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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Open Thread On Tonight's Presidential Debate

Publish your comments here tonight before, during and after the debate.


Anonymous said...

Long punches dont win fights. The short ones do.

Anonymous said...

Let's Go Os!

Anonymous said...

What no Michael Buffer?

Anonymous said...

I think Tina said it best. Welcome to Thunder Dome, Two men enter One man leave. I master he blaster.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoeAlbero said...


Anonymous said...

I think so too Joe. Obama is ah ah ah ah a nervous wreck. He can't hold his weight up against Romney who is used to being up against the big dogs. Obama's a peon compared to what Romney is used to.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm OBama says he has lowered taxes...yet they have not lowered their wonder we are 15 trillion in debt

Anonymous said...

Too funny-just now obama condesendingly tells Romney "it's math."-LOL. Here's obama who is clueless about money finances and budgets telling Romney who is used to dealing with billions of dollars about "math"

JoeAlbero said...

i'm truly impressed with Romney. I also agree, Obama is running scared, seriously.I am NOT atacking Obama. He's totaly lost. I also HATE the act that NOW Obama is interested in small business and education. Sorry Mr.President, jut because it's an election year, YOU should have done so over the past 3+ years. He had his chance, he screwed up, it's time for new leadership. Romney is the man.

Anonymous said...

Obama acts like he is on the verge of being exposed as the fraud he is!

Anonymous said...

Obama is angry!! He is losing so badly it's pathetic. Romney is really taking him to task for his actions.

Anonymous said...

Also...what Romney is describing ie Reaganomics...and we know it works.

Anonymous said...

Jim keeps cueing the President. Bye bye PBS!

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow Romney is crushing him. I'm just waiting for Obama's head to either pop off or start to spin.

JoeAlbero said...

Holy Crap, ALL democrats will be hiding in a closet all day tomorrow. Look, there is NOTHING any one of them can say supporting Obama after tonight. Romney is going to win the Presidential Election.Game over.

Anonymous said...

Obammy thinks this is another campain speech... Come on already and answer the darned questions!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone the other day mentioned something about OBama might have an ear bud. Are they allowed? Can someone be feeding him things from another location?

Anonymous said...

Oh Nooooo....another Obama's grandmother story....he's on the ropes and digging deep!!

Anonymous said...

wow... All I can say.
Now we have to put up with the main stream media downplaying the political TROUNCING Obama is receiving tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hard for the pres to talk smooth and clearly without the teleprompter.

Anonymous said...

Every time OBama speaks Romney looks at him and listens. When ever Romney speaks Obama puts his head down pretending to write and smirks.

JoeAlbero said...

I have never, EVER seen a President get his clock cleaned by another candidate running against him like Romney. Uh, uh, uh, stall, stall, stall.

Anonymous said...

I am watching libs on another site going crazy. They see things completely differently. They think Obama is winning. They simply refuse to see the truth.

Anonymous said...

mitt is the Tudor and Prez is the Student. Sit down and listen to the Teacher

Anonymous said...

Obama calling for 'details'! What a hoot!!

Anonymous said...

A good ref would stop the fight now -- Rommney wins by a TKO -- he's cleaned Broadway Barack's clock.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The states have rights?? I'm sure Obama is trying to figure out how those little states do ANYTHING without big brother pushing Executive Orders down their throats..

Anonymous said...

Hope Michelle has the crying towel in her bag tonight.

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Barack!

Good Riddance.

Anonymous said...

Obama can't get away with his BS like he did with McCain in 2008.

Anonymous said...

O is on the Ropes

Anonymous said...

["Someone the other day mentioned something about OBama might have an ear bud. Are they allowed? Can someone be feeding him things from another location?]

"An ear bud" ?? !! Man you could hide a megaphone behind those ears !!!

Anonymous said...

"Bullshit Barrack" is going Down.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton was right -- 20 years ago Obama would have been carrying someone's bags. That's what he should be doing now.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this Tweet show up from OMalley
Hey, Governor @MittRomney, Maryland schools are #1 and have been for the last four years in a row. #Debates

Anonymous said...

