One of the problems is the council majority, which includes Campbell, and its lack of vision for the city, Day said. “I think we have a great example with the mayor, but he doesn’t have a partner on the City Council,” he said.
As Day concludes the first phase of his quest for public office, Day has received the endorsement of another Salisbury icon - Barrie Parsons Tilghman.

Salisbury taxpayers should be reminded that Tilghman plunged the city into deep debt. The city is in the process of paying for Tilghman's waste water treatment plant TWICE. Why? Tilghman's "Dream Team" council simply RUBBER STAMPED her every whim. Day is on record as wanting to join councilwomen Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields in being Ireton's rubber stamp.
Let's review a few accomplishments of Day's latest champion:
- A DOUBLE DIGIT tax hike.
- A highly questionable city land purchase which yielded "unknown" owners a nearly HALF MILLION dollar profit in four months for the Salisbury fire house property.
- Millions of dollars in developer reimbursements.
- A questionable annexation for the "Sassafras Meadows" parcel, formerly (?) owned by rubbber stamp councilman Mike Dunn and family.
- The piece de resistance - the FAILED Waste Water Treatment Plant. The grandchildren of city ratepayers will be ponying up for this one.
Salisbury taxpayers KNOW they can't afford another Barrie Tilghman. Are their pockets deep enough to afford Jake Day?
If he, like Mitchell, is Ireton's boy, and he's aligned with Barrie, forget it.
Bull. Jimmie has two partners on the council, both Obamacrats like him.
If he thinks Tighlman is an endorsement, he does have another thing coming, that's more like a stick a fork in him, he's Dunn.
Day and Heath are alike. They are the two-pronged strategy to defeat Campbell. Campbell is the person who really started to expose corruption in city government. She has done more for transparency and getting the city in good order than any council member in the history of the city. No matter who wins the mayoral race, the residents of Salisbury are done for if Campbell isn't reelected. Audit on time, check...Mayor's tax hike stopped, check, police pay problem solved, check....and on and on. Go Debbie!.
Day seems to be getting support from all corners. I think that's all the evidence I need to know he's not beholden to anyone. The question is when is the support of certain groups going to start alienating other groups? Does he realize that it might hurt him to have this diverse base that doesn't agree with itself? It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
I have been open minded about my vote untill now. A Barrie Tilghman endorsement tells me to vote Campbell.
10:26 said...
Day seems to be getting support from all corners. I think that's all the evidence I need to know he's not beholden to anyone.
****Sounds to me like he's "beholden" to quite a few, which is easy when they are Barrie Tilghman, the slumlords, the developers, and special groups.
10:26...you are mistaken. This plan was hatched at a secret strategy meeting at the Chamber a while back. Those who have benefited from the sweet deals at our expense were there plotting how to push Campbell out.
Well at least the voters know of the connection. If they vote in another Tilghman protege then they deserve the dysfunction they'll get as a result.
You folks posting on hear better get busy talking to your friends and getting Campbell a vote, or Joe Albero is going to have to be the Veto King of Salisbury with all the tax and spend votes a Tilghman-Ireton council will give him. He won't get squat done and Mike Dunn will ride in on his white horse in 2015.
I don't live in the city, but I'm close and I already called two friends I know are city voters and I got a few more to do.
My instincts tell me that Day is very inexperienced and would be an ineffective "Brown-Noser" if voted in, and my instincts are usually right!
The Mayor "not having a partner on the City Council" comment makes absolutely ZERO sense. Yes, the Mayor has 2 partners who carte blanche rubber stamp just about everything the Mayor puts forth. Just because other coucil members have different ideas and goals doesn't make them bad and seemingly uncooperative. It's the Mayor's job to listen to everyone, pull ideas, suggestions and solutions together and work on modifying and improving to come up with postive results.
I'm not fond of the "my way or the highway" "everyone is against me" mentality.
The "ULTIMATE" failure.
DAY, is playing the DECK, just like a politician he will fit in,but Debbie got my vote he is a IRETON supporter and FLIP FLOPPER.
Just goes to show that the powers that be aren't interested in a "vision" for Salisbury. They are interested in never letting go. It's not about "love" for Salisbury. It's about $$$$$$$$$.
How sad for you all.
11:30, Jake Day is a nice guy, smart, good looking...
and you are right. Jake will make a great politician, but he will be a front man for the power behind.
I think Campbell is one of the last of a dying breed of true public servants coming from the general public. She is good at everything she does and she does a lot.
I am very sad for my grandchildren because they will not know the real leaders of my day. Today's leaders are all front men (and women) for some business interest, some special interest, some banker, some political high rollers, whatever.
Day= is a YES man.
11:42 Day maybe a guy with a good haircut but if he is voted in he WILL be M.I.A during important council votes, WHY you ask because when he gets Called up for Military Service he has to go, SO what good is a PT Politician ohhhh I forgot look at our PT MAYOR...
My prediction...they will attack Debbie Campbell from both sides (Heath and Day camps). One will get through the primary and then they will try to combine their votes to push her out. We all need to follow the lead of the earlier poster and make a few calls to friends and neighbors in the city.
If Day is anything like his dad and brother he will get along well with Ireton. Hissy fits, temper tantrums, cussing coworkers and sheer "know it all" arrogance are the norm for the other male members of his family.
Anonymous PO said...
11:42 Day maybe a guy with a good haircut but if he is voted in he WILL be M.I.A during important council votes, WHY you ask because when he gets Called up for Military Service he has to go, SO what good is a PT Politician ohhhh I forgot look at our PT MAYOR...
