Last Friday a Salisbury businessman offered to pay twice the regular rent (over $1,000 per month) for a two month lease. Is the Plaza going to host a new business? Hardly. When asked why he wanted the property, the replay was simple and straight forward, "There's an election!". Now Jim Ireton and Jake Day campaigns are the beneficiaries of Salisbury's most expensive bill board:

Imagine it; supporters of Jim Ireton and Jake Day are so desperate that they are willing to pay almost any price to promote the campaigns of their chosen candidates.
Who was the business man and why was he so foolish to pay twice the rent?
Look up. That's too funny. Your signs are on the 3rd floor. Ireton must be pissed. He's scared Joe. Keep up the good work.
Its on the record now. Wasn't John Robinson in that building with that newspaper that only lasted a few weeks. I heard he lost his butt on that thing.
Anon 0838 -
Who the business person is really isn't important. As for paying twice the rent, that was because they only wanted the space through the general election.
The leasee was offered a 6 month lease. They said no. So, the owners said that if you only want the space through April 2nd, he had to pay the higher rent.
I love how Joe's signs are in the top windows. Ireton is at the bottom again. I wonder if they will demand the signs on the 3rd floor be removed.
The name of the business person is important to me. I want to know who is paying the $2,000 rent for sign space. Maybe there are other people who feel the same way?
Jim is still going to LOOOSE. Keep up the good work Joe...
I would also like to know if it is the taxpayers' money being spent.
Pathetic. You guys are a joke. Boo hoo hoo.
Well, WE know who that business person is but we are holding that information back right now. As GA said, it's not important at the moment. I agree, Jim, (and his friends) is getting desperate. Jim refuses to talk about issues. His entire campaign is about personal attacks. Believe me when I tell you, I have been to 1,400 homes knocking on doors. So far I have been told by FOUR people they are voting for Jim. FOUR! The rest are disgusted with Jim Ireton. Jim's signs are going up on SAPOA properties, NON registered voters. I have the current list and I walk right past the Jacob Day and Jim Ireton signs all day long because these people are not registered voters, yet they have Ireton and Day signs on the property.
Doesn't Jim realize this will come back and bite him as well. Come one people, do tell us ALL of the things Jim has done to move Salisbury forward in the past 4 years?
Where's the JOBS? Where's the good paying JOBS? What roads in the past 4 years have been PAVED? How's the WWTP working for you? Crime is down 40%, REALLY? Well, maybe part 1 crime is down, (AS IT SHOULD BE) but how about theft being up 400% or so? How about Officers being told not to do formal reports for any theft under $1,000.00. They are being told to call their insurance company.
When you don't have a record to run on like Jim Ireton, you go on the personal attack. Jim Ireton can't handle Joe Albero and that's all there is to it.
You tell em, Joe, where is those good paying jobs?
They're out there, if you can speak the queen's English.
There's no question the upcoming election is the most talked about topic on the shore. I work in a beauty salon and we were all talking at the end of the day when someone asked who they thought was going to win. We all said Joe Albero. We haven't had one customer come in and say they would vote for Jim Ireton again. Some did say they might not like Joe but they were confident he would make a much better mayor.
Bus GA - it IS important. We need to know who to boycott.
anonymous 9:40, Oh Trust Me, even the queen's have MY Yard Signs in front of their properties. School Teachers are even telling me they think Jim is arrogant and doing a horrible job. They are coming to ME and telling me that. My registered voter list has republicans and democrats on it and I knock on every door. Out of respect the ONLY door I didn't knock on was Jim Ireton's sister's door. However, I will say, the ONLY reason there aren't yard signs all around her home is because they neighbors like her and didn't want to disrespect her, which is the right thing to do. However, they did tell me I have their votes.
April 2nd is going to be a very rude awakening for Jim Ireton.
It's a bit ironic that the Poster Company (Perdue) for Obama's "you didn't built it" is rallying for Day.
Let's face it-Perdue did not and continues to not "build" their companies. So many of their employees are subsidized by the tax payers due to the low wages they receive.
Speaking of no jobs, I have been seeking employment for several months to no avail and have even visited the Annapolis State House a couple times to network with members of the General Assembly.
If any companies in the area have any open positions and are seeking a great worker with several years of experience in business, marketing, accounting, customer service, and other business-related areas, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss.
