Could you imagine the backlash if Romney or Ryan's kids wore anything other than USA attire??? Once again proves there ignorance to the American way of life!
Mrs Obama admitted on TV she didn't like USA until a bunch of people, who are clueless, put her dear hubby into office. She still doesn't like the USA--except for the privileges that have been bestowed upon her by being First Lady...
The Obamas display their colors at the Olympics... Really? South Africa? Gee, ladies, thanks for your support!
They hate America we already knew that.
What a representation of the U.S.!
That's why we need to take the time to go to the polls and vote these idiots out.
Well for God's sake, go live there, no one will care and you'll be doing everyone in the USA who loves their country a favor.
South Africa, where police just murdered dozens of miners and charged the ones that didn't get killed with the murders.
Kinda sounds like the Obama's style.
The South Chicago choom gang is in the White House.
Is anyone really surprised? He is Kenyan and she is, well, whatever. The girls are US citizens due to their being born in the US. I guess that is what makes the parents believe they are eligible to so much in this country. Deportation needs to take place here as he is a threat to this country, in my humble opinion.
And Jamaica where a police officer shot, in the head, and killed a pregnant woman because she used a swear word, which is illegal there.
Then shot her sister, who survived so far. And pointed the gun at the third sister but gun was empty.
Another police officer restrained him when he stopped to reload his pistol.
Boy, I hate that place.
What do you expect?
The nation they came from is where their loyalty lies. One Billion dolars to Egypt, foreign aid, when we can't even keep our own dollar propped up. Why?, because they are MUSLIM. With all the other foreign economies we could have helped Egypt was chosen because of the Presidents REAL ALLIGENCE with the MUSLIM WORLD in the conversion of the United
States to ISLAM. ALL of you had better WAKE UP!
Seriously John A what sense does it make that Obama admin supported the overthrow of a moderate Arab leader only to have a known Islamic extremist/terrorist group take over power. Obama could claim not knowing the history of the Brotherhood previously and possibly have gotten away with that, but after knowing the history he still has chosen to send money.
Not to sound like I'm bashing or being critical but it has come to the point where everything obama touches turns into a hugh mess. There's never been a world leader like him. Even the "bad" world leaders did the bads things efficiently.
Even the "bad" world leaders did the bads things efficiently.
September 5, 2012 11:45 AM
lol that's a good one.
Ever notice the people who put up 'a name' try to impress but fail miserably?
and they somehow think it adds credibility. lol oh well
All of you should boycott foreign doctors here and pray they will all be replaced by the REAL Americans. But..you may die praying, Delmarva.
the apple does not fall far from the tree! what ever country its roots are in.
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