Travel around Salisbury. You'll see lots of Jake Day signs. A few are in homeowners' yards. Some have been placed in public right-of-ways (is that legal?). A few more have been placed at local businesses (some with the owner's permissions, others without). The majority of Day signs appear to be on properties where there are no registered voters.

It's little wonder that Jake Day appears to share overwhelming support from SAPOA. In his recently released policy manifesto, Day calls for allowing landlords to self-regulate:
Where the rental industry identifies bad actors within its ranks, the City and the rental industry should first utilize peer-to-peer mentorship to guide them toward best practices.
It's pretty amazing. Day wants to strip Wicomico landowners of their property rights, but doesn't want one of the city's largest businesses to face regulation. Day claims that he'll "partner" with mayor Jim Ireton if elected. Little wonder when both candidates show such "flexibility".
Day also claims he'll "partner" with Albero if elected. Heard his interview yesterday when asked point blank about working with the "blogger candidate for mayor" - said he's had great conversations with Mr. Albero and will eagerly work with him if both are elected.
Ireton and Day are bought and paid for by SAPOA. I watched the videos and agree, Jim has failed us. He just lost 2 votes from this household.
Anon 0833 -
You are correct. However, you need to look had the whole picture.
When Day announced, he stated that he wanted to partner with Ireton. Now that Albero has announced and is (at a minimum) a serious candidate, Day will "work with him".
I'm sure that Jake Day is a nice guy. He's also blatantly ambitious and willing to do or say anything to get elected. You should closely examine some of his public comments. I've watched the guy change his position on something two or three times in one sitting.
The top picture is clearly a rental. Since the sign is in the picture does this mean that it's an empty rental? If so, thats sad. First he has signs in an empty building on the best location is Salisbury, now possibly an empty house. To me it's clear, no one wants them elected. Empty buildings can't vote.
Debbie Campbell has my vote. She will continue to work hard for us no matter who the Mayor is. She has proven that.
Another Salisbury City election and the same scenario always takes place. Barrie Tilghman knocked on the doors of city homeOWNERS and promised strict enforcement of current zoning and rental laws. She got herself elected through deception and was in bed with SAPOA . Same with Louise Smith, same with Jim Ireton. Ireton was even more blatantly dishonest-he campaigned on ridding the city of the corrupt public employees like Pick, Chambers et al. And now he condones all of the waste, cronyism, tax and spend policies of his predecessor. Now Jake Day has been hand picked by the "businessmen" who view Salisbury City as "housing stock" to be exploited for money, either to college students , illegals or welfare recipients. Salisbury is already saturated with rentals to the point it is not salvageable-But SAPOA "don't care" they all live outside of city limits.
The Day sign is in an apartment complex. Renters do not have the right to put up signs there. Clearly this is a sapoa property. Day just lost my vote. I rented from these people years ago and they are scum.
We know who butters Day's bread
Ireton really turned on those that supported him for mayor. Ireton's support and teaming with Day clearly speaks of more of the same. We deserve better.
Ireton will OF COURSE blame the Council, especially Campbell and Cohen for not moving his proposals forward.
Forget for a moment that those proposals were drafted by the same city attorney that Ireton pledged to replace and didn't. The same one that wrote a million dollar cap into the wastewater treatment plant contract and a host of other things that had to be rewritten.
Ireton is the direct opposite of "The Buck Stops Here" Truman. The buck for Ireton seems to stop everywhere BUT "here."
Day says EVERYTHING you want to hear. He will promise EVERYTHING you want. Just let him in.
Remember Laura?
Day's signs are in District 1 (he is a candidate from District 2), just as you enter Camden Ave, part of which belongs to Shaney's Kingdom (but she never crosses the bridge to even look at it).
Landlords, who put Day's signs wherever they can don't care about us, city people. They don't care if they confuse voters from the district where their property is, they don't care about the city AT ALL.
They want to milk us to the end. Day will help them to do it together with Jim, laura and Shaney. They want Day and his fiance (although he is still officially married).
Watch out for a big wedding!
As for Ireton,
Jim, you are a grown man! Take some responsibility for your problems. Its sickening to here you blaming everybody around. Drama queen - that's what you became.
I do not have a dog in this hunt but industry self-regulation is not necessarily a bad idea.. It is the basis of free trade.. America could stand for more of it..
I am a good responsible landlord and I am voting for Debbie and Joe Albero.
Really, what did you expect? Ireton is tied to Laura Mitchell who clearly represents the landlords. She is also a Jake Day supporter.
Ireton went running to SAPOA and met with them over the attorney change, worked side by side with them.
Politics may make for strange bedfellows, but when Ireton gets done using and abusing everyone and they get done using him, then what?
Day is also buddies with Cookie, Chuck Cook. Everywhere you look he's tied at the hip with Ireton.