I will forever dismiss Day and Ireton knowing their signs are on non registered voters property.
I will forever dismiss Day and Ireton (esp) knowing they don't stand on principles. Ireton esp professes to be a democrat but then aligns himself with Day who is aligned with You Didn't Build That Perdue.
What Perdue did build is blight due to their low wage scale and their use of immigration visas for employees. Aren't chicken packaging facilites exempt from paying minimum wage to unskilled employees? All this does is contribute to not only blight but lower property values, less tax base and on and on.
Both Ireton and Day need to be standing their ground and stand on priniciples and not just when it suits them.
I hope that Salisbury voters are paying attention. Make no mistake, this election is all about money and special interest groups regaining control of the city council. Jake Day is the vote on council that will be needed in order for Ireton to spend nearly $2,000,000 on the bricks,raise our taxes, and turn our neighborhoods back over to the landlords. Don' believe me? Just check the places where the Day signs are and his "the Mayor needs a partner" mantra. It's the hardworking taxpayers in Salisbury who need a partner. We have a great one in Debbie Campbell.
For Ireton and Day:
Can you say, "Buy an election?" A sure sign of desparation.
I also saw a Day sign on the side of Tighlman road, at the rest stop, on either county or state property. Doesn't Day know the law? He wants a job as a law maker, but doesn't think those same laws apply to him. Typical politician.
I saw a Day sign on the R/R tracks on Division Street.
As a Salisbury voter, I have worked hard to vote in a council majority that puts the interests of ordinary people like me first. Our first success was electing Debbie Campbell, then Terry Cohen, and with the addition of Tim Spies we are finally able to avoid giving away valuable city real estate to friends of the mayor, unneeded tax increases,and other things that harm our city. Look at how much the three of them have been able to get done in just 2 years. This year alone, Campbell saved us $1,000,000. She needs our help. Volunteer, call her for a sign, and most importantly - show up and vote for her on Tuesday the 26th.
Keep Campbell. It appears that Jake Day has no scruples or regard for the law. That is not what we need on the council. Campbell has proven herself as someone who looks out for us regular people.
We'll just see where the voters are on Tuesday, won't we? :)
"It appears that Jake Day has no scruples or regard for the law"-No he doesn't. Just look up his traffic record on MD case search.
49 in a 25 zone
57 in a 35 zone
54 in a 35 zone
77 in a 55 zone
78 in a 55 zone
Day is not being cute whizzing by other responsible drivers who are doing the speed limit. If he wants to kill himself then he should stick a gun to his head and pull the trigger but how dare he put other people's lives at risk. He needs to grow the hell up!
I would not support him just on his driving record. He's careless, callous and irresponsible.
I'm glad you shared the fact that Ireton/Day signs are going up in places people won't even vote. Typical liberals trying to cheat and make people believe they have support. I am personally spreading the word about this and will do so until election day.
Oh my gosh----Ireton is a disgrace to our town!!! Imnmature,little boy who's never gonna grow up!
People --- just look at how he responds to questions about what he's done for the town----The only thing I can think of he's done is--- "He's made us a laughing stock to all the areas around Salisbury.
Campbell, has my vote----Salisbury better thank their good Lord above we have people like her who will stand up for what is right . She has great honesty & intergrity------Something that is hard to find
in this day & time. Thank you Ms Campbell! You are appreciated!!
I would like to know what business owners in Salisbury support Ireton so I can avoid their stores. I heard there was a big fundraising party for Ireton and Day and alot of the established business owners in town were there. And some others in the legal community. I guess they don't want new people coming to town and starting new businesses. I see it as they value their control more than the prosperity of the citizens.
Joe,I hope you win and crack down on the local property tax cheats.
11:51 Tell us who, where. We will NOT support them!
11:51, I sure would like to know if the party story is true. If it was for both of them, it speaks volumes. Of course, we already know that Day disagrees with Campbell on virtually everything. He has said so. He thinks Jim needs a rubber stamp. He sure doesn't plan to earn his council pay. Just show up and vote yes. they can do lots of damage in 2 years. First order of business will be to give away the city's properties like the waterfront downtown parking lots to their friends. I bet the deals are all ready to go. My vote is for Campbell.
