any damage. 7:52 suggest retaliation which I see no point in. Just ignore it and it will go away.
What will happen once you're elected? Will you work with the rag or will you use another forum to reach the public? It would be nice to see you not use them at all. Let them, make them work for any information they print. You need to look at working with another area of print that will reach those that care and can make a difference. Perhap now is the time for someone to re-start another publication. If you are elected I would donate time and money to deliver free items to area homes to help circulation grow.
"David Downes: Jake Day has training, vision and energy to serve Salisbury well"
Letter to the Editor in the Daily Rag.
Who is David Downes?
David Downes
Chief Executive Officer
Downes Associates, Inc
2129 Northwood Drive
Salisbury, MD 21801-7858
Downes Associates Inc in Salisbury, MD is a private company categorized under Engineering Consultants.
Now why would anyone want to vote for a candidate who is bought buy realtors, architects and engineers who are in the business to make a profit off the tax payers of Salisbury. This has got to be one of the most blatantly corrupt candidates and election in Salisbury's history.
FYI, I do care that he has a lead foot -- THAT many times!
March 28, 2013 at 7:30 PM
Why? What bearing does that have on anything other than he likes to drive faster than the speed limit?
I do too. Probably every day. And judging from everyone who passes me and tailgates,(because I am not going fast enough), I, and Day, are not alone.
I could agree with you if you were referring to speeding in residential and school zones. But on a highway?! Get real.
The only time people go the speed limit, even if it is 65mph, is when they see a cop running a speed trap.
A better reason for not liking Day would be because you just didn't like his looks. Attacking someone because they speed is a little flimsy. And worse, you try to attach some kind of moral violating along with it.
You can believe all that if you chose to, but you won't get much sympathy, or agreements.
Who can get their hands on the court records for Ireton when he ran from the cops on that beach in Delaware when he got caught doing a lewd act?
anonymous 9:25, at a well attended meeting tonight a public official was talking about Congress seriously considering removing all legal ads from newspapers and instead letting them run ads on line.
The official, (who is local) stated that the Daily Times only has 1,500 subscribers any more.
What I'd like to know is, how the heck are they staying in business?
It's no wonder their current building is up for sale/lease. It says in the real estate ad, tenant will vacate property.
They were not all on a highway. I guess you see no problem with people speeding. I bet you would change your mind if someone you loved was killed but someone driving 20 miles over the speed limit. Laws whether you feel are right or wrong are there for a reason and you can't pick and choose which ones you want to follow.
I graduated the same year as Jake Day. Even though I am his age, I will not be voting for him. Salisbury needs experience and Campbell has demonstrated everything this city needs to move forward the right way. No time for messing around. Vote Campbell!
I guess you see no problem with people speeding. I bet you would change your mind if someone you loved was killed but someone driving 20 miles over the speed limit. Laws whether you feel are right or wrong are there for a reason and you can't pick and choose which ones you want to follow.
March 28, 2013 at 11:10 PM
No, actually I don't. It's just a fact of life. The same as people dying. Life is too short to sit around worrying about all the 'what ifs'. People get killed every day. No matter if they are speeding, at the limit or below it.
No law will stop that. If you want your life to be micro managed by others, that's your business. I don't.
Relying on others and laws makes one less responsible for themselves.
You said not all were on highways. That's two different animals. I already said if it was in residential or school zones they shouldn't be speeding.
If you don't think the majority of drivers speed on highways I suggest you either don't reside in the real world or don't drive on highways.
Someone not going with the flow of traffic is the cause of more accidents than the rest of them going with the flow, regardless of the speed.
If anyone cannot cope with todays traffic, they should not drive. They create a hazard. Call a cab. Ride the bus.
Why should 85% or more of the traffic be forced to accommodate one or two drivers who can't or won't go with the flow?
Stay to the right and let everyone else go around you. They will soon be far away from you and neither of you will be a danger to the other.
You can only control what you do or don't do. You cannot control other people's actions.
A law is a law. Doesn't matter whether one agrees with it or not-civilized people do not intentionally break any law nor do they make excuses for those that do-speeding included.
Attitudes like the ones above, excusing bad behavior, is what is wrong with this country. People refuse to accept blame and take responsibility and others enable them.
Joe, MML was pushing a law that would make it legal for municipalities to fulfill their required public notices on their own website, instead of with the newspaper of record. At the meeting, the discussion was an update of the state of the bill. Which is dead and very unlikely to be resurrected this year.
