Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.
It was unclear, however, whether she could remove her name from the ballot with the election less than two months away. Under state law, a candidate has until 70 days before an election to remove his or her name from the ballot. The deadline for the Nov. 6 election passed on Aug. 28.
if there's a way for the dems to cheat, they'll find it.
Strange how when voter fraud is exposed it always seems to be democrats responsible.
Maybe that would be one reason why they don't want voter ID laws.
Comments on other sites are claiming ID wouldn't help in instances such as this. It could help because unless someone is intent on fraud they will generally only have one drivers license issued in one state.
This is exactly why Democrats don't wand voter ID! "Vote early, vote often"! Lying and cheating gets them elected.
Always Democrats who are scamming the system.
Democrats, democrats, democrats. It's really no wonder they don't want voter id.
I was behind a car recently and on their bumper sticker was a Wendy Rosen on one side.....Obama on the other! I really just had to take a look at the driver and really wonder what planet they were from!
While I may agree with some of the sentiments about Democrats and voter fraud, to be fair here it was her own party that reported this.
Of course, it might be said that they did so only after it became apparent that it would come out anyways :-/
The text from the linked article says:
"A spokesman for Maryland Democrats said party leaders were told of Rosen's dual registration by someone within the party on Friday. After verifying the details over the weekend, spokesman Matthew Verghese said, the leaders confronted Rosen on Monday."
italics added
Wow looks like she received a check in the mail.
my guess is that the democrats exposed it because the GOP was about to. better to make it look like you discovered an "error" and reported it yourself than have your opponent report it and make you look like the corrupt party that you are...
But I saw a Democrat spokeperson (who was ridiculing voter ID and registration laws) say that there were 7 (thats right -- seven!) documented cases of voter fraud in the entire country. She should be jailed.
I'm wondering who they will choose to replace her in the election and will she be prosecuted?
doesn't this make you wonder how many more of this and other voter fraud is taking place all across this great nation.
just remember, for everyone who votes fraudulently, cancels YOUR vote.
This is why they don't want voter ID laws or more scrutiny on the voting process. She KNOWINGLY voted illegally.
Yep..."I'm a Democrat and I vote early and vote often" needs the new tag line "and I vote in as many states as I can"!
I thought the Baltimore Sun, not the Democrats, exposed this?
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