DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Will Federal Workers Get Off On Christmas Eve?
With all the uncertainty on Capitol Hill and in the White House, federal employees want to know just one thing: Will they get off on Christmas Eve? Nearly 16,000 people have signed an onlinepetition at WhiteHouse.gov. It asks President Obama to take pity. With the pay freeze and more attacks on pay and benefits, it says, giving federal employees an extra holiday would improve their morale, and it wouldn't be the first time. President Obama let federal workers go home early on Christmas Eve 2009.
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Gov't workers are already lazy. Make them work all day long Christmas Eve and every other holiday and they still wouldnt do as much as a private sector worker.
The fuel that would be saved by giving them the whole day off would have a greater positive impact than working. Most would not be productive anyway.
so because they are not productive give them the day off. i guess we should give them every day off
makes perfect sense to me
its the new normal
congress doesn't work either. they haven't worked in a few years, we still don't have a balanced budget and haven't for what three or four years now.
They should take a vacation day if they want the day off just like the the people they are suppose to be working "for". They get many weeks of vacation each year. When someone does the calendar next year maybe they should consider the days holidays fall on. I'm sure there are 16,000 people that would love to go to work for them on that day and make the over inflated salary they make.
Wow really? I work for the government. I work every day. And I work my ass off. My job is not easy. And the constant threat to our jobs does't make it a nice cushy job like everyone seems to think. Oh And you do realize military is part of gov't? You think they are lazy? Don't judge all gov't employees as one.
Not all of us are lazy. I for one take great pride in my job and work my can off for our nations vets. I will say there are a lot of worthless people that work for the government, but to say we are all lazy is wrong. I also know I could work circles around my private sector counter parts.
Why should they?
I always get a kick out of hearing people say Government employees are lazy. Tell that to my kids who complain that I am never home. I get to work at 7am I work until 6pm almost everyday and at least 2 times per week I work until 7 or 8. We get no overtime and we have been asked to do more with less. When I first got to this job in 2004 we had 14 people today we have 4 and are on a hiring freeze. So Keep talking your non-sense. I could be making three times as much on the outside but I do what I do because I love this country and believe in supporting those who keep us safe every night.
Not all Government employees are lazy... in fact some do work their butts off.
And to Anonymous at December 12, 2012 3:08 PM there are many that have over inflated salaries. But there are many that get paid under what the private sector gets. When in the Science and Engineering side of the house, pay is lower. Some of us are naive and think we can do some good, help correct some errors in the government and bring about change for the better... some of us just can't stick it out long enough to make those good changes...
Personally I already have leave in to take it off (I normally don't get to use all my leave anyways...).
The idiots that make comments about government workers being lazy are foolish! I work for the government and have worked for the private sector and find that federal employees work just as hard. The federal government is the largest employer so the ratio of those not pulling their weight would be more noticeable to some. These fools out here don’t realize that federal workers are why things function and are a large part of those spending to keep the economy afloat. However, certain divisive and miserable people feel federal employees should pay for the bad decisions made by greedy CEO’s in the private sector. If these folks criticizing federal employees used their brains they would understand that punishing those that have a job hurts everyone. Can’t play team ball? So go ahead and continue to hate; and you will continue to suffer.
Dear Anonymous #1, 2 & 3,
Get your head out of your a**. Regardless or private or public sector, you will find some incredibly lazy people. I work for the government and my parents have worked for the government for over 30 years(worked their a**es off going overseas negotiating with other countries re their weapons etc).
How dare you imply that we should be without our families ON Christmas!!
Only nonunion rats say government employees are lazy. Stand up for your rights you bum.
layoff at least 20% of the current workforce. the feds are bloated at best. streamline the government and save money. this segment of the U.S. workforce has grown faster than any other segment in the nation. time to cut, cut, and cut more.
I think people just like to complain. Already the workforce has been cut. Cut, cut and cut it more and then you won't have the services that people rely on. Then you really *will* have something to complain about. If you like to cut, then cut your own job.
I am a Federal Employee and am not lazy. I work hard and take pride in my job. We've had our pay frozen for almost 3 years in a row. Work morale is very low, management pushes so much work our way, we don't have enough employees and are expected to do the work of at 3 or 4 people with no pay increase or bonuses. So for you to say federal employees are lazy...get a clue. We have families that hardly get to spend time with us and asking for a 1/2 day off to spend time with my family when I have not received a pay increase in almost 3 years hardly makes me lazy. It's the least the president can do as we are expected to do so much for good of our country. I worked in the private sector for years and every company has a handful of ineffective workers. Do not make a blanket statement about federal employees.
I work for the government and I have worked for private industry. I can tell you that the as a government worker, I get less pay and less time off than I did working private industry. I also don't get the bonuses and Christmas parties and gifts like I did in private industry. However, what I do get is the satisfaction that I am doing a job that helps the nation and is meaningful. I, like many other government workers, work 10-12 hour days without overtime pay. Also, like other government workers, our staff has been cut in half over the last few years, yet our workload has tripled. I work long hours for the government because if I didn't others may suffer without their benefits. Many of my coworkers never take time off and end up having to give their vacation away at the end of the year (or end up losing the vacation hours). I'm not asking for a day off; however, I do agree that a paid day off on Christmas Eve would send a message from the President that he values the hard work done by Federal workers, and while budgetary restrictions have prevented him from giving us cost of living increases for the last three years and have cut our staffing by over 30%, he at least can show his support in this small way.
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