Because the vehicle is ILLEGAL, that's why! Look at the tags on this vehicle. They expired back in March of 2012!!!!

I'd say, IF you are the recipient of a speeding ticket in Delmar, that ticket would be NO GOOD.
You can't have a suspended Cop giving you a ticket, right? Don't shoot the messenger.
Hypocrites at their finest!
It doesn't surprise me. Delmar is all about writing tickets. They should put their headquarters on Rt. 13 where they hide to run radar all the time.
Worst thing to have ever happened to give towns half the ticket money in Delaware. Hahaha...public safety my ass
Lighten up on the curse words, will ya! I'm rejecting one comment after the other.
Just saw the curse word comment, sorry Joe.
I'm glad I used my better judgment and didn't render this vehicle useless like I wanted to.
Somebody needs to make a call and have it ticketed and towed for the expired plates!
In my opinion I believe your "illegal" statement to be untrue. Princess Anne has one on an untagged utility trailer which is moved about the areas of the schools.
I don't get your phobia with speed cameras. Speed Cameras are in place only for the idiots who think it is their God given right to break the law by speeding. Why defend them? Getting caught will help them remember when they pay a fine. The non speeders are rewarded for not speeding.
anonymous 9:36, quite honestly I don't have a phobia with speed cameras. These images come in from VIEWERS of Salisbury News. Perhaps you don't get out much? Most people are completely ticked off that they are being subjected to such BIG government and their crooked ways. As I recall, MANY of these public officials made promisses to REDUCE big government, yet they keep voting for stuff like this. THINK
Call and have it impounded.
It's what they do.
The vehicle isn't on a public road Joe, you should know that! Vehicle can have expired tags as long as it insured, no pick up order and NOT on public road. So what else do you want to try to fight the system on?
Say what you want but just because you are the police department doesn't give you the right to violate the law. This vehicle needs to be ticketed and if Princess Anne is doing the same thing they also need to be disciplined. What kind of example does this set for the public?
So just how did it get to where it is 9:47? Was is airlifted by helicopter?
09:47 how do you think the SUV made it there? They backed it in to hide the plates. They know what they did.
Just slow down and then all this is just a mute point
Got a call from a reliable source informing me the tags are good through 2014. Someone simply hasn't put the sticker on the tag.
Bet its on there by the end of the day, (or by now already).
Our source also said someone may have pulled the sticker off. Hmmmmm?
Good point Jack! slow down and move on
The tags are valid thru 2014. Regardless, expired tags or displaying expired tags can't be issued to a vehicle. Only to the driver.
this isn't about speeding. it's about taxes the county and state can waste.. make that clear.
Joe once again i compliment you on being a classy guy. I think you will draw even more voters by keeping this blog clean of curse words, etc and jusTreally nasty statements and bullying.. I applaud you again. I know you are restricted on what you can omit ITS THE DUTY OF YOUR FANS TO HELP YOU BY KEEPING THIS SITE one I can share with others proudly. I also appreciate the fact you run articles on both sides of the party. GOOD LUCK sorry we can't vote we are in the county but we can sure tell city folks to vote for you.
Letter of the law.
That vehicle MUST display valid, current registration to be roadworthy.
Try telling a cop your registration is good, you just didn't put the stickers on.
vehicle registration is nothing but another money grab by the state anyway and should be outlawed.
9:41 I get "ticked off" too that I am being subjected to such BIG government and what I perceive to be "crooked ways". BUT the law is the law. If I uphold a law by not speeding, than all it cost me is gas money, depreciation, wear on my vehicle, registration and insurance, and I pay no fine. I do not want to pay the high gas prices (BIG Government should lower state/federal gas tax). I do not want to pay the registration fee that State Government charges for my driving privileges. Lord only knows how much my insurance would go up with a speeding ticket, so I try my hardest to drive within the limit so the Police do not hand me a big dollar ticket, with points against me. (I am aware that Speed Cameras do not yield points or high dollar tickets.)
My point is - I have 2 choices - be a responsible driver and keep the little bit of money the BIG government has not found a use for (yet) OR speed and pay my hard earned cash for my breaking the law.
For those unaware - Speeding is against the law, no matter if you are caught or not. If you do get caught do you really have any reason to complain?
11:13 perfect reply, i totally agree
10:29 AM,
Which, "we are in the county" are you in. It better not be wicomico.
