DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Salisbury Police Department Going From Bad To Worse
As many of you now know, the SPD has experienced some major problems recently but I have been informed it's getting a whole lot worse. Besides ALL of the Officers, (especially veterans) that have already left the SPD, 3 more recently quit. Two went to Salisbury University and one went to Harford County.
That being said, FIVE more Officers, (veterans) are now very aggressively searching for jobs elsewhere as they can no longer tolerate the leadership and the Mayor. Or should I say the lack of any support from the Mayor.
Things have become so harsh that Officers are working 48 hours straight. Let me explain. An Officer works a 12 hour night shift, then he's expected to be in court first thing the next morning. In some cases these Officer have no or very little sleep before they are expected to be back on their shift the next evening. After two days of this they are simply exhausted and cannot function on the job, creating a very dangerous situation.
While the Police Chief and Mayor want to parade on PAC 14 stating they need all that extra money to RETAIN the Officers they currently have, guess what, MOST of those veteran Officers won't see a PENNY of those pay increases. These Officers are outraged and are handing in their badges and guns and moving on to other Police Departments.
I have personally made numerous attempts to contact Chief Duncan but she has refused to respond to any text message or phone message for quite some time now. While we enjoyed regular discussions in the past, clearly Mayor Ireton has told her she can no longer speak to me. Mind you, I'm experiencing the same situation with other Department Heads. Ireton isn't about open government. He completely disrespects the Press, unless they're spewing everything he wants said out there.
Salisbury is in a crisis situation at the expense of Public Safety. Salisbury News is the ONLY source out there that will tell the truth and even challenge the leadership. Censoring the Press is what will destroy Mayor Ireton.
ALL of this has come down every since the alleged phone spoof and the questionable actions of the Police Chief filing false criminal charges against me to obtain my phone records. I think each and every one of you know the value I hold on keeping ANY phone numbers away from law enforcement. Again, there was NO criminal act, yet they went ahead and spend hundreds of man hours obtaining information they did NOT need.
Salisbury desperately needs new leadership. You won't read this information elsewhere because the MSM is too afraid to buck the system. So much for retaining any one. They simply told the public what the public wants to hear but it's a load of garbage.
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Let's see DiPino goes to CA, Duncan goes to OC for the same reason all of her officers are leaving.....
Joe, why didn't you sue them for obtaining your phone records under false pretense? It is illegal.
Well 12 hour shifts are no good. They need to go to 10's. Also there are numerous officers staying now that the raise was announced. There are two sides to every story. S.P.D. you guys have long deserved better pay. Good Luck and God Bless
Duncan going to OC? Hmmm... I heard this somewhere else.
get rid of duncan... she's bad
obviously when a ton of officers leave there is a problem at the top
Move on.. go back to NY
Get rid of Ireton,
Duncan, Gardner and Hoppes.
Let's see. Pay raises for all to include top brass but officers still leave. Once more money is approved, they will still leave. Watch and see.
I recommend every city resident (that can) do a ride along with the SPD. You will see what they have to go through for 12 hours a day, sometimes like mentioned back to back for court. Imagine riding around and your car shuts off unexpectedly, this happens to the SPD due to lack of funds to fix the aging cars! Talk about a kick in the groin for the PO that has to drive that car, they might as well go back to mounted patrol!
Pretty soon will they have enough FTO's to train new recruits???
Money doesn't fix all problems.
So 2:32 pm what do you need money for cars or pay raises?
Turn police protection over to the County Sheriffs Office. The public hires the chief(Sheriff) not the mayor. Problems solved!
Re: 3:04 - why not? This cuts out all the management overhead and leaves more money for staffing. Excellent idea.
I will take a job as a police officer in Salisbury, where do I go to get hired. Working 12 hr shifts, poor babies. My wife has been working 12 hr shifts for yrs at the hospital. Do the officers have court everyday? I doubt it. Start hiring new officers, most of the veterans are bunch of lazy cry babies. I would love to have the job.
Turn this whole city's functions over to the county. At least our county leaders don't play all of these head games and hide the canoli politics.
Let the county take it all, so many duplicated services and end all of this drama this city just can't seem to get rid of, maybe it's time to call an Exorcist to rid this city of it's demons.
I have to agree. Municipalities are giving up their police departments to the county all over the country. Great idea.
Your wife puts in time at the hospital , very few people work at that place , so she don't get a pat on the back.
PRMC is just a joke DH.
I would love to have the job.
September 20, 2012 3:42 PM
You couldn't do it. YOu're trying to compare a nurses job to a cops? You have no clue.
People still leaving? Gee thought it was the pay.
3:42, does your wife have to wear a bullet proof vest to work? Does she have to carry a gun to protect herself? Go ahead and take the job. You wouldn't last a day.
