DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, September 28, 2012
Delmar Delaware Voters Barely Turn Out
Ever since the Town of Delmar relocated into their new Town Hall building they have been discussing renovating their old facility for a new Police Station. In other words, this topic is nothing new.
The Maryland side has been all for a new Police Station and fully supports the new plans already designed. However, the Delaware side of Delmar has been dragging their feet, so much so they decided to leave their portion, ($400,000.00) of the building up to the voters.
Yesterday they held an election and guess what, 35 people showed up. The vote was 23 yes and 12 no. Fortunately the project will move forward but let me add, I can't even remember the last time they actually held an election for a new Mayor in Delmar, Delaware.
Considering this is America and we push our weight in other Countries trying to get others to follow our lead when it comes to voting and elections, this is a complete embarrassment.
Salisbury has some 13,000 registered voters, yet only 2,300 show up to vote. Any suggestions?
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The last time I voted in a Delmar election, close to the end of voting time, only 83 people had voted on the Maryland side....now that is pitiful.....just sayin
Fruitland's election is Monday, October 1st. Let's see how many show up.
Looked at who we have in office on the Delmarva Peninsula especially Sowsbury. That pretty much sums it up.
More advertising/press BEFORE the election to remind folks to get out there! I hadn't heard anything until this article.
Give away cell phones. It's working for Obama !!!!
yeah fix the system so people feel their vote counts and sure they will come...
Everyone knows how HOPLESS it is to vote when ALL politicians get corrupt... EVEN NEW ELECTED down to earth guys and women get corrupt... They tell you what you want to hear ONLY to get into office... They have to or they become martors or blamed or the like...
Our vote never counted continues NOT to count... When you have a rouge govt body and no matter whom is in, they will cater to their back scratchers...
This is the reason for a low turn out...
Everyone is just waiting for the dare to be great moment which will soon be upon us... Yes the revolution...
JOE you to will find out exactly what I am talking about once you become mayor... You will see how hard it is to get shit done... You to will see all the corrupt people... You to will have to do some sort of corrupt dealings to get shit done... Trust me...
I have YET TO BE PROVEN WRONG IN ALL MY STATEMENTS when reguarding politicians... yet the ill-informed call me a conspiracy theroist...
let me ask you all this, HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO PUT YOUR HAND IN A FIRE BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT HURTS or BURNS? apparently with this citizenry, many times, until the flesh falls off will it take before they realize what they did and how bad it is...
Thats the true problem with this contry, the people of this contry don't care or don;t want to get involve... Well let me tell you what will you do once IT IS PROVEN THAT ROMNEY WON"T FIX ANYTHING OR WHEN OBAMA BIN LADEN GETS RE_ELECTED? what then?
Guns are the answer, always have been and will be, which is why they are trying so hard to take them... The govt can;t do squat to us UNTIL guns are OUT OF THE PICTURE.... or mayeb another contry will invade us if all of our guns are gone...
Joe, most of those 13,000 voters in Salisbury registered to vote in the national race. Most could not care less about local races. Everybody cares about the big races like it's reality TV. That's what we have sunk to as a nation.
I agree some of with 3:12's points, but not all. Debbie Campbell has remained honest and true to the voters after all these years. Terry Cohen has conducted herself with dignity despite Mitchell's harping and Ireton's hissy fits. I also have a friend in the northeast who has been an elected official. He did not get corrupted either.
Maybe we just need more honest people running for office. The hard part is telling who they are. I have to agree with 3:12 that the system discourages nice people from running. I sure could not do it.
"More advertising/press BEFORE the election to remind folks to get out there! I hadn't heard anything until this article."
This has been talked about for months. The referendum was advertised. Obviously you are not interested in being an informed citizen so it's probably best that you did stay home.
I vote EVERY time i can. I feel like even if my candidate does not win i complain too much to not vote. If you don't vote you really don't ever have any right to have an opinion about anything.
3:12, take your meds!
Name one thing the Obama adminstration has done to take away your guns (though I am thinking in your case, someone probably should).
All the guns in your house would not prevent a foreign army from invading. Heck, even Canada has helicopters and jets that would take you out before you saw them and got your guns out. That is why we have a military. Put away your copy of Red Dawn and have a nice weekend.
Joe -
Please disclose the number of registered voters in Delmar, so we can compare the turnout there to Smallsbury.
3:12 PM
You totally lost me when you started cussing. Not to mention the spelling and grammar.
If YOU own a gun, I hope I am always behind you.
This has been talked about for months. The referendum was advertised. Obviously you are not interested in being an informed citizen so it's probably best that you did stay home.
September 28, 2012 4:10 PM
This is the first I have heard of it too.
But it doesn't really matter. I would have stayed home anyway, so there.
The mayoral election was about a year ago. I cant remember the exact date
The last DE side election was 2 years ago
Aside from the poor turnout and the obvious good that will come from the new police station, the story of this election is the ongoing delusion of former Mayor Howard Dickerson.
Dickerson refuses to get off his butt and run for anything after losing his office in the late 80s. But is continually flapping his gums against local businesses and those people that actually attempt to serve the community.
Dickerson was against the police getting the new station and claimed he had "rallied" people to vote it down. 12 voters is how many said no. 12. Talk about a slap in the face to Dickerson! That man has absolutely no pull with anyone because he has lost all creditability.