WOW...you were right. Except the article is in today's paper. Joe...I think you should sue them.
Article is out. In it Albero comes across as being a rags to riches success story. On the other hand Ireton and Day appear as immature above the law types. JT pushed Cox for this and it's backfired. Good for Cox as he and all of us have gotten the last laugh and JT continues to look the foolish person that he is.
Did you really read the story? Day wasn't mentioned at all.
9;06-LOL---I read the article but you obvioulsy did not. It most certainly does mention Day and his difficulties with obeying speed limits. Page 3 halfway down to be exact.
This seems to be the problem with a lot of people. Things are spelled out in plain English and they still can't see the forest through the trees.
6:29 AM
It's people like you that are the reason Maryland is 44th out of 50 in terms of freedom. You talk of responsibility, but don't want individuals to have any, you want the state to mandate it. You can babysit others if you want to, but I will live my own life as I see fit. I don't need a nanny telling me what to do and how to do it.
Bye bye now Mr. Socialist.
Really 9:06? "Day wasn't mentioned at all"?
What about this? Starting on page 3 paragraph 6-
"On March 15, Jake Day, who had recently trounced Albero ally Debbie Campbell in the District 2 council primary, found himself the main subject of a blog post on Albero’s Sbynews.com.
It copied and pasted online Maryland court records of several speeding violations charged against Day as well as his 2012 divorce.
“He’s a lawyer’s dream come true, over and over!” the unidentified writer concluded.
During the past couple of weeks, The Daily Times has submitted council and mayoral candidates to similar scrutiny in its pages and online, including Day’s traffic offenses and two license suspensions"
A law is a law. Doesn't matter whether one agrees with it or not-civilized people do not intentionally break any law nor do they make excuses for those that do-speeding included.
Attitudes like the ones above, excusing bad behavior, is what is wrong with this country. People refuse to accept blame and take responsibility and others enable them.
March 29, 2013 at 6:29 AM
Tell that to the cops that blow past you going well over the limit. Goofball.
Go away Mr/Ms Apologist/Exuse Maker, 11:02. You people are exactly what is wrong with society. You do not excuse bad behaviour by citing other bad behaviour. The worst part is in your minds if you have children you have convinced yourself you are a good parent and nothing could be further from the truth.
Go away Mr/Ms Apologist/Exuse Maker, 11:02. You people are exactly what is wrong with society. You do not excuse bad behaviour by citing other bad behaviour. The worst part is in your minds if you have children you have convinced yourself you are a good parent and nothing could be further from the truth.
March 29, 2013 at 6:36 PM
OMG. You are a fine example of the mental health issues on the shore. You know when people have lost an argument? All they have left is name calling. You make me want to vote against Debbie just because an idiot like you supports her. You would be funny, but I know you're totally serious, and that's just scary. And no, I won't go away. Someone needs to counter your fanatical bull crap. It takes all kinds to make a world. You certainly are one of a different kind. Have you got your cape out of the cleaners yet?
You people are exactly what is wrong with society. You do not excuse bad behaviour by citing other bad behaviour.
Going to make him sit in a corner now? lol
The worst part is in your minds if you have children you have convinced yourself you are a good parent and nothing could be further from the truth.
March 29, 2013 at 6:36 PM
Wow, what a low blow. Bet you're proud of yourself with that one. You had a flimsy argument with that guy from the start, now you just lost all hope of being taken seriously. I think I would rather ride in a car with either one of those two before I would get in a car with you. I don't know if you've ever been in an accident but I'd bet money you have caused a few. I hope I never have the misfortune of meeting you or even being in the same area as you. Chill out and take your meds.
6:36 PM
Why don't YOU go away. Some of us are tired of your broken record. It really doesn't matter what you think. You can't change anything and thankfully, you don't have any authority to do so.
Now I guess you're gonna call me names and tell me I'm a bad parent like you did the other guy?
Have at it. No one takes you seriously. You need to come up out of your mothers basement now and then. Get some fresh air.
Tom Claybaugh and Michael Killian are just doing their best to stay relevant. They just don't know how totally irrelevant they have become. I'm a Berlin firefighter and I want to read about the scandal and contention underway in the OC FD. Instead, the Sunday Daily Times (AKA coupon wrapper) contained a mostly unreadable story aboutthe Salisbury election. Why do readers or even potential readers care about such a thing. I bet there are more readers outside the Salisbury city limits. Why not give the real customers something to look at. I am just so fed up.
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