Because the chief is trying to drive the dept into the ground so it can be dissolved and sheriffs dept can take over. Duh!
then apply for the job if you think you can handle it( doubtful though). and just because your wife works 12hr shifts doesnt mean you could. besides, i, like most officers there love the 12hr shift. and its not necessarily the leadership in the pd that we are upset with. we have gone without raises for so long, when the talk comes up that we may actually get one, but then find out that its really only going to amount to anything for the newer officers, the older ones are saying screw it all and still leaving. the city does not want to do what they need to do to get all the officers up to a fair standard of pay. some of our sgts make less or about the same as some OCPD officers after a few years, with much more work then OC can begin to think about. sure the city is going in the right direction, but theres still a long ways to go to get to a normal standard when you compare city officers to other agencys that may be the same size, but are not nearly as busy. i know the economy is bad for everyone, but when a normal business slows down in a bad economy, it is the exact opposite for a police dept. the city cant expect the workload to increase without the money increasing. maybe a couple of years with no raise, but this is getting stupid.
So the police are in crisis, our water supply is being monitored by an unlicensed boss from the sewer plant, the public works director is thought so little of that her own people go to city council and complain about her lack of leadership in front of her and the whole community, the sewer plant is still a mess, the zoo is secretly created and hired someone for a position that makes $100k, the fire department is still upset with leadership...
Nice term Ireton!
Aging cars? These cars are fairly new, if they are having serious issues with them, maybe they shouldnt drive like an unnecessary bat out of hell.
Thank you, 435, you summed it up well! I think I'll just commit suicide by going for a swim in the river! PRMC has no cure for that!
OMG Do ANY of you have any common sense at all? First you complain about the police then somehow it has to do with hospital personnel then the sewer and OMG calm down THINK speak with some knowledge about facts stop the ranting and raving. This town needs FACT CHECK would someone please start that site!!!! You all are getting so riled up lets one up the next guy that you don't have the sense to stop and just say.............. how about instead of bitching today do just one random act of kindness. So don't bother with telling me to go hug a tree. Anger makes you ugly and really does hurt you heart and your BP! Provide some good ideas for the city or run for council speak up at their meetings if you don't help change you don't have the right to complain I'M JUST SAYIN.....MANUP
It is hire me again. What I am trying to say is that every job has its downfalls. People work for a lot less and also have to deal with bs. Every time these city employees cry about money it cost the tax payers money. If the problem is leadership then get rid of them.
People, the problem is not enough officers or new cars or poor salaries.
The problem is too many criminals.
Too many imbeciles that have been advanced through the tolerant and accepting liberal education system. Too many taught it is ok for 2+2=5, They have no idea what Government is other than a check and freedom cards. (ironic huh)
No concept of the real world, good side of the tracks lifestyle.
Decency, honor, respect, humility.
They have no vocabulary other than what they hear in rap.
Society has allowed this to happen. Don't blame the cops.
Blame the teachers and Government for lowering standards, blame society for broken homes and fatherless children of crackhead mom's, blame slumlords...
Blame Ireton, Duncan. The Board of Ed. naacp.
Don't blame the guy in uniform trying to get through another day dealing with the bull$hit he gets from both sides. Top to bottom.
It's a wonder they don't kill more people...
PRMC is a joke?
Im sure you wont be saying that when you need them.
Dont bite the hand that heals you
Why do you think they wanted --and thanks to Barrie and the "Dream Team" -- got LEOPS?
Where are all these ignorant comments coming from!
Wow--6:28! Well said--however, with so many criminals here, there IS a need for more police officers to handle the huge work load. Parents need to be good role models, too, thereby reducing the number of young people who aimlessly get into trouble. In a perfect world...
To any SPD officer: what is actually the problem at your agency. Is it actually pay, decreased morale because of pay, excessive officer investigations, lack of respect from the community or police administration who just don't give a damn about anything but getting ahead themselves??
Joe: when you become Mayor, please look into what is happening at SPD. It is a true mess.
All of this pettiness is disappointing. I am a taxpayer and live in the city. I am glad that the council has addressed the issue of police salaries. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that poor salaries have weakened the deparment
I have seen proof that SPD officers are underpaid. I have not seen proof that Duncan's leadership is bad. She inherited a department that had been decimated by Webster and Tilghman. It will take time to rebuild. I do hope that some of the long time officers...the good ones will stay and be part of the solution.
PRMC is a joke?
Im sure you wont be saying that when you need them.
Dont bite the hand that heals you
September 20, 2012 6:40 PM
prmc is a joke in certain ways. And I see you have that attitude that cops and ff's and emt's like to throw down.
If you say something bad about them, they too threaten to not do their jobs until you scrape and bow and proclaim their exalted omnipotence.