His other big kick is wanting the town to somehow ban the Delmarva Festival of Lights that the racetrack is putting on. This will be an event that gives $5 out of every ticket sold to charity, schools or community groups- in addition to $25k in cash prizes to those groups. Whats more, THE RACETRACK IS NOT EVEN IN TOWN!!! So he wants the town to do something against a great business that is giving back to the community- even though it is out of their jurisdiction! Also, while Dickerson was Mayor he did nothing to achieve that goal.
So Joe, I say kudos to those that did vote for the police station and I'm drinking a frosty one to celebrate the humiliation of Howard Dickerson.
And oh yea, Dickerson endorsed Tom McGuire and his wife Nikki when they ran for office.
Take that Howard!
7:28 the MD and DE side alternate. Last year were the MD elections, this year is DE's turn. In addition, both Mayors only serve 2 year terms, so they have to run in every election. Conversely, town council members serve 4 year terms. The next election (MD side) Mayor Anderton, Deputy Mayor Well and Commissioner Luffman will be up. Unless something changes, it will be the first time I have ever voted for all of the incumbents.
4:29, dear you are clueless. bo is leaving that up the the u.n. get your head out of the sand. the goal is to make guns and ammo very hard to obtain and to eventually make them illegal for all. do your homework and stop listening and reading the government run media.
truth - what a concept.
Delaware side needs to get more people like the Maryland side has. The police need support. I don't know what it looks like on the inside but the outside of the police office looks like it is about to fall down. If we have snow like we had a few years ago it will prolly fall down. What then?
We better hope they keep who they have on the Maryland side and hope the new ones on our side are more like the ones in Maryland. If not we'll have crime and gangs like Laurel. I will be there to vote. I wish we got the news coverage that Salisbury gets. Maybe people would then know how important it is to get out and vote. I know one of the policemen and he told me that no one know all the things that happen. But if you ask them they will tell you. Why isn't it in the news?
No one who supports child molesters can have any credibility. It's amazing he even shows up at any town meetings. The Maryland Mayor and Commissioners are focusing on bringing their towns law enforcement into the 21st century and they will get that done. Delaware has to get support that. I live on the Maryland side and I know that criminals don't stop at the state line. I don't want to live in a town that has sub-standard police facilities. It's an embarrasment and it's not safe. Didn't we have a shooting by a gang two months ago? Delaware if you don't want to protect your people go off on your own.
Joe- Monday Delmar, Delaware, will hold its municipal elections. 3 people are vying for 2 town council seats. The Mayor (as always) is running unopposed. It's been a decade since Delmar, Delaware, had a Mayoral election. The current Mayor is getting ready to win his second unopposed term. Something is wrong with that picture!
The reason people don't show up is simple to me, people don't trust government, and know that politicians will find a way to get around what the taxpayers want. They lie, they cheat, and they do what they want. The opposition to the new school was overwhelming but only a step to having crook pollick find other ways to get his way. Votes now are only a minor thing, our dear leaders know what is best.
Delmar Delaware is a small Town. The current Mayor is a very good man. Their financial resources is nothing like the Maryland side and the Mayor being fiscally responsible left it up to the voters to decide if this investment was in their best interest.
The way I see it is, IF he had simply moved forward with the $400,000.00, damned if you do, damned if you don't. I believe it was a smart move on their behalf.
The unfortunate part was the voter turn out. I feel Americans are falling asleep at the wheel. Perhaps it's because far too many politicians say one thing and then do another. You know, like I'm going to clean the river so we can swim in it in 10 years. Sorry, but this is what Americans are falling for.
We've become so dumbed down that many are falling for a load of crap and you rarely see someone like myself stepping forward with REAL issues. REAL challenges. REAL answers and REAL results.
The blame in Delmar belongs to the registered VOTERS. There must be more than 35.
Then you have a Blogger, (a former Mayor) who can see no good whatsoever. I agree with the earlier comments whereas they state he does nothing but complain. Howard is a friend of Tom and Nikki McGuire, (now in jail for 15 years for sexually assaulting and abusing children) and Jonathan Taylor. That in itself should tell you enough about his ability to judge.
The new Police Department in Delmar is a desperation situation. If you've never been there, it is truly amazing they have survived. I would encourage BOTH Mayors to set a date to have an Open House at the current Police Station. Let the public walk through the building and see for themselves why this is an absolute necessity.
ANY ONE who says this is not a necessity has screws loose in their head. Chief Saylor & Officers deserve this opportunity.
That's my personal opinion of this situation.
I should add, crime is spreading away from Salisbury. Fruitland and Delmar need facilities to grow and manage the increase in crime. Delmar, (unlike Fruitland) has TWO Towns in which can help each other afford such a Police Station.
I can assure you crime will definitely begin to rise in Delmar. Ask yourselves some questions. Do you really think the decrease in crime in Salisbury is because criminals have seen the err in their ways? Do you think that Salisbury Police Department locked them all up and the "system" has kept them locked away from society? NO!! Salisbury PD initiated saturation patrols with zero tolerance on violations of quality of life issues, drugs, and prostitution. They are literally pushing crime. They are pushing it indoors. They are pushing it to other areas which are not targeted by the patrols. And they are pushing it to other towns that immediately surround Salisbury. Fruitland will feel an increase and so will Delmar. It won't happen overnight. But it will happen. When it happens and they take a foot hold, it will require many more resources to get rid of it than it will to prevent it. What you don't need right now is a run down police department and high turnover in officers.
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