Day and Ireton have not had any fundraisers together. Day has not had a single fundraiser event yet. He is having one this friday - I know because I'm going! My business is in Salisbury and so is my home. He has my vote. 11:51 - you're lying and you should be careful spreading lies in a small town.
Are these asinine remarks all from the 43 thumbs up?
Now you know why jim bob had a valentines day fund raiser?
Boycott Perdue. Hormone fed chickens that cause cancer.
Hey anonymous 1:06pm! IF you only knew the dirty deeds of those head honchos at Perdue, it would blow your mind!!!!
1:06 waste your vote for yet another lacky for the developers slumlords and government dependent crack heads
Boy, 1:06, I'd love to hear your reasons for supporting these two. Is Salisbury in the Twilight Zone? Debbie Campbell has saved your business in Salisbury probably thousands of dollars in unneeded taxes, but you don't support her? She turned a crappy affordable housing project on the river into something that can actually support business and arts in Salisbury, but you are voting for men who just want to giveaway the city, giving others advantages you didn't have (or maybe you did and would like to share with us what they were)?
Please enlighten us on your position because I know I am missing something, speaking as a retiree who managed a 50+ person company.
If Ireton and Day get in, Salisbury will be an endangered species. There will be the Haves neighborhood and the Have Nots neighborhood and nothing in between. I know nothing about Heath, but he sounds like a nice guy with a big rubber stamp in his hand, too.
You better tread lightly with regard to attacking Perdue Joe.
When the chicks are young in the hatcherys, they are injected with all kinds of antibiotics and who knows what. There's more than marigold peddles in that feed they are given too. Eat more chicken, die young!
If his campaign will waste that kind if money on that, imagine what he will waste the taxpayers money on!
Beginning to look like the new HQ for the Rainbow Coalition to me. At least for a month or two. The scariest thing to me is that if Ireton loses the election and goes back to teaching our children. Sorry, I don't want openly admitted gays teaching my kids. This "man" has not earned the trust of the people who thought he was representing. I hope Albero is only the beginning of a movement to cleanse MD of the wackos and return it to the pride that once existed.
Everyone is overlooking the ultimate irony of this article. This building is on the prime corner in a town that used to be known as the crossroads of Delmarva. It is in a high foot/vehicular traffic area and IT IS VACANT! There is a traffic light here which creates a captive audience(note the sign) for this corner and IT IS VACANT! To me, from afar, that is the real issue.
My vote will be for Ms. Campbell. I appreciate her finding the "undocumented money" and saving a poor tax-payer as myself from higher taxes. Mr. Albero, I'm sorry to have missed your visit. I believe you have the best interest of EVERYONE at heart and will serve with an open-mind and an open-heart for all.
I have seen Day's signs as well in places that are all rentals and in some not so nice areas across the city. I don't believe in listening to him he is trustworthy or knowledgeable. As far as Mr. Heath goes, I think he wants in so he will recite the other candidates views and again not very well versed. Ms. Campbell has proven results, and she is available to discuss issues with any citizen. I find her to be warm and truly caring about her citizens and city and the future. And I trust what she has to say. I wish you both well.
6:05, you hit the nail on the head! Vacant at the only stoplight in downtown is a fact! Thank you for pointing that out! Joe will make sure that one will come alive for sure!
Purdue does nothing for Salisbury local business ,you would think that they would give some sort of a break,to local restaurants but ALL they care about is low pay and hiring SEX OFFENDERS.
11:04 --
Are you serious? Like you've never gone over the limit. I think it's safe to say that we all have at one point or another. Do you live a perfect law abiding life?
I was surprised to see a Day sign in the Cool Stuff building on East Main Street. Not sure why since she is a business owner.
Speaking of Perdue and Day's numerous speeding tickets, didn't good ol' Frank Perdue have a lead foot too and lose his driver's license?
As far as you Anon 5:15, why should Joe "tread lightly" in regards to Perdue? He shouldn't be scared of him and neither should anyone else because he's nothing to be scared of. As far as his chickens, I would avoid eating them.
7:48, I got one speeding ticket in 1982 and learned my lesson. I do not speed-EVER!
FYI-I do live a perfect law biding life.
