During a heated exchange with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on Sunday, Wallace played a clip of a now infamous NRA ad criticizing Obama for relying on Secret Service to guard his children and asked if the organization believed that every child in America faces a threat similar to that of the Obama kids. LaPierre said that they do, leading Wallace to forcefully push back against the gun chief, saying, “that’s ridiculous and you know it, Sir!” Watch it:

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, February 04, 2013
Fox News Host Blows Up At NRA Head: ‘That’s Ridiculous And You Know It, Sir!’
Fox News host Chris Wallace tore into National Rifle Association’s contention that President Obama and other elites are hypocritical for employing security guards to protect their children, while downplaying the importance of armed protection in preventing gun violence.
During a heated exchange with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on Sunday, Wallace played a clip of a now infamous NRA ad criticizing Obama for relying on Secret Service to guard his children and asked if the organization believed that every child in America faces a threat similar to that of the Obama kids. LaPierre said that they do, leading Wallace to forcefully push back against the gun chief, saying, “that’s ridiculous and you know it, Sir!” Watch it:
During a heated exchange with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on Sunday, Wallace played a clip of a now infamous NRA ad criticizing Obama for relying on Secret Service to guard his children and asked if the organization believed that every child in America faces a threat similar to that of the Obama kids. LaPierre said that they do, leading Wallace to forcefully push back against the gun chief, saying, “that’s ridiculous and you know it, Sir!” Watch it:
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I watched this on tv and was surprised and disgusted how LaPierre was treated. Seems he was only invited so that he could be a punching bag. There are no unbiased news reporters anymore. Just a bunch of lemmings. He held his own and I have even more respect for him and the NRA because he held himself high.
What's ridiculous is that 20 kids were just killed in a school so it's obvious that any and all kids face a similar threat as any other child including obama's. It's common sense. Schools are soft targets and soft targets are magnets for those intent on mass killing. There are no if's and's or but's-EVERY child in this country faces a similar threat as that of obama's children. How many more school shootings before everyone wakes up and admits the truth and stops denying it because it doesn't suit their agendas.
Every other school in the Sandy Hook district had resource officers in them except this elementary school. I wonder if that's why Lanza picked this particular school? For awhile they tried to blame it on his mother by saying she volunteered there which turned out to be another fabrication. Of course they won't say it's because Lanza knew the schools had attended them and knew which one was the soft target.
I support gun rights but I find that ad offensive and LaPierre's response to Wallace disgusting. The basic premise of the commercial is simply wrong - like it or not, the Obama children ARE more important than your children. Their safety is a matter of national security, and the first family gets threats from nutcases and extremist groups every day. When that's happening to Joe Schmo and his rugrats in Dubuque, we can talk about offering him armed guards as well.
Bottom line is the NRA is doing gun rights supporters no favors with ridiculous statements like this.
"Their safety is a matter of national security..."
Is that why they're taking class trips to Mexico?
No, they're not more important, but they certainly are the objects of affection for a variety of goofballs/terrorists. High profile targets.
Like it or not, we live in a republic and I'm pretty sure that the statement "we find these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal..." means that the King is no more important or valuable than MY wife and children. I'm offended by "obama's children ARE more important than yours". Rugrats, too, no less. RUGRATS?! According to WHO?? obama? Just like the rest of the politicians who VOLUNTEERED for their job, as do cops, teachers, firefighters, and soldiers, they KNOW (or SHOULD know) what their job entails. Some with some pretty high risks. Have the kids schooled at the White House. Or don't take the job. BUT, DO NOT tell me THEY have a right to a small army with the latest and greatest military technology to protect THEM, while I get a single shot shotgun and 3 shells. Because they are MORE IMPORTANT!? WTF? Tell that crap to the families in Detroit, Chicago, The Bronx, South Philly etc. Or do they get LIFETIME taxpayer funded protection, since it would make huge headlines 40 years from now to read that one of obamas daughters has been kidnapped? I don't think obamas kids safety is a matter of national security, especially in light of our own governments stance that we don't negotiate with terrorists. Regular citizens are thrown to the wolves because hey, you're just a serf. UNLESS they get a POLITICIAN? Or his kids? Then its a full blown emergency! How elitist. How aristocratically pompous for a politician (OR a citizen) to think THEY are more valuable than anyone else. What? Are we runnning out of politicians or politicians kids? I don't think so, unfortunately.
every child is important, doesnt matter who your parents are. thats the point.
6:19 drink more of that koolaid. his children ARE not more important than mine.
6:19, "more important than my children"; hmmmmm, not hardly. that's one of the dumbest statements i've seen in a while. where do you live? of course they are "high targets" as all of our presidents and their families have been.
as for the story of the interview; chris wallace needs to be shamed. he exposed his ignorance more than once. he lives in a glass tower and knows nothing of the 2nd amendment and our countries founding.
I just hope you don't have children 6:19. Any parent who thinks another's child is more important than theirs is disgusting. And your parents must have been real prize winners to have raised someone with your attitude. Shame on them! I have no children and I would never be so common as to say one child's life is more important than another ones.
I don't think I've ever seen a more gross ignorant comment on this site. All children are important!
Thank you 647 for bringing sanity into the room. It brings to mind the government phrase of "No Child Left Behind", well except the ones that are NOT the President's children?????
My children are the most important children in this country, as well as the children of all other parents such as me.
Wayne has offered to train teachers and staff FOR FREE in concealed carry to protect these kids, and is treated like a horses' a$$ for standing up for truth, justice, and the
American way. Disgusting.
I would think everyone's children are as important as the president's.
If the ruling party has it's way, only the rich and criminals will have guns. Just look at O'Malley's proposal to implement a recurring registration fee for owning what the Constitution gives you the right to. Seniors should realize that this is just ANOTHER grab on their Social Security income.
All of the commenters on this post really have lost their minds and are delusional. This is a big country with big responsibilities. Get your heads out of the sand or stand down a crawl into your fantasy sand castle completely and stay there.
What a disgusting display. Obama is not an untouchable king or communist glorious leader. Bringing his kids into the discussion is a 1rst admendment right, or does that have to be abolished along with the 2nd admendment? I'm done with Faux news also, they're just as bad as the blatently leftist older networks.
Chris Wallace and Fox News need to apologize !!!
6:19 you are so wrong. You should think before opening your mouth. How can you put the kings children before anyone else's ?
Sad so very Sad!
"- like it or not, the Obama children ARE more important than your children."
Unfortunately too many "parents" have this attitude anymore and it's the major cause of all the societal problems we face today.
It used to be that when one choose to become a parent, the child/children were the most important thing in the parent's lives. Not so much anymore. Too many "parents" have an easy come easy go attitude and the sad fact is quite a few children mean nothing more to the "parents" than more on their monthly allotment of entitlements.
I just cannot grasp the idea that anyone would think one little child's life is not as important as any other child's including a president's. It's heartbreaking to think someone could think this way.
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