2. Field Container Corp. -Salisbury,MD - best estimate 150+ employees.
3. Dresser Industries/Haliburton - 500, 600 employees.
4. Shawnee Homes - 150 employees.
5. Salisbury Engineering - unknown no. employees - moved to DE.
6. Heinemann Electric - unknown no. employees.
7. Moore Business Forms - Snow Hill - 148 employees
8. Campbell Soup - Salisbury, MD facility - 604 employees.
9. Campbell Soup - Pocomoke, MD - Swanson Division - 245 employees.
10. Campbell Soup - Crisfield, MD - Mrs. Paul's Kitchen - 200 employees.
11. Montgomery Ward - Salisbury, MD - 110 employees.
12. Gant Shirt Factory - Salisbury, MD - 250 employees.
13. Jodi Shirt Co. - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees.
14. Delmar Sportswear - Delmar, MD - 90 employees.
15. Ford Laboratory - Salisbury, MD - 70 employees.
16. Grumman Corp. - Salisbury, MD - 401 employees.
17. Peninsula Press - Salisbury, MD - 45 employees.
18. Preston Trucking - Preston, MD - unknown - bankruptcy.
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood - Pocomoke, MD - 500 employees.
20. Ruddy Duck - Cambridge, MD - 100 employees.
21. Airpax Industries - Cambridge, MD - 500 employees, 1500 at peak.
22. Service Merchandise - Salisbury, MD - 25 employees.
23. Purity Bacon - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
24. ES Adkins Co. - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
25. Masten Home Center - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
26. Masten Home Center - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees.
27. 84 Lumber Co., Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
28. IMP-(MVP.com)- Salisbury, MD 40 employees.
29. Powellville Garment - Powellville, MD - 100 employees.
30. Food Depot - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees. Last of Old Mall
31. Ames - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11-14-01
32. Ames - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees
33. Crown Cork Seal - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
34. Central Tractor - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
35. Nanticoke Homes - Greenwood, DE - unknown employees
36. Stoney Point Decoy Factory - Crisfield, MD - 40 employees
37. Tyson Foods - Berlin, MD - 600 employees - closed 04/03
38. Black & Decker - Easton, MD - 1400 employees- closed 04/03
39. Pine Country Corp. - Pocomoke, MD - 35 employees - closed 10/03
40. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill - Princess Anne, MD - 40 employees.
41. Salisbury Steel Products - Salisbury, MD - 35 employees - closed 8/03
42. True Value Hardware - Salisbury, MD- unknown no. of employees.
43. Office Max - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
44. Helovet Pharma - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
45. Giant Food North - Salisbury, MD - 75 employees - closed 03/05.
46. Super Deep Discount Drugs - Salisbury, MD - unknown employees.
47. JV Wells, Inc. - Sharptown, MD - 100+ employees - large MD Timb. Co.
48. Nanticoke Seafood - Naticoke, MD - unknown no. of employees.
49. Islandic Seafood - Cambridge, MD - 300 employees - closed 3/07
50. Brunwick/Bayliner/Maxum - 180 employees - moved to N. Carolina
51. Americhem Inc. - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 10/07
52. Powerwave Technology - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees - closed 8-08
53. Oddi Atlantic - Salisbury, MD - 70 layoffs - closed 9/08
54. Invista Plant(DuPont) - Seaford, DE - 400 employees
55. Circuit City - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 01/09
56. Bob Smith Auto - Easton, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 3/09
57. Schaefer & Strohminger - Camb.,MD - unknown employees - cl.4/09
58. Boater's World - Salisbury, MD - 15 employees - closed 4/09
59. Boaters World - Denton, MD - 75 employees - closed 04/09
60. Saturn of Salisbury - Salisbury,MD - 15 employees - closed 05/09
61. Waterman's Seafood - Salisbury, MD-unknown employees-closed 4/09
62. Second National - Salisbury, MD - 500 employees - receivership
63. Southern States - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
64. Burke Equipment - Salisbury, MD - moved operation to Delmar, DE
65. Jack's Religious Gift Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees
66. Allied Building Products - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 01/11
67. Superfresh - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/11
68. Atlantic Bookstore - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 03/11
69. Southern States - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/10
70. The Gospel Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
71. Shelia's Craft & Party World - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
72. Benedict the Florist - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
73. The Bike Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
74. Sunroom Store - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - moved to Berlin,MD
75. Tex Mex - Salisbury, MD - Centre of Salisbury - unknown no employees
76. Pani Pit Pizza - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11.
77. Mombo Italiano - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
78. Checkers - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
79. Rugged Warehouse - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 10/11
80. Acme - Twilley Center Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed FY08
81. Barn None - Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
82. Shoreland Freezers - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
83. Salisbury Office Supply - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
84. Cadmus - Easton, MD - 450 employees - closed 04/25/2009
85. Navtrak - Northwood Ind. Park - 75 employees - closed 08/2012
86. HBCS - Northwood Industrial Park, Salisbury - 250 employees
87. American Paving Corp. - Eden, MD. - 65 employees
Why not publish the years they went out of business?
I think I see to the right of the name a date of closed?
