Today, are we as a society any less bloodthirsty or anymore civilized than when the Golden Horde swept across Eastern Europe in the 13th century?

Dulce et Decorum
by Fred Reed
Recently by Fred Reed: A’Croaking We Shall Go
I am a soldier. I am dirt. With Joshua I put the cities of Canaan to the sword while women screamed and tried to protect their babies. I spent long days in Nanjing butchering and butchering civilians because I enjoyed it. For I am a soldier. I am dirt. I firebombed Hamburg till the wind-fanned flames left nowhere to hide and the people burned screaming and their fat puddled in the streets. I am a soldier. I am dirt.
On the crumbling walls of Angkor Wat, the Cold Lairs, trees now crawling over the walls, you may see me carved, marching, marching to kill forgotten peoples, it matters not whom. In the sweltering heat of Chichen Itza and the terrible winter of Stalingrad and the flaming paper cities of Japan and on the Death March of Corregidor I killed and killed, for I am a soldier. I am dirt. I kill.
We need more of this and right now to calm the punks down!!!!
Are you serious 2:50? What a pathetic thought.
The biggest punks there are is the military running around with an i-pod on listening to wicked rock, or rap music, while liberating the local woman for whoredom.
The biggest consumer product after the liberation of Iraq was pornography.
Also cops tend to be punks. I mean psychological p-u-n-k-s.
youre and idiot and not man enough to be a cop or a soldier. bet you wouldnt make that comment to the face of either.
miss your meds dude?
I love to read Phred! He understands.
Anonymous, i have called many a cop such to their face. Run name in your system...
Also, when i walk the streets; i walk the streets in law and order. I am single-handedly responsible for the lack of criminal activity in my immediate locale. Unlike just a few blocks a way. Where you all do not want to patrol. I mean my definition of you in a particular context; the rest of you are cowards...Pretending to be heroes.
No more comments? You let two guys end the discussion?
Come on now.
Mcgranor I'm with you brother. It takes a man of the streets to patrol his street. The calvery ain't coming only to mop up the mess and photo shoots.
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