Hi Joe
This morning I went into Johnny's to pick up my breakfast like I normally do - and I glanced down to the newspaper rack to see what the headlines might be for The Daily Times. I noticed that the all of the MSM newspapers were on the rack with exception to The Daily Times. When I asked the clerk about The Daily Times - he explained that they had dropped The Daily Times newspaper because they had been cheated on their bill.
Of course - I went on to offer my own personal thoughts - that I thought their decision to rid themselves of the headache was really good for the long haul as most of their news was biased anyway.
Publishers Notes: I was also informed last week that the Daily Times sent out notices recently announcing they are increasing their subscription rates again. I guess they have to find a way to pay for their new hot shot from up north. No question about it, Salisbury News has put a massive hurting on the Daily Times. Between offering real time news and information and advertising rates no one else can touch, there is no competition. Besides, when you've got a new newspaper in town giving away full page FREE advertising to make it look like people are interested, well, how can you compete with that. Just ask LORA, right John?
Maybe they raised rates so that they can claim an even higher loss to the I.R.S. whenever tax time rolls around again for them?
That's exactly what most people do when they have a product that doesn't sell isn't it? Raise the price.
lmao Yeah, that will make people want it more.
Raise their rates and make the paper smaller! Out of Business soon.
You can pat yourself on the back all you want but there is information the DT carries that you do not. Such as where are the lower Delmarva obituaries you promised? We each are entitled to our opinion You believe you should trash the DT daily and I choose to subscribe to the DT for info, interesting local articles, sports etc, not found on your site.
Even though you will not admit it there is a place in this world for you and the DT. Whatcha' goin' do when you will be unable to read the DT on-line unless you subscribe?
I would not be so quick to take the explanation of the store owner for the reason his place no longer sells the DT. I know a case involving the Crisfield Times and a store owner who said the CT was cheating him but when truth came out the store owner was not paying the bill. Many of the foreigners running stores always think everyone is cheating them
joe..I get the same excuse from my local wife..who will not cancel our subscription for DT due to the Obits...That I guess is the only reason for its exsistance..cause I can see no other
Click on our Holloway Funeral Home Ad and it takes you right to the local obituaries.
Funny thing, that ad. I clicked on the link, and got this error message:
Not Found
The requested URL /obituaries was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at www.hollowayfh.com Port 80
get the Dispatch
"Many of the foreigners running stores always think everyone is cheating them."
I hope that's not typical of the average DT reader. All the "foreigners" I've engaged in conversation in the area stores have been friendly and open-minded. Not sure I'd apply those adjectives to the DT's opinon pages.
My problem is Holloway does not carry obits of my interest. Living in
Ocean Pines, there is no need to click on Holloway on your site Thanks but no thanks I'll stick with the DT for local sports in schools, weather, obit, Go Magazine, articles of local interest and Brice Stump, and so on.
Gannett owns the DT and Gannett made the decision to up subscription rate for all their papers. just saying
The Daily Times has become a tabloid. First off - look at the size of the newspaper. There was a day not all that long ago whereby The Daily times was at least 1" thick. It was lush with information. Now - it is a pathetic piece of journalism.
Whatever happened to the old style editor - Mel Toadvine. What-a-shame for such a dismal piece of disinformation.
"Gas prices hit unusual mid-September spike"
And what is the purpose of the Daily Rag posting a picture of a Muslim pumping gas on the front page? Is anyone else sick and tired of the lame stream media forcing Muslims and Islam down our throats?
"Whatcha' goin' do when you will be unable to read the DT on-line unless you subscribe?"
I'll stop going there like I have with the Sun.
For obits go to delmarvaobits.com
The rate increases ranged from 12% to 25% based on your method of payment.
When I received the letter about the increase I called the new GM and left a voice mail. That was over two weeks ago and he has not returned my call.
They don'y give a rats rump about their subscribers.
Yep - The Daily Times is a lack luster piece of journalism. With all of the national media hoopla about the Egyptian Brotherhood, and, with the trashing of Burger King and KFC - what does The Daily Times cover - a Muslim pumping gas.
It really has gone the way of the dogs. I agree - it is now Tabloid journalism.
Alblowhole is not happy unless he's bullying something for someone. It's the Bronx in him. Never a local, just a wanna be eh Delaware Blogger ??
Awe, Satah, am I to expect another phone spoof call tonight? Tell Jimmy I said hello.
Most of these comments are on-point in their description of The Daily Times. I can remember when Mel Toadvine would publish the schoolteachers salaries so as to help articulate a baseline in private sector employment verses public sector. Now - The Daily Times often covers up the actions of the BOE and even goes so far as to disparage those who challenge these institution.
Until SBY/FOX came along - most people were just 'spoon fed' disinformation - and many bought into it. Now - that the new kid is on the block - The Daily Times has become a relic.
I go onto the Delmarva Now Website to get the obituaries. I haven't paid for the DT since the "70"s when we never got the Sunday paper delivered with all the sale papers and coupons we needed, they would come deliver one but you had to call them each time. The local carriers would change every couple of months. Not worth the price for the service we got.
What is really bothersome - is that The Daily Times could easily increase their circulation by simply tweeking their reporting style. Instead of steadfastly embracing their liberal agenda - they could move to the right some and I'm quite sure they would realize a dramatic increase in sales in a relatively short period of time.
If they do not do something soon - they will evaporate from the landscape like so many other businesses have around here.
The Daily Times could always sell out to SBYnews. That might help to solve their current distribution dilemma.
If they start charging for an online look, I'll stop hitting the site all together.
I agree with most of the comments in regards to The Daily Times fixation on trying to make the news verses reporting of the news.
Their sales would improve - but first they have to get rid of some the dead wood - (status quo reporters). It use to be a respectable newspaper - but now it seems no one really takes them seriously. I can see their future headlines even now -
1. Wayne Gilchrest will unseat Andy Harris
2. Polls shows Gilchrest ahead of Harris
3. School teachers underpaid
4. Board of Education-understaffed
5. Businesses flourish on eastern shore
And so on and so on.
If they would simply report the news as it is - they would have no problem in competing.
Response to 12:28 Posting
Amen brother. In the case of the DT even the most obvious are purposely overlooked. They will never change.
Someone should consider offering an independent local newspaper. That would end the life of the biased daily times.
Someone should consider offering an independent local newspaper. That would end the life of the biased daily times.
September 16, 2012 3:03 PM
I really don't think there is a demand for one.
The one we currently have, albeit a disgrace, is barely surviving. Do you think a new start-up would survive and thrive in this area?
Maybe they would and maybe they wouldn't. I'm really not sure. But I don't think they would for long.
I'm sure, like you, it would deliver a death blow to our current newspaper.
I get my news from the internet and Sbynews.com. I really have no need for ANY paper.
I go to their online site now and again but they really don't offer much.
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