Romney has OB in a corner and is mauling him despite JL's efforts to rescue him.

Anonymous said...

Now Obama is trying his smart-ass stuff. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

Here's Obama's scripted closing -- it stinks.

Anonymous said...

Obama go home!

Chicago needs you, we don't.

Anonymous said...

Romney wins going away!

Anonymous said...

Obama needs Clinton badly now.

Anonymous said...

CBS is now spinning it for Obama - no surprise!

Anonymous said...

David Brooks says "Romney did reasonably well".

Have some more koolaid.

Anonymous said...

Diana Sawyer is slobbering over it on ABC, but the others are calling it a clear win for Ronmey.

Even Stepho. says Romney won big time.

Anonymous said...

Even Bill Mahar tweeted that Obama needs his teleprompter during the debate.

Anonymous said...

CBS is covering up Obama's whuppin by Romney.

Anonymous said...

David Axelrod: time to pack your bags and brush up your resume.

Anonymous said...

The debate was a tie, those that watch it, have already made up there mind upon which candidate they prefer.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't even close. Mitt Romney cleaned Obama's clock. It was bound to be this way. Romney is an accomplished brilliant successful businessman and Obama is a complete amature.

Anonymous said...

Austen Goolsby is catatonic on CBS -- he knows his buddy Barack was badly beaten.

JoeAlbero said...

Look, there had to be a winner tonight and it was clearly Romney. Believe me, IF Obama had won tonight I would have admitted it. Obama looked like a President that has been on way too many vacations and has no clue what's going on in America.

He's out of touch and so are his supporters. Americans are completely fed up with the entitlements, unemployment, bail outs that failed miserably.

We need a new leader that can at least make us all feel like there's at least a chance to come back and rebuild. Romney has proven, ( to me, anyway) that he is the man for the job.

Who knows, maybe Obama wanted to come off like a loser in this debate so he can look stronger in the final two, I don't know. All I can tell you is, he lost in a big way tonight. Unfortunately he was able to see what he's going to be up against down the road and he has a LOT of work ahead of him.

In closing I'd like to say this. Romney is about accountability, something the democrats hide from day in and day out. Romney believes each state should have their own policies. IF what he says is true and IF he follows through with such a proposal, this country will be in much better shape.

We do have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights this Country was founded on. If we stay the course we'll be fine. If Obama and some democratic leaders continue to change our values, we're screwed forever.

Anonymous said...

Obama always has to bring up "autistic children."

Anonymous said...

Romney had Obama on the ropes the whole night. Obama played rope -a-dope and took a beating.

Honestly though, both of them are highly intelligent people, too bad the parties can't work together more to get something done.

Obama did let Simpson-Bowles and Dodd/Frank get thrown under the bus because he didn't have an answer.

I'm one of those still on the fence, if Romney continues to dominate the debates, that will be the #1 thing to get my vote.

Next is Biden vs Ryan, That should be humorous at best. I can hear Biden studdering already lol That should be like Einstein vs a mental midget : ) Opps "Little person!."

Anonymous said...

Even the black woman on CBS recognizes that Obama lost by a wide margin.

Anonymous said...

Joe -- can you put the latest comments at the top?

Anonymous said...

Obama kept on going on about Romney not having a "detailed plan." It was just the other day that Axelrod was going around telling everyone that the Obama admin didn't need a detailed plan when asked what they intended to do to reform entitlements.

Anonymous said...

Wow great debate. Romney looked a lot more presidential

Anonymous said...

Scott Pele is really smelly on CBS.

Anonymous said...

Have to say that Romney definitely came out on top tonight! What a professional all the way around!!! On the other hand, little Obama stood there and lied over and over about everything that came out of his measly little mouth. What a total waste of energy he is.

Anonymous said...

obama no more wanted to be at that debate tonight then he wants to be at his daily security briefings. BO was PO'ed big time. he wouldn't even look at Romney.

Anonymous said...

CNN scored it 67% Romney 33% Obama. Getting ready to speak with an undecided coalition now.

Beezer said...