They have learned to start an i.v., administer some drugs, read a couple of machines and now all of a sudden they are Marcus Welby or somebody.
It's a good thing to be able to help people when they need it. That should give you a nice feeling inside.
Where you and the cops, ff's, emt's mess up is when you start believing your own hype. Things tend to go downhill from there.
It would be much better for others to give you accolades and not yourselves. That's called bragging, thinking ur special, and other arrogant and ignorant crap.
Even if you are excellent at what you do, strutting around and telling every person you meet how great and important you think you are does not have the effect you think it does.
Quite the opposite actually. Instead of a humble professional servant do their job, you become an overbearing narcissistic jerk.
People will start to see you and others like you in the same light and it hurts your image and the images of your peers.
I once seen a woman emt wear a tee shirt that said,'we are here to save you ass, not kiss it'.
What message do you think she is sending to the public and anyone else who reads her shirt?
I know you guys and girls to an important job sometimes and you want some recognition for you labors.
Most people do. But you group of people are going about it all wrong, IMHO.
Be humble, quiet, reserved, POLITE, and courteous when you are helping people. That will go a long way to better relations with your patients and you might even find some of the stress dissipate.
I think the ones who love what they do will understand what I am saying. Just as the ones who only do it for recognition will probably issue an abusive and aggressive statement telling me how stupid I am and I have no clue and how I would not be able to do such an important task.
And most of your complaints come form the very people you are charged with helping.
I don't know about you guys but I would not want to be remembered that way. I would much rather be remembered for being a nice, caring guy who comforted, helped and gave him a ride home.
Remember, you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.
I see that SU may be hiring ANOTHER SUPD officer! The money is the same and they can get tuition waiver for their kids down the road.
Salisbury has never been more dangerous. Glad I don't live there and feel sorry for those that do live or work there.
3:42, You cant even leave your name so how can you step up to be a cop. Hide behind the computer
Parisano, gotta go! #1 reason why we all want to switch squads or leave that department!
BTW, I have talked to the Chief about you, she has no time for you, knowing you will only use her like Mike Lewis then throw her under the bus. She has been very outspoken, "dont treat the blogger any differant than anyone else, but if you get the chance ..... , make it stick, and drive it home". Command staff meeting, 3rd week of August, you want the minutes?
Duncan says she has no loyalty to the officers hired before she got there. Only to officers she hired. Out with Duncan. In with Barkley. Get this department back on it's feet.
These comments are funny. One day everyone comments that cops are a joke, they are jerks, and etc. The next day people comment that they need more
Money and how hard it is to work in Salisbury. What I would like to know is how many arrest are made each day? How many police offices are on duty everyday? I am sorry but I work in some of these neighborhoods and see very little police and when I do see them they are not doing anything. How hard is it to start busting these drug dealers on the corners? If a corner is known for drugs, put a police officer there. If they move corners then we move with them.
6:26 - If Duncan said it was a very ignorant statement on her part. So she is loyal to about 12 officers in her two years and none of those her command staff. No wonder Rome is burning. What an idiot.
51,000 calls a year. It's a busy department that was diminished by poor pay and a manipulative mayor for years. I am glad that the pay issue is finally being addressed and I am a resident and taxpayer in the city. I want to see crime reduced. I agree with the comment about getting the drug dealers out of Salisbury and hope that the pay increases will help to keep and attract the officers to get that done. Duncan wasn't the chief that Ireton wanted, so it is possible that hehas tried to set her up to fail.
If u want to know what the police do how about u do a ride along. You can see just how busy they are, how many arrest are made, how many people they contact a day.. Do 12 hours with an officer.. So when u talk about it... U actually know what ur talking about and have some real life experience or facts to share with everyone..
Joe- I heard that the public works lady that spoke up for raises has been written up and told she is on thin ice. Teresa Gardner is still running amok in public works.
Anon: 11:49 speaks the truth. Charlie Parisano has been a lazy pos for his entire career. Now all he knows is how to say yes to the third floor, wont stand up for his officers and has no idea how to do his job, becuase he never learned how to be an officer, corporal or a sergeant. I use to laugh when I would see Charlie comb his hair before he got out of the patrol car. I see nothing has changed since 20 years ago.
I've seen the shape of some of these SPD officers and don't know how they even qualify for the job because they are so fat.
I do appreciate what all officers do for we citizens. Most are young and in good shape, not to say that older officers aren't good officers. Just saying either the standards are lax or they can't anyone, young or old.
How would one go about do a ride along with an officer? Do you have to live in the city to be eligible? Would it have to be for the whole shift?
