Good afternoon Joe. My husband and I went to Walmart this morning and we saw a government plate vehicle in parking lot. I found that interesting. Thought okay maybe he is here on official business. So came out of Walmart only to see the government vehicle pull up to the front to load his family's groceries in the truck. Must be nice to bring government vehicle to the beach for holiday weekend while burning our gas. And they want to know why this country is broke.
Do not jump to conclusions. I used to do the same thing but now I work for the government. I have a corporate credit card and have used it at WalMart as well. You would be surprised the items that we can use from many stores that you would not think of.
Our tax dollars at work!
Are you some kind of a nut!
Hmm. let's see. Could it be the military recruiter, who may have been stationed in an area where doesn't live usung the car provided him by the military while on station? or possibly someone from the federal side of Asseteague picking up supplies for the functions that go on there? there are several good reasons that "could" be an explanation. Or it simply could be a federal employee who is given a car to use on and off duty. So if you don't have the balls to ask him why he has the car then maybe you should just carry on and keep to yourself!
Getting food and ammo for the lookout team at the hotel for tonight's surveillance assignment!
If the driver was black, the truck is a fringe benefit. Look how many dollars are wasted on Michelles' trips. Usually, when a man and his old lady travel alone, it is indicative of two things... One or the other is doing the hippity dippity with a third party or MAYBE they just can't stand each other!
Notice that it's a government motors vehicle? Last month 79% of all GM sales were to the government.
335 p.m. Really?? Guess he was purchasing cat and dog food to feed the horses in Assateague.
From 12:48 to 2:50:
No I am not a nut. There are many things that we use. They sell more than food and clothes you know. Many departments use tools, windshield wipers and fluids, replacement bulbs, etc. It is cheaper to buy these items and install yourself than to take it to a shop and pay them to do it. My agency has done that many times. Maybe we should just worry about what "judgmental" think and spend the extra money.
3:35-I did ask.He said he worked for the VA.
A friend of mine lives in Clifton VA in a fairly "high rent district" but by no means the highest of the DC suburbs. About 12 years ago a house for sale down her road was purchased and for the next 3 or 4 years there were always 24/7 2 or 3 of these same type of black SUV's with fed gov't tags parked at the end of the long driveway of the home. When you looked the property up on the VA tax records it said "owners name witheld upon request." No one ever saw any sign of life at the house as this is an area where the houses aren't close together and alot of trees and woods and hills. Finally after a couple of years the guards or whatever they were left and the house to this day it looks deserted though someone is cutting the grass and tending to it on the outside atleast.
You all are crazy. The gov has problems but now that its all out in the open you just want to pick everything apart. What if it was a higher ranking Serviceman who has been to Iraq 4 time and has three or four bullets in him using his gov vehicle to pick up his groceries because he has recieved a meager salary for the last 10 years and has been deployed for just as many so he really has no need to buy his own truck if there is one for "free". Who cares its a perk of the job. You see all the bad in the gov but what about the good that all the gov does that no one sees????????????????????????????????????????????
VOTE ROMNEY and you prob wont care if this happens.......................
8:03 , do you talk to just to hear your voice , I am the husband of the woman who sent the original story in , and I am also a wounded veteran . The man in question was at the oldest 25 and he was running to get to the government vehicle. I know of no program that gives vehicles , And tagged them with federal government tags .begore you acusse someone else of jumping conclusions stop talking out of YOUR ass
No I type to see my fingers move. Lol Lol Lol thats funny.
7:13 AM
Yes it was. lol
This is a complete lack of discretion.He takes a US government vehicle to Wal Mart and parks in front to load his stuff.Thats as in your face as it gets.This guy must have another vehicle that he could have used.Look for more of this as the price of gas rises.Young people are oblivious to everything and everyone.
Send the photo of the tag and a description of what you observed to your congressman and have them report it to the proper agency for investigation.
Oh yea and after u report the tag it's gonna cost us 1000 times as much as the gas and wear and tear on that government vehicle. Worry about something else!
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