11:13, Good then get of the highway and make room for me, I'll pay the speeding fine as long as I don't have to ride behind your lollygagging @ss!
The best and safest way to fight back against these illegal tactics is to go the speed limit. I never speed and therefor i don't support them financially.
If the truck is towed who's gonna pay for it? Taxpayers!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you all will be complaining about that. I am totally against these camera but the main goal of these things is to slow people down in school zones. Yes they are a good source of revenue as well but until they start sticking them in random spots on highways just cool your jets and slow the hell down around schools. Oh yea and at least this cam isn't permanent maybe thats a sign they won't have it there forever!
So if its not tagged,they will take your tax dollars and get it tagged.
All of you "just don't speed and you'll be okay" yes men, who would shoot your own mother if the governemnt told you it was the thing to do, ARE MISSING THE POINT of the citizen's main complaint. That complaint being that we RESENT and are outraged by "remote" law enforcement, CONSTANT and pervasive "surveillance", even when innocent, and the ever-expanding EXCUSES given to us by the Gestapo for needing MORE AND MORE "cameras", drones, wiretapping, warrantless searches, biometric and biologic tracking & surveillance. Americans, that is, REAL Americans, don't need or WANT to be "monitored" or "watched" 24-7. Especially considering that the OVERWHELMING number being "watched" are INNOCENT. Even if the goal is a commendable one. If you NEED to be "watched", or NEED to be told how to think, please get the heck out of this country and take your Nazi loving ideas with you, maybe to China or North Korea. You'd fit right in and might make "Comrade of the Year"!
Why does everyone complain about these cameras. I don't know where this one is located but I am all for the one in Salisbury. If you have ever been on College Ave. when the schools are starting or ending it is a nightmare. When someone's kid gets killed by some jerk that is in a rush to get know where everyone will complain about that. How hard is it to drive the speed limit
Second that 1:03
Nazi huh I guess the next step for these speed
Cameras is machine gun torrets with facial and race detection devices so government can exterminate races and build there own blonde haired blue eyed super race. What an idiot you are Imclain.
1:03-You mentioned drones.Would'nt it be a wonderful idea to have traffic drones constantly patrolling the main highways for speeders.24/7,100 feet in the air traveling directly over the median strip,recording tag #s on speeding vehicles going in both directions and relaying that info to an automated ticketing device.Of course you and I won't have anything to worry about because we are honest law abiding citizens who don't speed.
Amen 1:03!
2:09 is a cop. Because he's above the law, he sees NO problem. Your weak attempt at sarcasm (and it was very weak), fails to acknowldege the FACT that if you told Americans 50 years ago that the police would be able to stop (thousands of) INNOCENT citizens at ROADBLOCKS to see IF they were committing a crime, that the FBI would have a BILLION dollar "integrated facial recognition" program being used AGAINST AMERICANS and that their picture would be taken hundreds of time a year by the government, that the New York police would be stopping almost a million people to FRISK them (just because), that our own government would say its okay to SECRETLY arrest and imprison AMERICANS, or that 35,000 robotic aircraft (the SAME ones we use in war) would be monitoring AMERICAN citizens in the USA(!), they would have laughed like you were crazy. Who's laughing now, cop? So yes, I CAN see the day when a citizen gets gunned down for a minor speeding ticket. Actually, cops gun down American citizens EVERY DAY, some who didn't even commit a crime, so my bad ---- your prediction isn't so far off or unrealistic. You idiot. Learn some history. Read something other than Cop Weekly (try the Constitution for starters, if its not too much of a read for you). See the bigger picture. And stop defending the dissolution of our God given rights in order to make us "safer". Mao, Hitler, and Stalin all thought like that, but it disgusts me when an American does it....
A "mute" point?
Giant is having a special on tin foil today....just in case you were running short.
And Tractor Supply is giving away blinders, too. They tried to SELL them, but found out so many people were already wearing them, the only thing left to do was give them away....
So many Obamanabots out there, and so few of us, Eh, Imclain?
Stay ready.
Well I got one. No officer present. As soon as I realized it, I slowed. I'm not usually a speeder, but had to pay the ticket for one very brief moment. You should have some recourse besides going to court. An officer should be present. Also the speed limit sign is only partly visible along Foskey lane west.
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