I was surfing the internet and came across these interesting comments about Jim Ireton when he was running for Mayor in 2009 and Joe Albero used SBYNews.com to defend Ireton and help him get elected. Then Jim Ireton turned his back on Joe Albero and the rest of his supporters. These comments are on the net and they are very interesting:
Outraged Richard Says:
Sir, there are many blogs addressing issues in the Salisbury area.
Most, if not all, of the Salisbury blog sites are listed at shoreblogs.net
At outragedrichard.com since 2004 I have been addressing for years the shoddiness of the downtown:
The latest outrage is that Mayoral candidate Jim Ireton is an unrepentant homosexual and attempting to bring homosexual legitimization to the Salisbury mayor’s office.
Concerned Citizens of Salisbury Says:
The truth is that the next mayor, Jim Ireton, will be worse than the last.
We are extremely concerned that Jim Ireton, candidate for mayor of Salisbury, Maryland, and currently an elementary school teacher, is a dangerous homosexual who is unqualified for office and a threat against traditional family understood as a married man and woman with child.
We base this on several pieces of information:
1. The Salisbury Daily Times’ article on Jim Ireton ticketed for fleeing with another male from police after 3 AM on Rehoboth Beach, a known location for homosexual men to have illicit sex.
2. James Ireton Jr’s “Speak Out” August, 2001 letter to the Camp Rehoboth website in support of indoctrinating children with the homosexual agenda, and that “gays should make the best use of the legal structure in their battle.”
3. A commenter on a local website who alleges Jim Ireton has introduced his boyfriend to various individuals in the city of Salisbury.
4. Another commenter on a local website who alleges he and his wife saw Jim Ireton exiting homosexual establishment “Frog Pond Pub last fall in Rehoboth Beach”, and that Jim Ireton is “not ashamed of the [homosexual] lifestyle.”
I urge you to publicize this crucial issue, that of the legitimization of the homosexual agenda Jim Ireton’s mayoral candidacy brings to the people of Salisbury, Maryland. Please search the words “jim ireton homosexual” for more information.
The Salisbury, Maryland mayoral election is April 7, 2009. Please help advance morality and decency by spreading the message of “Family First, NO Jim Ireton!” by email or by telling your friends and family.
Please help us to preserve traditional family values,
Concerned Families Of Salisbury
Flexibility-Code word public/elected officials use when pandering to special interest and they need an excuse for the general public. It is most often used by politicians when they break campaign promises. Instead of admitting they are controlled by special interest they claim they are being "flexible."
Getting along, is what Laura Mitchell promised, she turned out to be more of a divider.
What ever happened to Outraged Richard and his blog?
We need a whole new rental structure. I say take OC's example. They used to have run down properties and then instituted a strict rental code and fee structure. Which I think this whole county should. For example I went to a Camden Ave association meeting and they showed an example of street where only one home was owner occupied and the remaining were rentals. The one owned home paid more city taxes then the rental homes put together. Why you ask?? The rental homes are valued much less due to the landlords not taking pride in them and keeping them to lower standards then they would live in.
So if you make a rental fee that will make up for the difference in taxes so you can help offset the burden on the homeowner and provide better services, better roads, more police, more fire protection. Better rental inspection to keep the housing standard up in the city. Raise the value of the city as a whole.
Don't let the landlords scare you and say that fee will go to the renters. The landlords can afford the fee and some. Renters pay what is fair or don't rent it. There are a high number of houses available.
I say work out a formula for the average owned home taxes and average rental home taxes and establish the fee from there to bring to an even playing field.
Make the homes that are rentals meet a better standard of living, a safe standard of living.
We need to raise the bar, settling for this mediocre way of living in Salisbury needs to come to an end.
Day has two yard signs on eastern shore drive on public property.
The public works department needs to remove the trash on these properties.
What experiences outside losing his family, divorce & a new fiance does jake bring to the table. The man apparently doesn't have a good solid base upon which to build an ordinary life. Do we want him ruling anything about our city?
Remamber Louise Smith?
Remember Laura Mitchell?
Are you all gonna fall for this again?
I saw quite a few places that had multiple signs for Day, he must have more signs than he has yards to put them in. I rode the westside today and saw no Shanie signs, she's too lazy to go door to door. I saw a lot of April Jackson signs. I saw two Ireton signs all day lol
"Anonymous said...
What experiences outside losing his family, divorce & a new fiance does jake bring to the table. The man apparently doesn't have a good solid base upon which to build an ordinary life. Do we want him ruling anything about our city?
February 19, 2013 at 3:08 PM"
Once again I'll say his love life doesn't concern me any more than the Mayor's does. What I would like to know is in respect to Jacob's letter in the DT's. It's self promoting and I'll admit sounds impressive but there's a hugh part missing. It says I do this and I do that but what is missing are the results of this and that.
I think the best choice is to stay with Debbie Campbell and her sharp pencil. I'm on a condo board and from time to time we have the "git r done" mentality members who want to pass everything that isn't nailed down without proper thought and consideration given. Those projects always turn into hugh clusters and I take great pleasure in telling those with the "git r done" mentality "I told you so."
