Over the many years I've been running Salisbury News, many people have asked me THE question, what has been your biggest accomplishment with Salisbury News. The first answer that comes out of my mouth is lost and found animals.
It never ceases to amaze me just how many animals and their owners we have helped reunite and Salisbury News is the "go to" place whenever someone happens to come across a lost animal.
We encourage you to contact us right away. We encourage you to please, (even right now) take a picture of your pet on your cell phone and save it. Mistakes happen and animals do get away from us. More importantly, we encourage you to go by the Humane Society or your Veterinarian and get your pet micro chipped. It's the best investment you'll ever make for your best friend.
Now, this article may look like I'm taking credit for reuniting the hundreds of animals we've posted but let's get real for just a moment. The ONLY reason these animals get reunited are because of people like YOU. Hundreds of people have pulled over in their cars and encouraged animals to get in. They take them home, take a picture of the animal and then send it in to Salisbury News.
Because of the huge traffic that come and go each day on this Site, ANYONE looking for their animal can usually come on here with a sigh of relief because they saw their pet in an article.
YOU make that happen and WE can't thank you enough for caring so much. Unfortunately over the years we've experienced just a few animals that were hit and killed by cars. However, imagine how large that number would be if YOU didn't take these animals in!
So, that being said, we want to thank all of you for helping out and saving the lives of literally hundreds of animals over the years. It still remains the coolest thing we do here on Salisbury News.
Well said Joe!! Thanks to everyone who helps reunite these precious animals with their owners!
Keep up the good work!
These days, any good news, is great news : )
I have never lost an animal and I pray that I never do. However, if I do, I will be sure to contact you. Your readers have done a wonderful job.
A name tag and contact number is also helpful on dog collars or even a current rabies tag which can be traced via telephone. Micro chip is good also but some people are reluctant to load a strange found dog in their vehicle to have them scanned for a chip.
Kudos to everyone who helps an animal and to Joe for this valuable public service!
Joe;Your love for animals is obvious and a big part of your success in reuniting pets and owners.You deserve a lot of credit.
Thanks Joe for the great job you do. There should be someone like you running the Wicomico Humane Society.
You definately have that right 7:05AM! I am ashamed of how our HS is being run. Sooo many animals being put down----doesn't seem anyone is interested in trying to find them homes either----at least Lugo did that.
Thank you Joe for putting this out on your Blogg and to all the good people who try to help the animals get back to their homes. It's been said---
" Those who don't like animals don't
care for people either." Think there's something to that too!
this service is what keeps me coming here, because the politics are very disturbing indeed, but many pets and owners benefit from this blog, and for that...Thanks Joe!! there is a heart in there somewhere!!!
I lost a beautiful fox red Labrador retriever a month ago and thanks to thia blog, I found mt hunting partner again. It was a horrible night of no sleep wondering where my beloved pet was. Next morning someone posted my dog as found and I went over and got her back thanks to a nice neighbor that protected her until we reunited. Thank you so much Salisbury News
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