DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
It's Been A Long Four Years Mayor Ireton, It's Time For A Change In Leadership
While I could put up even more images, (believe me, there's a lot more) I think its pretty clear that we as a community have seen nothing but fluff press conferences from Mayor Ireton and very little reality.
These images are yet a small example of failed LEADERSHIP over the past 16 years, we deserve better. Houses and buildings boarded up for several years only proves Mayor Ireton has failed the City of Salisbury.
Should I run around and start taking pictures of all of the For Rent/For Sale/For Lease properties? I'd need two days worth of Posts to show all of them, perhaps even more.
If you are happy with the way things have been run over the past 16 years, well, then I encourage you to vote for my opponent. That's all I have to say about that.
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The same way people want change in the council will be the same way people want change in the MAYORS OFFICE, Get out and people.
Ireton needs to go.
Jim knew what he was getting into four years ago and he's done nothing. I drive past a lot of these properties and they have been the same for at least four years. There's no excuse for this.
This is the Joe Albero I remember. You just sealed my vote.
Ireton, Mitchell and Shields have been uncooperative in working with the council majority to take care of these sorts of problems as well as abuses of good property owners by code compliance.
Unfortunately Jim has the same talking points and strategy as the Obama marxist machine!
Do nothing, SAY your TRYING. Blame your opponent.
What a Disgrace.
I moved out of the City 10 yrs ago because of the way the Council and Mayor fought and got nothing done. It seems nothing has changed. The citizens don't seem to care. I'm afraid they just don't care. Voter turn out was terrible and if people don't take the time to vote nothing will change. You will have Ireton for Mayor and lose Debbie. Its your decision. Stay home or vote and change the path you are on.
A lot of these houses are not owned by the so called slumlords. Quite a few are owned by individuals and were passed down in estates. The owners are generally older people who could not afford upkeep so that's why they have moved and the houses in disrepair. These are the people previous admins have failed. These are good honest hard working people who due to the low wage jobs market Salisbury has become became victims.
I would like to see the so called slumlords who have invaded these neighborhoods and are salivating and waiting for more homes to be devalued held to a higher standard and Code and Compliance come down on them like the plague. Fines should be such that it doesn't pay to violate the code.
Then there are all the businesses going down just bus. 13. There signs are half lit or out all together, there parking lot lights are out, banners left up for years, even though it is a city ordinance they can only be up 30 days. This is pure Blight being ignored by the city and the Mayor’s office. Salisbury needs a change. We need leadership in the Mayor’s office to enforce city ordinances and make these businesses keep up their property so people will want to stop and shop, eat out, and maybe settle here. With businesses looking so shabby it is a wonder anyone shops here or eats in a restaurant, how your property looks reflects on how you manage your business. Throw the bumm out and vote in a real go getter, JOE !!!!!!!!
People need to be more informed and vote to whom they want to pay salaries. We have a rare chance to decide now.
Jim lies - he wanted to increase our taxes but Debbie prevented this to happen. Now he is taking credit for it. And he might get elected.
Ireton + Day +Shanie + Laura = more giveaway money for entitlements! Salisbury's population grew by 10% which makes Ireton proud. BUT who came here? We have no jobs !
Baltimore population decreased, they followed Jim to SBY to get freebies. Scarry, we might become another Detroit.
You said "it's time for leadership", Ireton was never a leader. Most teachers are followers as he is. He doesn't have a clue about leading or management skills.
I've been around here for 38 years and this city may be beyond repair. I've never seen it this bad.
You got your hands full as does the next president.(Al Sharpton or Jessie)
From reading this blog over the years I feel at the end of the next two years, nothing will have been accomplished. If Ireton remains in office there still will not be anything accomplished; if Albero does win the election he will be too busy blaming Ireton for all the problems. I am sick of the blame game. Ireton blames the Council; the Council blames Ireton; Joe blames Ireton and part of the Council; Three on the Council blame the other three.
Everyone needs to shut the hell up and compromise - do the job you were elected to do. If that is impossible than out with the old, in with the new. At least we only have to listen to this bs for a two year term. If Day in D2 and Albero as Mayor can't hack it we can elect new in 2015.
Unfortunately, it's not going to change.
The photo of the old train depot breaks my heart. Yet another building, like the old movie house or Feldman's left to rot, rot, rot. By the time some young enterprising entrepreneur comes up with a use for it- it, too will have rotted away beyond all repair.
