The numbers keep going up. With a dismal economy and Barack Obama's encouragement of people to keep on programs like food stamps, the increase in welfare recipients has been dramatic. According to the Census Bureau, there are over 100 million people on welfare.
That's exactly what Obama wants so he can get more votes. Have you heard the paid for ads on the radio? They are promoting people to get free government free cell phones and food stamps.
Permanent government dependent voters-the Marxist dream.
This has been going on for yrs! It's grown as one generation passes their way of life on to the others---they are "working the system" that's been ongoing for years!
The Goverment can stop it by allowing only One child to receive Welfare----after that you're on your own----And free birth control Clinics.
How about mandatory birth control / sterilization after so many pregnancies when you are on the Government dole. The liberals should be all for the idea. After all, humans are walking pollution machines, creating waste and C02.
Which leads me down another road, which party or political ideology is better for the country. What percentage of people behind bars are democrats, 95% or higher? What percentage of people on food stamps / welfare are democrats, 95% or higher? What percaetage of people who pay no taxes are democrat, 95% or higher? Which leads me to the only rational conclusion - democrats are bad for our country. If we got rid of democrats we would live in a better place.
So if anyone does'nt get enough to eat it's their own fault.
11:43 I've been saying spay/neuter needs to happen. When someone applies for an entitlement they should be "fixed." If they can not take care of themselves they can't take care of a child.
What would u propose to do with the democrats. This should be interesting
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