Here it is I just got through looking at all of the Major Networks.

Romney clearly won - even MSNBC -(most far left) - admits that Romney won the debate. Even Chris Matthews and Rachael Maddow admitted.

Now - I want to tell you something I observed about our illustrious Governor O'Malley. He is making a fool out of himself in trying to defend President Obama. He went from booth to booth first starting with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and then went to FOX with Neil Cavuto.

Problem with O'Malley - he was on the losing end in trying to prop-up President Obama. President Obama just want there tonight.

Anonymous said...

All the liberals are feeling pretty low right now that their buddy O' totally screwed up on the debate. Obama did not even have the decency or respect to look at Romney and acted totally childish the entire time. Who cares if it was his and Moochella's anniversary - she is crying the blues this evening in fear she may be packing up and moving out of the White House very soon. That will be the best day ever to see her fat self gone!

Anonymous said...

Great group on Charlie Rose tonight -- all thought Romney trounced B-O Plenty.

Anonymous said...

Romney was clear winner. He has a plan and was clear and decisive. Had energy, passion, stature and projected strength.

Obama was very uncomfortable, looked down and wouldn't look at Romney. He was getting nervous and annoyed. No teleprompter, and Jim Lehr asked great questions. Obama isn't used to this type of questioning from Anyone. Romney pointed out his wrong answers, just mopped up the floor with this dude. Obama simply exposed the fact that he's a clueless failure.

Anonymous said...

Bet a debate between Albero/Iierton would be the same. Lets see what they got. My bet is without a doubt, Joe will smoke his A**. Sure hope it happens!

Anonymous said...

Look for Ryan to whup Biden big time!

Anonymous said...

Clueless is right! Obammy knows his time is limited as more and more are seeing through this dude and his empty chair! And poor Moochelle......she is probably chomping at the bits right now giving him all kind of heck for doing such a poor job at the debate. He is history!

Anonymous said...

who cares who won the debate? neither one is good for this country. and romney is going to do some of the same things obammy is doing. we still lose, but feel good people.

Anonymous said...

obamie brought his knife to this gun battle , typical harlem reaction. Dahhhh!

Anonymous said...

Chuck Cook said...

Just saw this Tweet show up from OMalley
Hey, Governor @MittRomney, Maryland schools are #1 and have been for the last four years in a row. #Debates

October 3, 2012 10:24 PM

Chuck quit lying you have posted this arguement all overy your FB page. You know you read Joes blog.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Chuck Cook made that comment.

Chuck Cook

8 hours ago near Chase Eden, MD

Mitt Romney has twice said that Massachusetts has the best schools in the nation. WRONG. MARYLAND HAS THE BEST SCHOOLS IN THE NATION FOUR YEARS RUNNING.
Like · .

Crystal Muir Sullivan Really?

8 hours ago · Like · 1..

Chris Demone FOUR TIMES, as of right now.

8 hours ago · Like · 4..

Michael Lankford His whole "grading" schools thing has been tried. And it's hurting education the way it's being done with standardized testing.

8 hours ago · Like..

Chuck Cook Yes, Crystal Muir Sullivan. 4 years in a row.

8 hours ago via mobile · Like..

Crystal Muir Sullivan Didn't know that. What organization does the rankings?

7 hours ago · Like..

Chuck Cook The Super Organization for Awesomeness in Schools, Crystal.

7 hours ago · Like · 1..

Chuck Cook MD is overall best. Exactly.

7 hours ago via mobile · Like..

Anonymous said...

Obama has this problem that he rambles on making no sense. All these years I just thought it was me and that maybe what obama says is going over my head. Last night both Rudy G and Sean H said the same thing and then this morning Frank Luntz said his focus group said the same thing and that if obama doesn't give a clear concise answer or explanation in the first 30 seconds then he just will bascially ramble on.

Anonymous said...

Re 1:42--Your naive comments astound me! Mr. O'Bama has demonstrated that he is wrong for this country by his almost four years of ineptitude. Mr. Romney has proven that he has the intelligence and desire to put our country back on a rational path. Ignorance is NOT bliss!