February 20, 2013 at 12:15 PM
Don't forget about the numerous court dates for his speeding tickets. Heck, he may lose his license if he hasn't lost them already. If he doesn't have a drivers license then how will he be able to attend all the meetings and work sessions? Does he live on the plaza or close to the GOB?
If you City voters do not vote for Campbell----and Joe----you are in serious trouble!!!
As said , Debbie is one of the rare few left with any honesty & integrity at all.
Another ---"As Said" ---It's all about the money--- people! Please get out there & vote!!!!!!!!!!
Barrie Tilghman says Jacob Day brings his record of excellence to the council or something along those lines. Short of Day designing and implimenting the Bennett Memorial garden no one seems to have anymore knowledge of just what this excellence is. I even asked on an anti albero site and complete silence-no answer-JT's pushing for him with nothing substancial to back his endorsement up. No one knows anything even Tilghman it looks like. All the site says where he works is that they do this and that for all these towns but not one mention of where these towns are and what exactly they have down to improve these towns. He's on this board that board-okay-all they do is make recommendations. Have any of his recommendations been a success?
I say stick with Mrs Campbell.
And Day is a leftist who as Rick Pollitt's apppointee to the Planning and Zoning Board is trying to take away the property rights of those who own land that could be developed.
In the 60s, we called those who paraded around in uniform solely for the purpose of fashion "PX Soldiers". They bought their own medals and ribbons not knowing what any of them meant. A Mayoral campaign has absolutely nothing to do with the military past or future nor does the military have anything to do with a civilian government. Mr. Day is a member of the National Guard. He is NOT a Lieutenant in the Army as his website claims unless he has been ordered to duty. So then, what has he done? Let's see.... he went to school. He has served in appointed positions. He has served as a head of a a board without responsibilities. In other words, Mr. Day has not done anything beyond talking or being talked about. I don't see a single accomplishment mentioned on his website which makes for a pretty empty resume. Ok if you simply need someone to fill an empty seat but, otherwise, it's all talk talk talk. There are already too many of these in office.
Mr. Heath is a great guy, has business experience, has the time to devote to the job, and would make an excellent councilman.
Where have Heath and Day been for the last four years? Not at any council meeting I've ever seen.
I would NEVER vote for anyone who Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton or Laura Mitchell would endorse! All are losers in my eyes. And speaking of eyes 11:30 can you look at that picture again and reevaluate the "good looking " comment. I would hardly think that tiny mouth and big ears make him very "good looking" Hahahahaha
I was looking at that fat bloggers site a few minutes ago out of boredom and to see if he was back to his old tricks. He is! He made this stupid comment about Jake Day:
"The thing I like about Jacob Day is his ability to work with all parties, his energy and enthusiasm, and last but not least his experience."
How in the H3ll does he know that Jake Day can work with all parties? Where did he see him working with all parties? What experience does Jake Day have to prove that he is qualified to be an elected leader? That fat blogger is still a liar and will stoop low enough to post it for the world to see. He is only supporting Day because Day is aligned with Ireton who now attacks Debbie Campbell. Funny how 4 years ago that fat blogger was posting homophobic comments and attacking Jim Ireton while pimping for Bubba Comagys.
In the guard the don't call him don't ask don't tell Jake for nothing.
Joe when you get elected, promise to name the waste water plant Tighlman's tank.
What do Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Doug Church and TJ Maloney all have in common????
I think Ireton has a crush on Jake Day.
Have always planned to vote for Debbie Campbell, and after reading this, now solidifies even more why I would vote for Debbie! Go Debbie.....you have my vote!
Ugh! Anything associated with Dinglebarrie Tilmon will make me run.
Please vote for Debbie Campbell.
As if Dinglebarrie wasnt enough, Louwesel is planning on having a meet-and-greet for him. Enough said
Hey 1:15pm, you must know the Day family well!! The males in that famly don't care who they hurt, who they run over, and who they can devour! Knowing them for so many years makes me wonder why ANYONE would want to associate with them!!!
Anonymous said...
What do Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Doug Church and TJ Maloney all have in common????
February 20, 2013 at 6:01 PM
Ok I give?
Anonymous said...
As if Dinglebarrie wasnt enough, Louwesel is planning on having a meet-and-greet for him. Enough said
February 20, 2013 at 9:00 PM
Please do tell us what Louweasel has up her sleeve. Does she really think she has that much influence left in this city!
If that is a military uniform in that picture of Day, he has violated several regulations regarding the wearing of the uniform in support of a political party or campaign and should be reported to his commanding officer.
Go look at Day's website, he has more pictures of him playing GI Joe than anything else. He's a disgrace to the uniform.
The "ultimate" in the headline is definitely ironic, as those who read of Barrie's support will soon discover. However, for those who don't read the full article, the title may give the impression that Day has been endorsed by someone whose opinion should be given great importance. That is the last conclusion you want people to be drawing.
"The thing I like about Jacob Day is his ability to work with all parties, his energy and enthusiasm, and last but not least his experience."
Too funny wasn't it, 5:19? First thing I thought after reading it was what orifice did JT pull that brilliant statement out of?
He also claims Jacob has "done tons of great things helping move towns similar to Salisbury into the future."
Okay.......so exactly what towns are we talking about and what exactly did Jacob do to move them "into the future?"
Ultimately....however this election turns out ...these people who are elected need to be within our reach and out in the public. I blame the public for NOT holding these people accountable and not DEMANDING a better city. I know where I can reach Joe and I plan on being more involved. I do not live in city limits but the city reflects on us as a whole. I am going to get more involved starting NOW>
SAD...we have moved to Rehobeth without the benifit of the beach.
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