I'm sick and tired of looking at empty buildings. Even if Joe fails at bringing new business to town, I'd rather have someone who tires than someone who is just going to give property away to poor trash.
3:21 You could get eastern shore of VA fireboy to come here and take care of those empty buildings, you wont have to look at them any more.
Funny how some of these comments are coming from Ireton's campaign people, if not Ireton himself.
2 1/2 years is not a long time to bring industry and jobs to Salisbury but a good start can be done.
I know, let's build 500 affordable housing units downtown in 2 1/2 years and forget about bringing industry here. That should fix things, right?????
If Ireton is reelected you will get exactly what you deserve. Empty promises. Funny how he's now talking about economic development, what happened 4 years ago Jim?
Funny how he's changing departments so you can ALLEGEDLY get permits faster, what happened 4 years ago Jim?
Every single item I have proposed is not being rearranged by Ireton, (which is a good thing) but he has had 4 years to do these things, now all of a sudden Joe Albero has better ideas and he's going to fix what he's done wrong? Throw the man out of Office and watch a real man do what is right. If I can't get it done, fire me in 2 1/2 years.
these pictures should accompany his many B.S. press releases about Salisbury being chosen as one of the country's top citites. another great shot would be on Grace Street, near the main post office, where the grass and trees grow half way into the road. shameful mayor!
Anonymous said...
You said "it's time for leadership", Ireton was never a leader. Most teachers are followers as he is. He doesn't have a clue about leading or management skills.
I've been around here for 38 years and this city may be beyond repair. I've never seen it this bad.
You got your hands full as does the next president.(Al Sharpton or Jessie)
February 27, 2013 at 2:57 PM
Funny you mention Ireton being a school teacher. How long has he been a school teacher? He has been with the Wicomico County School System for many years now and he is nothing but a school teacher. Most of his principals and administrators in high paying jobs are younger than him and have been there for a shorter period of time. He has been transferred to numerous schools because he is a trouble maker and can't get along with anyone. He is not liked and never has been. Many parents complain about him and nothing is done. He is a part time school teacher for half a day. Do you want your elementary age child with a teacher who is never around. Please get rid of him as mayor and as a school teacher. Our children deserve much better.
The vote yesterday convinced me that nothing is going to change. Do people get a break on their rent from the landlord if they vote as instructed?
Smoke and Mirrors.
If you are not elected I do hope you keep the blog. I find it very useful.
3:13, the three members on council who are getting unfairly blasted did not stand out on street corners calling Ireton and Shields "racists."
These three have given that wreck of a mayor hundreds of his requests while saying no to the incredibly wasteful idiotic ones.
Compromise? What do you call the Onley-Bateman solution, the River's Edge solution and others?
Seems to me the good children are getting blamed along with the badly behaved ones.
The other stupid media outlets don't want to expose the real truth about the way Salisbury is. Its to vote Ireton's ass out of office I can't even ride down rt 13 with out hitting a pot hole. You can put lipstick on a pig but he is still a pig.
Get rid of NSCC. It's obvious they are doing the jobs they are paid to do. They do look cool wearing their wannabe vice squad police badges.
Albero + Day = fresh faces. That's what we need.
5:30 here.
It's obvious the are NOT doing the jobs they are paid to do. They are nothing more than drive by code officers harassing elderly ladies because a little bit of grass is going on the sidewalk joints.
I WILL be selling my home and Business if this dirt-bag is RE-ELECTED.
Anonymous said...
The other stupid media outlets don't want to expose the real truth about the way Salisbury is. Its to vote Ireton's ass out of office I can't even ride down rt 13 with out hitting a pot hole. You can put lipstick on a pig but he is still a pig.
February 27, 2013 at 5:30 PM
And Ireton's claimed success story is making that a bike route. Wait till some bicyclist is run over on that so called bike route.
4:47pm makes a point...I wonder how many votes were bought with this tactic by those running with the backing of the slum landlords. This is the very reason Ireton wants Day so he can control him, gain another vote on the Council and continue with his hand in the till with all these rental properties. It wouldn't be shocking to learn or hear the big 5 give him a percentage, he pockets it, and gives Day his orders on how and what to vote. Shields and Mitchell have already sold their souls so there is nothing to do there. But Day has to be counseled what to do by Ireton and Day has already stated he is willing to go along with what Ireton wants so he is willing to sell his soul as well. That is what keeps the honest renters paying higher rents, and living in sub-par places. Ireton/Day figure they will get their votes just tell the people what they want to hear.
