In the three months leading up to the election — and even in the dark days of the "47 percent" video leak — virtually every Republican strategist and conservative politico I spoke to was certain that Romney would pull off a victory. Arguments to the contrary were resoundingly dismissed as "a lot of Nate Silver spin."
Instead, the GOP got totally routed Tuesday, losing the White House in an electoral college landslide and squandering what was once a prime opportunity to retake control of the Senate.
It turns out that Republicans had based their projections on two misguided assumptions:
1. That Obama could never win in such a poor economy. Historically, no incumbent since FDR has ever won reelection when the unemployment rate
was above 7%, or when the consumer-confidence index was below 95 (it was at 72 in October).

But history only predicts the future until it doesn't anymore. Even as polls continued to show Obama ahead or tied the issue, Republicans kept pointing to grim economic numbers as evidence Romney was going to win the race. Exit polls Tuesday found that while 77% of the electorate has a negative outlook on the economy, more than half of voters, 53%, blame the problems on former President George W. Bush, rather than on Obama.
That is what you get for giving the "New U.S." population that type of political insight. More people are on govt. asst. then any other time in history. They are becoming more dependant upon welfare every day. Look at who elected the man. If Romney would have said I will give you a Free play station and one hundred dollars of free slot play he would have won hands down. When you are dealing 6th generation welfare. Millions of illegals none of whom ever obeyed the laws of the land or paid taxes. This is what you get. I am not blaming Ohbamama we are all to blame here we have lost our way. There is no doubt in my mind this country is in deep stuff. History does repeat itself thank God. A good old fashioned civil war is what is needed. Taxation without representation. We basically live in a Kingdom. Ruled by the very rich and the takers. Why should working America pay for it all. There is a simple answer. More casinos, legal weed, and let men marry men. Amen we are on the road to recovery. IDIOTS. Hang all the politicians.
More casinos, legal weed, and let men marry men
All places the government has no place being in, lets move on to REAL problems.
Thankfully, your version of America is not the majority.
When the Republican party begins to open its eyes to reality, we can work our way back to solving the big problems that truly ail the decline of the middle class.
I, for one, hope this election helps us do that.
The Rebublicans really have a hard time looking in the mirror when they lose. A fatal flaw.
When the Republican party begins to open its eyes to reality!!!
Oh yeah it has opened the eyes of 50% of this country who now realize this country is toast. Gone are the values of making your own way through hard work. It's all about what I can get for nothing today and not worrying about the future or should I say not caring about the future. I am sad for my kids and there kids. The America I grew up in forever changed on Tuesday and in a very negative way.
"Obama destroyed the American economy and ruined the middle class. But if you need assistance its because you are lazy and just want freebies."
-Republican 2012 Platform
Anyone else see the contradiction here?
Throw on top of that "we want small government, but you better come to us for approval of your marriage".
Or how about "we want to spread democracy in the middle east, but wait, Obama should be supporting dictators in the middle east". Sensing a theme here?
I think it's time for the GOP to sit back and let the dems go wild. That way, it will be on the record whose policies failed. Democrats so want to blame republicans for their abysmal failures that it's time to let the democrats go wild.
For those of us who are the makers then we need to take a deep breath and persevere.
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