The problem is A) lack of pay, while other officers with lighter workloads (ex. SU) are being paid more, so it makes sense to leave. B)No pay increase, higher benefit costs C) low morale, not due to the chief but the other minions on the third floor D) Benfits, such as special assignments go to the rookies, because they are trying to keep the young guys, assuming the veterans won't leave (BIG mistake) and E) Overworked, understaffed and F) some of the staff being lazy while others are busting their butts to the point of illness
@9:16, Obvioulsy just like the other 99% of the population you have no clue at to what it takes to become a Paramedic.
Let me enlighten you some. To become a paramedic it takes over 1600 hours of in class instruction, 300 hours of in hospital clinicals, and a minimum of 300 hours of field training with a preceptor. That is a minimum of 2200 hours plus the passing grades to complete the course in order to just test for your NREMT-P. To put that into perspective for you; the average 3 credit hour class has 48 hours of instruction. So under typical college standards, the amount of hours a NREMT-P student puts forth toward getting that title is the same as a business, education... student going 137.5 credit hours to get their BA.
Now as for the "few drugs" they can administer. Actually under MD protocol we have 30 drugs, 14 of which could easily kill someone if given improperly. We are also trained on the indications, contraindication, advers effects, pharmacology, cautions, and doses of around another 50 drugs which are part of the National Standard for NREMT-P.
Then you say "read a couple of machines" would you care to make an atempt to read one of these machines. Sure, you may be able to look at one and say "hey that's the heart beat" which in reality you would be wrong because you are actually looking at the path of electrical current as it goes from one area of the heart to the other. Would you care to atempt to learn the over 40 different heart rhythms (which many look very similar)we have to be able to read and treat in a moments notice. Or how about the wave form of capnography, or ETCO2 ranges... The list goes on and on.
The reason we are aggrivated is because EMS is the most underpaid, and under appriciated area in health care. But at the same time we have the most dangerous area in health care. The lack of retirement plans and healthcare plans in the EMS field is atrocious.
The T-shirt "we are here to save your ass, not kiss it" mainly comes from the level of 911 abuse that we providers see on a day to day basis. If you acutally just took 12-24 hours out of your busy schedule to acutally ride with on an ambulance you would see it first hand. 95% of the time you will see us being "humble, quite, reserved, polite, and courteous" when we are helping people. It's other 5% of the time when we the same addresses calls 911 every other day for meaningless BS and waist our time, that we loose our patience. Or when we are called out to help someone and get no cooperation what so ever from either the patient or the family standing around.
Before you make such comments you should spend a day in the life of the people you are ignorantly commenting about. You may just learn something.
Joe, A raise at this point is not enough, here's the problem. This "raise" they speak of gives EVERY officer what? a $4k raise? It should be based on merit, physical health, anything other than "just because you work here" Start the raise off at everyone gets $1k, if they are in good health, meaning they meet the requirements as if they were a rookie they get another $1k, if they are proactive (making x amount of arrests a shift/quarter/year) they get another $1k (and these should be good arrests, as in 100 arrests, no less than 90 convictions)$1k if they are good leaders and so on. There are too many SPD officers who don't deserve what they make and too many who deserve way more than they make.
12:19 there are a lot of city jobs that require advanced professional degrees or certifications. Public works includes engineering, the wastewater treatment plant has its own lab requiring a background and degree in chemistry, the people that operate the plant must pass a difficult test that features calculus, the same for the water plant... It shouldn't surprise anyone that the public isn't aware of your requirements or those I listed, the city and really the industries involved, do a terrible job marketing and educating the public about the requirements.
Stay on top of this one joe, some of these posts are starting to point to the problem and its not pay.
How much is that Firefighters Grant really costing tax payers in Salisbury. Today September 22, 2012 from 8am until 3pm the Salisbury Fire Department rented the Civic Center to conduct "testing." How much rent is Salisbury paying or is that a donation? There are numerous fire department personnel participating in this event? How much is the overtime costing tax payers or is that volunteer time? How much is this grant really costing tax payers? Enquiring minds want to know and deserve an answer.
Anonymous said...
How much is that Firefighters Grant really costing tax payers in Salisbury. Today September 22, 2012 from 8am until 3pm the Salisbury Fire Department rented the Civic Center to conduct "testing." How much rent is Salisbury paying or is that a donation? There are numerous fire department personnel participating in this event? How much is the overtime costing tax payers or is that volunteer time? How much is this grant really costing tax payers? Enquiring minds want to know and deserve an answer.
September 22, 2012 8:37 AM
It's a big town fire department. They can do anything they want to do.
Poor, poor fireman won't be able to go back and ask for pay raises now because they chose to take the free money for unneeded firemen. What a joke that leadership is in that department.
I like the direction of 1:55's comment. Make consideration for increases performance based, not just time on the job. Maybe it already is, but also include a fitness test if it isn't already
Too bad the public works director isn't a licensed engineer in Maryland, and only a transportation engineer in Delaware at that. Sure the City is paying for her DE license also!
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