Considering Day received these 4 or 5 tickets in the last 4 or 5 yrs shows a pattern of disregard for the law and a severe lack of maturity and worst of all a total disregard for the safety and well being of others which speaks volumns of his character or lack of.
Do you think that it is okay that a grown man puts others in danger by driving at excessive speeds 7:48?
This $2000 donated to ireton isn't it ILLEGAL and the max would be $500?time for some legal Action.
Most people strive to be law abiding citizens. Sure people make mistakes but most learn from them. To continue to repeat the offense shows a complete lack of respect for the law. In the 30 years I have been driving I have been pulled over twice. Once for having a headlight out while driving my parents vehicle when I was a teen and once about 20 years ago for speeding.
I don't think it's illegal to spend $2k+ on the lease, but I do think whoever wasted that much money is a fool.
It's also selfish considering the "businessman" could have helped out a poor or homeless person with the $$$.
753-The majority of local cops wouldn't ticket Frank Perdue. Frank plowed through and killed someone back in 1974 in PA., actually hired Arlen Specter to defend him. After that, he was ticketed at least 16 times just in Maryland.
"It appears that Jake Day has no scruples or regard for the law"-No he doesn't. Just look up his traffic record on MD case search.
49 in a 25 zone
57 in a 35 zone
54 in a 35 zone
77 in a 55 zone
78 in a 55 zone
Day is not being cute whizzing by other responsible drivers who are doing the speed limit. If he wants to kill himself then he should stick a gun to his head and pull the trigger but how dare he put other people's lives at risk. He needs to grow the hell up!
I would not support him just on his driving record. He's careless, callous and irresponsible.
February 18, 2013 at 11:04 AM
Oh come on for pete's sake.
You want to hang a guy for SPEEDING?!
How often do YOU speed? Every time you get behind the wheel?
At least try and have a valid and reasonable opposing opinion of a candidate.
And maybe people in general.
It's not against the law for someone to rent that space and "allow" Ireton and Day to display signs. What it is, is a slimey political deal by a decieving bunch of trash.
Everyone knows Ireton is a lush and drives under the influence of alcohol on a regular basis, why haven't the city police done something about that before he kills somebody? It may be you and your children next!
You better tread lightly with regard to attacking Perdue Joe.
February 18, 2013 at 5:15 PM
Why? That's part of what's wrong with this dying country. Too many chicken-sheeple are scared of big corporations.
Grow a set and don't worry about Joe.
How many times has Joe been to court and WON?!
Do you think that it is okay that a grown man puts others in danger by driving at excessive speeds 7:48?
February 18, 2013 at 8:05 PM
You have yet to post an 'excessive speed'.
You sir, are a liar. NOBODY lives a perfect law abiding life.
It is IMPOSSIBLE. If some prosecutor wants to 'get' some body he/she will.
There are way too many laws on the books, and more made each day, for ANYONE not to break some law..
Personally, I don't care who you, or anyone, votes for. But you could at least be honest and not hypercritical.
If jim wants business to come he would take the resoultion 1312 and put it where the sun dont shine this is a big price for people to pay to bring business here all this does is help the city so they dont have to pay
8:26-interesting fact about Frank Perdue killing someone in a 1974 car accident. I never knew. Just researched it and read that the case was dismissed. That's F-ed that this country lets so many rich people get away with manslaughter/murder. Didn't Hale Harrison also kill some kid for driving him off the road into a tree?
833-20+mph OVER the speed limit isn't just breaking the law, it's careless and reckless. Some qualities we don't need our local gov't!
It is amazing how many complain over the speed camerss because they get a ticket for speeding but won't vote for someone who gets speeding ticket.
"How often do YOU speed? Every time you get behind the wheel?"
Not in over 30 years. I grew up. Going over 70 mph puts others in danger. It's foolish. It shows a complete and utter disregard for other people's safety-PERIOD!
"At least try and have a valid and reasonable opposing opinion of a candidate"
Apathy for the law and authority is a very reasonable and valid reason for opposing a candidate.
February 18, 2013 at 11:04 AM
Oh come on for pete's sake.
You want to hang a guy for SPEEDING?!
How often do YOU speed? Every time you get behind the wheel?
At least try and have a valid and reasonable opposing opinion of a candidate.
And maybe people in general.