If money were no object then there would be no need for someone who believes in crossing all T's and dotting all I's but in these hard economic times with no light in sight it is all the more important to elect citizens like Debbie Campbell.
I just saw a Jake Day sign planted at 700 East Main Street in front of Vantage Point Solutions. Guess who owns Vantage Point Solutions? Doug Church. Who is Doug Church you might ask? Doug Church is a slum lord and a FOB(Friend of Barrie Tilghman). Doug Church is the same person that Barrie Tilghman was going to give the city parking lot next to the Market Street Inn to. Barrie was going to give that property to Doug Church for only $10,000 and Doug was going to attempt to build 10 condo's on that little parking lot. Thank God that fell through. Speaking of Doug Church if you put his name in Sbynew.com's little search box at the upper left of the home page you will find tons of articles on this crooked person. He tries to align his self with wannabe politicians so he can get sweet deals like that waterfront parking lot for $10,000. He was behind the scenes with Bubba Comegys and the infamous Bill Gordy affectionately known as Gordo. If you want more corruption like we saw with Barrie, now Ireton, Comegys, Dunn and Smith then you can vote for Jake Day. My vote goes to Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell.
Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...
What experiences outside losing his family, divorce & a new fiance does jake bring to the table. The man apparently doesn't have a good solid base upon which to build an ordinary life. Do we want him ruling anything about our city?
February 19, 2013 at 3:08 PM"
Once again I'll say his love life doesn't concern me any more than the Mayor's does. What I would like to know is in respect to Jacob's letter in the DT's. It's self promoting and I'll admit sounds impressive but there's a hugh part missing. It says I do this and I do that but what is missing are the results of this and that.
I think the best choice is to stay with Debbie Campbell and her sharp pencil. I'm on a condo board and from time to time we have the "git r done" mentality members who want to pass everything that isn't nailed down without proper thought and consideration given. Those projects always turn into hugh clusters and I take great pleasure in telling those with the "git r done" mentality "I told you so."
If money were no object then there would be no need for someone who believes in crossing all T's and dotting all I's but in these hard economic times with no light in sight it is all the more important to elect citizens like Debbie Campbell.
February 19, 2013 at 3:37 PM
I don't care if his love life concerns you or not. Most of us know that a failed marriage that is in the process of divorce proves several things. one, the fact that he will be expending his energy and resources fighting a divorce. Two, if he cheated on his family there is a great possibility he will cheat on his obligations as an elected official to us who he is supposed to represent. Three, he is a law breaker and he thinks he is above the law because he is some assistant to a general so he thinks he has a get out of jail free card with his speeding violations. Yes his numerous speeding violations proves he has broken the law numerous times.
Vote Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell.
Candidates should be fined for repeatedly placing signs on public property.
I can see where some would relate his personal life to his public obligations and that's fine 4:35. Everyone has different life experiences and possibly knows of someone whom they may have been in contact with and due to personal problems didn't give their full attention to other areas.
Now the pattern of the speeding tickets in my opinion show a lack of maturity and a blantant disregard for the law but more importantly to me a blantant disregard for the safety of others.
Does anyone else think it's odd that someone that went to Oxford college would settle for a part time job as a council person for the city of Salisbury at $10,000 a year?
The backroom deals are where the BIG money is, just like that Barrie Tighlman/Doug Church deal.
Watch out for this Vermin, Louise Smith, Laura Mitchell, Jake Day? Mike Dunn said he made a $1,000,000 on while on the council, that should be chump change for an Oxford graduate.
This needs to stay at the top if we have any hope of winning this election.
Some of these signs I've seen as far away as Pittsville on Old Ocean City road. I'd be happy to sport a sticker on my car homed in Fenwick Island (but frequents the Salisbury roads).
Debbie Campbell is nationally recognized for her work on urban housing, why change that? She helped create Nieghborhood Housing Grants here in Salisbury. She helped Jim Ireton be one of the first to capitalize from that program, his bashing and slander, is the thanks she gets from that garbage of a human.
Welcome to Slumsbery MD top 100 best city?
Slick Ricky used Debbie Campbell to get his rooting squad (Wicomico Neighborhoods) going. Wonder whether he will support her or the leftist that he put on the Planning and Zoning Board, Mr. Day?
"Does anyone else think it's odd that someone that went to Oxford college would settle for a part time job as a council person for the city of Salisbury at $10,000 a year?"
Oxford U is a bastion of liberal/socialist indoctrination. It is the home of the Rhodes Scholarship started by none other than Cecil Rhodes avowed socialist and One World Government advocate.
Rachel Madow attened Oxford. What's that tell you? Prerequistes must include a penchant for liberal/socialist policies and thinking and a mind that is easily propagandized and easily controlled.
DAY will stab you in the back at NIGHT.
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