We hardly need the dates of the last 2.For some reason I thought american Paving was along the railroad tracks near Delmar.
Nacho Pete's, Curry in a Hurry, Jimmy's Grille, Donut Connection, Megan's Noodle House, Cool Beans Coffee shop, Einstein's, Heroes (restaurant), several Shore Stops, Super Fresh, Circuit City...
In all fairness Some companies were bought out like Navtrak. That happens even in a good economy. THe list is still depressing, I remember almost all of these places
Post the damage minim wage increases caused.
If O'Malley thinks that Maryland's economy is so great and robust then why doesn't he publish a list of the new jobs and businesses that he claims to have so called 'created'.
The list of actual family owned businesses are about down to nothing here. Plenty of franchises to get a low wage jobs that won't pay the bills.
11:02 Posting says If O'Malley claims that Maryland's economy is so great then why doesn't he publish a list of the new businesses that generated the job numbers he claims.
My response: I'll tell you why, because he can't. In other words there are none. I'm not saying that there no jobs created, but O'Malley is dead wrong on his idea that the eastern shore is recovering. If anything - it is getting worse.
Where did you get this list? I remember almost all of these businesses or should I say former businesses. Where did they all go to?
This is stunning information Joe. Why hasn't this been reported by the MSM like CNN, or FOX, MSNBC.
This is absolutely appauling!
I knew in the back of my mind that we had lost a great number of businesses, but I had no idea we had lost this many.
I notice that the largest employers listed with the highest number of employees are gone. It would be interesting to know where some of these businesses have moved to, and why.
How about the layoffs?
Perdue has ditched a bunch of really well paid positions...with no equivalent job openings here on DelMarVa.
Nanticoke Seafood was owned by and moved to Cape May, N.J. by Cape May Canners. They started downsizing in 2003 and finally closed the plant in 2005.
Nanticoke Seafood was owned by and moved to Cape May, N.J. by Cape May Canners. They began downsizing in 2003 and finally closed the plant in 2005. They left 100 people unemployed. The plant is still sitting there empty.
Everyone is commenting like the Eastern Shore is alone in this drop in economy. You think any other area is any different? Yes, the list is depressing but it is not unique to Maryland.
Forest Products building wholesales, Fruitland
Fox & Olive
E. S. Adkins and Company didn't close. They sold their lumber business and are still operating. This list is pretty worthless, why not also include the many, many business that have also opened during the same time frame. Being in business means constant change and evolution.
It is very depressing to drive around this area and see so many empty buildings. I agree, we're not alone - this is happening everywhere. I've worked at a few companies on this list and can tell you, of the manufacturing companies, most closed up and sent their products to China. I can tell you that Airpax was sold to Sensata and then Bain Capital came in, shut them down and sent all the work to China. Powerwave was Filtronic Comtek until Powerwave purchased them, promised not to close them down and then 12 months later moved most manufacturing overseas and to California. They actually had closer to 300 employees but many left as soon as they heard the news about the closing. Of course every business has a story...too many to list. We've become a country controlled by greed. All that matters is how many widgets we can produce the cheapest and the fastest. It's what will and has ruined America.
To 1:11 Posting
I think you need to drive up N Salisbury Blvd near where the RR tracks pass over Rt 13. ES Adkins is gone - and the last time I was in there the Health Department had occuppied a portion of the old ES Adkins Bldg.
What is actually more troublesome is that many of the businesses listed - the properties were purchased for future expansion of the government. Case-in-point Dresser, Filtronic Comtek, Salisbury Office Supply, Purity Bacon, Noland's original building.
So it is a - double whammie sword -in that the private sector is diminishing and the public sector is expanding. You know what that means - more and higher taxes. It is a vicious spiral that is unsustainable. Sooner or latter we are going to end up like Greece and Spain. It is inevitable.
By the look at the shear numbers of business closures, I do not think O'Malley is going to find much traction in his boasting about our State's job generation.
The record overwhelms his depiction of a robust business environment. I do not know what planet he thinks we are from, the stats speak for themselves.
If only Maryland's Department of Economic Development could come down here and see what has truly happened to our businesses then we might qualify for some more state aid.
It is hard to sweep this kind of information under the rug. This kind of information also makes it difficult for Obamas reelection.
I would not want to run for office with a record stacked with stats like these. Its like a major league baseball player applying to the NYY with a batting record of 132.
Upon scanning over the list, it really makes my blood boil. I am mad as he--- this doesn't have to happen.
A thousand thanks for publishing this information as I have never seen it before. Obviously, there is no distortion or fabrication as I recognize most all of them. Simply Unbelievable!!!
IMHO it is pretty self explanatory. We need a change and fast.
I would like to see O'Malleys reaction tonight when he goes booth to booth right after the debates.
I can see him now flaunting how many jobs he has generated - and then someone pulls out and brandishes the above area business closure list.
It is pitiful. Just think about this for a moment, this is going on most everywhere across america. With exception to N. Dakota, this happening all across america.
What are the feds doing about it, printing up more money and extending the debt ceiling. They are really not offering any solutions to try and remedy the dire situation.
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