I could see a Albero/day ticket too, What does Day think,or can he even speak about it?
Look at the Day supporters trying to con the Albero supporters. Albero should not hitch his wagon to anyone, especially some guy whose ideas are going to run taxes up through the roof and thinks Ireton is doing a great job.
I am my own man. I do not need Campbell or Day, nor will I ask either to team up with me. They are on their own, just as I am on my own. If ANY of them tell you they are connected with me, they are liars. I respect both parties and may the best man/woman win. Yes, I'm talking about Council, not Mayor.
Let those who have common sense and are educated beyond smoke and noise makers vote. That is the only way a productive council will be in place with a productive an finally a capable leader.
Salisbury looks the same as when I left it decades ago.
Guettobury Md.
Vote numbers were ridiculous; am I the only one thinking this was rigged?
Voter Fraud is wrote all over those vote counts!
Anonymous said...
...If Day in D2 and Albero as Mayor can't hack it we can elect new in 2015.
February 27, 2013 at 3:13 PM
What makes you think Jake Day is already a shoe in? What an idiot. Debbie win re-election if she begins to campaign again.
I wonder how many people were Debbie Campbell Supporters and decided to change their vote to Jake Day?
If you can admit it and want us to believe you feel free to sign your name.
Joe, Debbie Campbell has always been straight up about her position with other candidates, so no need to worry about her lying.
Others use her, like Liarton and Louweasel, not the other way around.
ObamaVille on Display
WHY is that pedestrian bridge in the park closed, anyway? It looks perfectly sound to me.
Additionally,renters (students especially) need to realize thet if the incumbent councilwoman, Debbie Campbell, is NOT re-elected and incumbent mayor ireton is re-elected, taxes, water sewer & city services will rise in cost and a new STORMWATER fee (another tax)will be imposed. That means YES, YOUR RENT will go up accordingly. Forbid that the slumlords should lose a nickel... But, the rest of have to. Vote Campbell for council, Albero for Mayor.
Forget not that some cannot vote as they would have were it not for redistricting. Thank you democrats.
You know if you don't wish to go to the polls, you can vote by absentee ballot. Call the election board & they will send you one!
Paying less on your RE taxes this year? It's because assessments have lowered property values. It looks good on the surface, but taxes will be raised to make up for the lost revenue. Then when RE values climb back up, where will you all be. It's going to happen! Especially if you re-elect the incumbent mayor, ireton.
The absolute DISHONESTY of Ireton claiming he did not raise taxes when he TRIED LIKE HELL to raise them if nauseating.
That is not spin. That is just a LIE!
For that alone, he needs to get pulled out of office.
If anyone reading this blog travels much they realize that old railroad stations are highly cherished by many communities.They are used for varying purposes,like museums or office space.The one shown in this post is at best only used for storage,is boarded up,and typifies the local mentality.What a waste.
Who owns RR station?
Reelect Debbie Campbell, or problems like these will never be solved.
Anonymous said...
Additionally,renters (students especially) need to realize thet if the incumbent councilwoman, Debbie Campbell, is NOT re-elected and incumbent mayor ireton is re-elected, taxes, water sewer & city services will rise in cost and a new STORMWATER fee (another tax)will be imposed. That means YES, YOUR RENT will go up accordingly. Forbid that the slumlords should lose a nickel... But, the rest of have to. Vote Campbell for council, Albero for Mayor.
Forget not that some cannot vote as they would have were it not for redistricting. Thank you democrats.
February 28, 2013 at 6:53 AM
You are absolutely correct. Someone needs to remind Ms. Campbell about this.
Just imagine how bad things would be if we didn't have Debbie in office. The city's condition sure cant be blamed on her. Eigh years isn't enough to solve such problems.
we don't see any candidates "riding on" the coattails of ireton or shields. candidates usually ride with someone very popular, like Campbell. ireton rode on hers, louise smith rode on hers. Now they want to throw her to the wolves. What they get will be deserved.
Funny how there is a vacant homes article in today's Daily Rot. In it, Ireton blames the council and the city attorney he has kept occupied with his petty jihads. You telling me Ireton can't walk down the hall and say what's up with your housing authority and all these vacant properties? We pay taxes. Why isn't this being taken care of by the county? The city is supposed to do everything?
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