February 18, 2013 at 8:33 PM
Yes he needs to hang for breaking the law numerous times. If he would have caused an accident killing my children I would have shot him on the spot. I don't want a criminal running my city. Where is his wife? What happened to her? He's sporting around a pretty fiancé and it hasn't been a month since his wife filed a divorce. This guy is more trouble than we need.
833-20+mph OVER the speed limit isn't just breaking the law, it's careless and reckless. Some qualities we don't need our local gov't!
February 18, 2013 at 10:08 PM
Yes, that is what the law says.
Apathy for the law and authority is a very reasonable and valid reason for opposing a candidate.
February 18, 2013 at 10:46 PM
Yes he needs to hang for breaking the law numerous times. If he would have caused an accident killing my children I would have shot him on the spot. I don't want a criminal running my city. Where is his wife? What happened to her? He's sporting around a pretty fiancé and it hasn't been a month since his wife filed a divorce. This guy is more trouble than we need.
February 19, 2013 at 12:14 AM
Would all that be extended to law enforcement and other state, local and federal agencies who ROUTINELY break the laws?
Speed does not kill. Speed difference kills.
Depending on conditions, road surface, volume of traffic, weather, condition of the vehicle, etc., going 20 over need not be dangerous.
Of course, one would have to be very careful of others on the road. Some dipshit jumping in the left lane for no reason for example. Somebody ALREADY in the left lane going slower than the flow of traffic is a hazard.
I am referring to highway conditions, not residential or urban. But of course neither of those would have 55mph limits.
It can be done safely in some circumstances, with a good driver. Not someone who THINKS he/she is a good driver.
It's not for everybody. And it can't be done in all circumstances. If you don't feel comfortable speeding, don't speed.
And don't be one of those drivers who jumps in front of someone to slow them down. That causes collisions and you could be a victim of road rage.
You don't know why anyone is speeding. I know what you're saying and I agree with it to a point.
Thre are many levels of driver skill. Some have higher levels of skill, some don't and some only think they do.
Be careful, watch out for the other driver and be safe out there.
Yes he needs to hang for breaking the law numerous times. If he would have caused an accident killing my children I would have shot him on the spot. I don't want a criminal running my city. Where is his wife? What happened to her? He's sporting around a pretty fiancé and it hasn't been a month since his wife filed a divorce. This guy is more trouble than we need.
February 19, 2013 at 12:14 AM
Wow. I'm more concerned about your issues than his.
You all in his business. You stalk the guy or what? Seriously, it's one thing to be informed, but you take it to the extreme.
You sir, are borderline scary.
3:50 On the same note armed robbery of a bank can be done safely also.
I think the problem is the patten exhibited by the shear number of tickets within a short time which can be equated to someone who obviously thinks speed limits aren't intended for them.
"You all in his business. You stalk the guy or what? Seriously, it's one thing to be informed, but you take it to the extreme.
You sir, are borderline scary."
Oh please 4:25! While I really do not care about anyone's divorce and current love life and that would never enter into my decision to vote for someone or not-When you plaster your personal business all over Facebook like Mr Day did than by no one's stretch of the imagination can you even consider it stalking.
It's real simple-You keep your private life private and don't broadcast it all over Facebook if you don't want others opinions. And you sure as heck don't broadcast and then run for public office if you wish to remain private.
Joe should tread lightly with Jim Perdue because his company is the third highest employer in the area. People don't think highly of someone who attacks their boss, especially when he is well liked.
anonymous 8:46, Tread lightly? I have never said anything negative about Jim Perdue. HOWEVER, I am scared of NO ONE. Jim puts his pants on the same way I do every day.
8:46 has a good point but the flip side is--- that's the problem. We've allowed (and not just w/Perdue) companies to get too big to fail. This was done over many years. Companies that were getting bigger saw to it that regulations were put in place so as to limit competition. Years ago the Eastern Shore had many chicken processors who were gradually snuffed out. These smaller independant companies benefitted the whole communities in that the growers bought from local feed stores. Farmers could take their products to whomever gave them the best prices, local independant haulers were contracted, pay was competetive among processors in all areas of employment and there were many other trickled down ecomomic benefits for the whole area and local towns were prospersous mostly due to agriculture. When things became limited down to a few choices for farmers the economic decline and blight started.
This is not just here but throughtout the whole country.