Anonymous said...

Chuck quit lying you have posted this arguement all overy your FB page. You know you read Joes blog.

October 4, 2012 6:28 AM

And you read his fb page. whoop whoop

Anonymous said...

Romney Smoked His A$$
Worst excuse for a president ever.
Doesn't know the issues without his teleprompter

Anonymous said...

The Obamanistas are so funny (and predictable.) They find something like the #1 schools issue and they run like chickens with their heads cut off on it. Romney was correct in saying MA schools are ranked #1. He didn't say "overall" and the fact remains that MA schools in specific areas and certain grades are ranked #1.
American's public schools are really a non issue federally as Romney correctly stated and should be more a state and local issue.
What is important is Romney elegantly and correctly was able to point out what a miserable failure Obama has been. I was pleased to hear the Middle East fiasco mentioned because to me the murder of the 4 Americans was totally preventable and a blantant horrible example of the ineptitude and the uninterested attitude of obama.
I can only think of those people's last moments on this earth and how frightened they must have been. I want obama to lose the election for those people. They deserved better than the misfit obama. We deserve better than obama who so nonchalantly says their deaths were a bump in the road. Those men had a purpose. Obama has no useful purpose nor has he ever. He is an empty chair.

Anonymous said...

Have to agaree with 834AM 100 percent. Obama is an empty suit and empty chair - worthless and waste of our money that he is spending like crazy to make sure he and MOOCHELLA get to go on fabulous vacations throughout the year and they certainly make sure the average middle income family is strapped to the hilt!
Bye Bye Obama!

Anonymous said...

Could we arrange to have Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch or Ernie (maybe even Elmo) moderate the next debate?

Anonymous said...

I'll will tell you what-it says alot about the obama supporters such as mitchell and ireton and all the others that they are not calling him out on the Libya murders. I hope to hell the screams of the ambassador while he was being sodomized and murdered haunts them. Those murders were preventable had a real leader been sitting in the white house instead of this child who thinks he is cool hanging out with rappers. NO ONE with an ounce of decency can support obama.

Anonymous said...

The Obamas are scum of the earth always were and always will be. They could care less that those 4 men were murdered. Immediately after they were murdered Obama runs off campaigning in Las Vegas. That says much about his lack of character. He is a lying angry jealous person who yes, no one decent would ever support.

Anonymous said...

Romney is more for the middle class than Obama, Obama has provided relief through unemployment, food stamps and other programs. However Romney wants the middle class working, the more middle class people that are working and happy makes companies and corporations the money they need to grow and profit.

Obama's idea of class warfare is "No class." Obama just couldn't comprehend how Romney is going to be able to raise revenue without raising taxes. When a majority of the people that are collecting unemployment or have no income at all are working again, they will be paying taxes on their income once again Duh!

The more people working and paying taxes will increase the tax base and revenue without raising the tax rate! We don't have to be rocket scientists to comprehend that.

Anonymous said...

I was the one that commented at 10:24
No I am not Chuck Cook. I just happen to see that come across twitter and thought wow he's even tooting his own horn when his best friend Obama is doing the debate. O'Malley trying to give himself credit at ever given moment. I wonder how much better our schools would be today if gambling would have been allowed when Erlich was Governor

Anonymous said...

Liberals are complaining that Jim Lehr sucked as the moderator. Lehr allowed the two to go toe to toe and see what they really have and that is the kind of moderator these debates need. This is real, it's not a shell game!

The moderators just need to get the debate started and let the two have at it with equal time. Mitt used about 4 minutes less time, to clean Obama's clock!

Anonymous said...

Obama does not comprehend much of anything. His intellect is retarded at around the level of a 6 year old. Everytime he opens his mouth with the crutch of a teleprompter he shows how stunted he is. He is angry, hateful and jealous hence the class warfare. He never outgrew these traits.
He is incapable of understanding finances, budgets, revenue.

Obama Motors said...

I didnt watch the debate, but from what I heard Romney mopped the floor with Obama. Great.Keep it going! NO-BAMA 2012