With the latest jobs report, it is now the case that "Under Obama, Food Stamp Growth [Is] 75 Times Greater Than Job Creation," according to statistics compiled by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee. "For Every Person Added to Jobs Rolls Since January 2009, 75 People Added To Food Stamp Rolls."
Here's a chart detailing the growth:

Since January 2009, as the chart shows, a net of 194,000 new jobs have been created. During that same time, 14.7 million have been added to the food stamp rolls.
The Braintrust in the White house was claiming if he expanded the food stamp program it would stimulate the economy because then people would have more disposable income. the real reason is because the big corps that benefit from this the banks that do the card transactions have obama under their control Obama is nothing more than a slave to big business.
I only know 2 ppl on FS but they both said they get around $800 a month for food for a family of 4. I am single and spend about $150/ mo. Is this a ridiculous amount or am I just crazy. Yes, I don't buy things I want (want not need) to cut down. I love to cook and throw alot away b/c I am single and the left overs don't get eaten. Just wondering $800 a month is that what a normal fam of 4 would spend?
6:27 I don't know who you know that gets $800/month food stamps, but somebody had to hit an exaggeration. I know a few people that have had to depend on that system, and none of them get that benefit. If they do receive that amount, and I doubt it's that high, it's because they have children. My mother receives SSI, and receives $60/month. A friend receives unemployment and as well receives $60/month. Those that receive neither SSI or unemployment can get up to $200/month, no more.
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