846-Ask the workers of Perdue if Jim is well liked. Outside of some office workers and execs, I think you'll come up with a majority saying otherwise.
910-I'd like you to look up Frank Perdues' tactics, he went as far as soliciting mob help in order to quell the talk of unionization back in the 1980s. Perdue snuffed out competition without regard to anything but his company's bottom line. I have nothing against that from a business perspective, but as soon as a family member who directly benefited from such actions decides to publicly endorse a candidate, the gloves are off and I'm just speaking the truth.
The way I see it, if you are going to pay non living wages to employees who then must rely on govenment assistances than that company should receive no subsidies themselves in the form of reduced sewer fees and other perks they are given by governments. Even those who work for Perdue and do make a decent wage and have benefits are being hurt in other ways such as their home value being lower due to limited number of people who can afford to become homeowners. The tax base is lower due to so many not contributing making those that do have to pay more to compensate. There are many hidden costs that are overlooked that hurt everyone esp those in the middle income level.
"I have nothing against that from a business perspective, but as soon as a family member who directly benefited from such actions decides to publicly endorse a candidate, the gloves are off and I'm just speaking the truth."
I agree and what's most disturbing is both Ireton and Mitchell who so proudly wear their Democrat label would back Day who is backed by this company.
But I know the reality and the reality is that it is the Democrats who are bought and sold and controlled by big business.
For instance they claim it's the Republicans and one of the proofs lies in the push by them to do away with corp taxes. The reality of this is big business doesn't really pay these taxes. It's figured into the costs of goods and services. Big business wants this tax because they can afford it whereas the little business person cannot. It's another way to limit and control competition.
We see it with Obama and how he claims the food entitlement expansion was done to help the less fortunate. This expanison was orchestrated by big banks who collect a fee everytime those cards are swiped and big food producers and retailers such as Walmart who all profit from government entitlements.
The Democrats are the biggest suck ups to big corps but they tend to disguise it better.
Oh please 4:25! While I really do not care about anyone's divorce and current love life and that would never enter into my decision to vote for someone or not-When you plaster your personal business all over Facebook like Mr Day did than by no one's stretch of the imagination can you even consider it stalking.
It's real simple-You keep your private life private and don't broadcast it all over Facebook if you don't want others opinions. And you sure as heck don't broadcast and then run for public office if you wish to remain private.
February 19, 2013 at 8:39 AM
You are the one who brought it up and said you wouldn't vote for him because of that and his speeding convictions.
I don't know what he posts on Facebook since I don't follow him and really couldn't care less.
If you don't want to know what he posts on FB I suggest you do not read it.
You seem to have issues with this man and that's fine, for you.
I am beginning to regret I even responded to you in the first place.
Everyone sins. Everyone. If you are looking for a candidate who has never done any wrong, you will be searching a very long time.
And if you do manage to find one, I suggest it is only because he/she has not been caught yet.
Have a nice day and stay in the right lane and don't impede traffic.
JIM wears a skirt...
"You are the one who brought it up and said you wouldn't vote for him because of that and his speeding convictions"
You are mistaken. I never said I wouldn't vote for someone for issues relating to their personal life (as long as legal and not something like solicting underage Dominican prostitutes) but do consider a disregard for the law a creditable reason to base a decision of whom to vote for on.
I never said I was looking for a candidate who was perfect either and I realize there is no such person. I only stated that when someone shows a consistant pattern of breaking the same law over and over in a short period of time in my world that means there is a problem. Maybe in your world it is okay for someone to consistantly flip their middle finger to society and it's laws but not in mine.
Maybe in your world it is okay for someone to consistantly flip their middle finger to society and it's laws but not in mine.
February 19, 2013 at 12:04 PM
Hell yeah. Absolutely.
That's what this country was founded on.
You are so hung up on this you don't even realize the same ones who are entrusted to enforce the laws, are the same ones breaking the laws.
You seem to love laws and have other people tell you what you can and what you can't do.
I have not the slightest inclination of being that person.
And when the time comes, I would bet money you will be one of the ones who turn in your neighbor and mother for breaking one of their precious laws.
You may be among some of the last to go but you will be dragged to the camps along with everyone else who will resist them.
Myself? I would just as soon be dead. In effect, when that time arises, we will be dead for all intents and purposes.
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