"The SEALs removed one threat to America, now it's time for the voters to remove the other." - Retired Navy SEAL Brad Nagel

These guys know the facts. They were silenced by their service. But they refuse to remain quiet any longer. The stakes are simply too high.
"Obama's love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood poses a clear and present danger to America, but worst of all are the lies and failure to act, especially in Benghazi, that got my buddies KILLED," says Brad Nagel, 20 year Navy veteran and former SEAL.
Newly released emails indicate that the Obama White House KNEW WITHIN 30 MINUTES of the initial uprising that the American Embassy in Benghazi was under full terrorist attack. An American drone reportedly sent the State Department situation room real time footage of the jihadist assault. As State Department officials watched the bloody, clearly pre-planned and well organized attack unfold; our Commander in Chief refused to take action. It has been further reported that instead of staying in the situation room, the President retired to his quarters for an early bed time, leaving horrified State Department personnel alone with the live feed horrors from Benghazi.
Of the four killed during that 7 hour battle, 2 of the people died in the final hour. Ty Woods, a former SEAL teammate of Nagel's was one of the last to die. "Ty ran his weapon dry and killed 50 jihadists before he was taken down. If this Administration had used the intel they had and sent help, my friend might still be alive" said Nagel.
Other SEALs are just as furious with Obama.
"If Obama sent Ambassador Stephens to a death sentence mission in Benghazi; what will he be willing to do to the American people to appease what appear to be deep Muslim Brotherhood ties?" - asked former Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith.
Brad Nagel, Benjamin Smith and a host of other SEALs have come forward to speak out in a serious of shocking and hard hitting commercials we are producing at Veterans for a Strong America.
We are simply a bunch of prior service and retired military guys who are afraid for our country. We are not wealthy. Many of us struggle just to get by. We simply do not have the funds to get this video out.
We were silenced during our years in the service. But the oath we took to protect and defend the Constitution DEMANDS that we speak out now, to protect America.
I've been hoping someone in the Secret Service would just take matters into their own hands...
For any Facebook fanatics out there-Facebook Sensors SEALS!
"Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.
The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11."
I hope God forgives me because I cannot help but feeling totally repulsed by Obama to the point now that I can not even stand to see his picture nor hear his voice.
I cannot think of anyone I dislike more.
I don't care what color the president is. Black, white or any shade between is fine with me. What isn't fine is our current president's affinity for Islam the Muslim Brotherhood. Liberals scream that religion doesn't matter because we are supposed to have separation of church and state. That's EXACTLY why the Muslim religion does matter! The Quran doesn't teach separation of church and state. Look at Muslim countries in the Middle East. Islam IS the state religion and absolute law of the land. If we want to keep constitutional law instead of sharia law. We have to recognize Islam as a mortal threat to our western culture and values of individual rights, not flirt with them and disaster! Sure, there are strong Christian influences in our nation. Since the vast majority of Americans has some belief in Christianity, this is to be expected. But if Islam gets what it wants, it will be like it is in the Middle East now. Islam will not be just an influence but the absolute, iron fisted rule of the land. Vote for a pro-American who actually knows how many states constitute our nation. Vote Romney, vote ANYBODY but someone who has tolerance, respect and affinity for the Muslim Brotherhood & their stated goals!
Go VOTE him out. Every vote counts.
Here's one of those videos that the RNC should publish with their last minute spending money!
i totally agree with all comments down to 1:25pm. thanks for your voices of reason. i would just add to remember to pray as well.
Navy SEALS Respond After Media Matters
Calls Them "Gutless"
Watch the video.
i surely hope by this time next week we do not have to look at him or his wife in 2013.thank you mr albero for bringing this to your blog.
I note that the first "Anonymous" commentator is hoping that the Secret Service will take "matters" into their own hands. What matters might that be, Anonymous #1? You know,there is something wrong in this country when it's not enough to just disagree with your President, you have to slyly suggest a 2nd Amendment solution. For shame!!
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