Below, is the latest state/local 2011 income tax financial information for Wicomico County that was released yesterday from the State Comptroller's office. What is alarming is the shear number of non-taxable state/local income tax returns. These individuals are exempt because they are not meeting the income filing thresholds. Notice - that over the course of the past 11 years - (FY 2000 - FY 2011) - the total number of State/local Income tax returns have grown by 5,396. Of that amount - the number of Non-Taxable State/local income tax returns have grown by 3,214. Thus our net state/local income tax paying base has only risen by 2,182 returns - although our population has increased by approximately 14,834 residents. Bottom line - our local area workforce has dwindled dramatically and not kept pace with the population growth. This has resulted in diminished federal, state, & local income tax revenues, and, a sign of a very weak local economy. Our area needs jobs and lots of them in order to help sustain our community. This is definately not happening. Take a look at the results another way - Maryland has a filing threshold. Essentially, if a resident falls below a certain income threshold, they are not legally required to file a Maryland return. Some individuals still do file a return, but usually for purposes of claiming a refund on withholding payments or to claim the Earned Income Credit. Over the past fiscal year - (2010 - 2011) - the total number of income tax returns that were filed over this period increased by 380 returns. Of those 380 returns - (reporting income) - 359 of them did not pay any MD state/local income tax. Thus our county only gained revenue ground for 21 returns or realized a net income gain in state & local tax revenue of $23,136 over the past year. Below is the income tax revenue for Wicomico county for FY 2010 & 2011. FY 2010 Total State & Local Tax Revenue - $93,759,616 FY 2011 Total State & Local Tax Revenue - $93,782,752 __________ Net Revenue Gain - $23,136 Marylanders are in dire need of jobs - and fast.
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DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wicomico Continues to Lose Labor Force Ground
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This is going on nationwide to. I read on SBYnews about the national job work force retraction - I believe it said that the nations labor force is at the same level as 1987 or has dwindled to 64%.
Fact is, there are not any jobs - period. There is no way this nation can even come close to providing jobs for the thousands upon thousands of high school and college graduates. It really is an economic disaster. I just wish this administration and MSM would admit to it.
This is really an alarming situation.
Just look at the rate of growth in the population verses those filing income tax returns(making money). This is unsustainable. Where has the MSM been around here?
Looks as though no one wants to work around here.
The Government provides too many handouts and others do n to want to work anynmore
I wonder how Sussex Co. fairs. It would be interesting to compare the two.
What is obvious is that the population growth overwhelms the job growth. Now that helps to explain the explosion in MD welfare cards.
If you are looking at jobs that make above $40k good luck! I've been looking in this range and have come to the conclusion that I will have to drive to Dover or across the bridge to find one. I have experience and a degree. The jobs on the eastern shore seem to have a pay ceiling. $8/hour is NOT "GOOD MONEY" for educated, professional workers. The western shore understands this. Until we are able to attract better paying jobs in tech and manufacturing, we will continue to see SU students and our children leave this area for better opportunities. More retail jobs is not the answer!
Go west, 10:23! Pay a half million for a minimal house and $27 a day for parking! GO! Enjoy your new $40k job with $60k expenses! Have a ball!
Bottom line is, there are no jobs nationwide that will pay a professional what he's worth. There is no more manufacturing here. The MSM will not admit it. The MSM says the economy is growing stronger. The MSM is full of $hi*.
When the local poultry company laid off a big chunk of its IT staff - very few stuck around...and even more left on their own.
LOL, so which is it? Are there not enough jobs to go around, or do people just not want to work because of "government handouts"? can you guys please get your story straight?
It is truly a pathedic picture. All they seem to do around here is continue to raise taxes.
Wonder how the income will look after the latest local income tax increase imposed by the Maryland General assembly. Then again - it sets us up for yet another round of local income tax increases for the upcoming session beginning in January. Better look out, because it is coming.
why work when you can get everything handed to you free? dahh, dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure who gets to live better!
What you have witnessed and are witnessing - as evidenced by these statistics is the result more than a decade of exodus of businesses. I am not just talking about textiles. I am speaking about computers, tools, circuit boards, magnets, etc.
To 6:26 a.m. - you are right - the MSM will not report what has transpired. The biggest effect on our country is that when the US lost its manufacturing base our technological edge got tossed out the window. The academia can profess till the cows come home that our new service oriented economy is the wave of the future. THEY ARE IN ERROR! Most of us in our 40s,50s,60s, have seen the best of America. The worst is yet to come.
It's already to late. After the first 4 or 5 years the US gov. had plenty of time to do a course correction to attract and retain US investment. The other developing nations -(China, India, Tiawan, Brazil) - siezed on a golden opportunity and it is reaping them dividends. Ron Paul tried to convince the US citizens - but no one listened.
Responding to 11:47
So did Ross Perot.
It looks as though a hugh chunk of our population has decided to go offline.
As Rick Santelli said this morning;
'all they are after is your bucks'.
The government could care less about the unemployed and/or businesses.
what do you's the lower shore! and a majority of salisbury students do not come from here. they are going back to where they came from to work. it's funny how people from salisbury expect the arae to turn into a wealthy metropolis! it's a service town for fast food workers. you want a decent living then head west. sorry but the person who said good luck making 40k on western shore? try doubling that for most of us over here.
chicken + fast food = poverty
What else can I say.
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