Councilwoman Laura Mitchell has been a No Show for the last three Council Meetings. Her obsession with President Obama is clearly hurting City Taxpayers as she continues to do more and more business outside the inner works of the City of Salisbury, in which she was hired/elected to do.
Now you can find Laura and her Husband behind the scenes of the Democrat Write-In Candidate John LaFerla to run against Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District.
In the past we have written about Mrs. Mitchell attending meetings she was not necessarily invited to as well as many trips to Annapolis.
On a good note, each meeting Laura has not been at flew by, (time wise). Yesterdays Council Work Session took no time at all. The Council discussed pay increases for the Police Department but also discussed possible pay increases in other Departments. No promises were made and they'll more than likely wait until after the new year to discuss it more.
One important issue the Council wants to investigate is why there was so much additional funding in surplus, something the Mayor has refused to openly discuss to this date.
In Other News: the County Council has a Work Session today starting moments from now. One of the major topics is the Humane Society and their lack of understanding the new legislation the Council passed about 2 years ago. The Council is receiving quite a bit of complaints from County residents and we'll deliver the Council's discussion about this topic later today or early tomorrow.
The McGuires, (from Delmar) are in Court this morning facing some of the charges against them. We'll follow up on that today and let you know the outcome of that hearing as well.
She's a total waste of taxpayer money!
Worse than a total waste, she's a self-serving drain on our tax dollars. She can stay missing. It looks like the council isn't suffering while she's gone.
she will do what ever to keep money coming in for hardly working... what a scavvy...
From a timing standpoint, the council said it wants to discuss the topic of pay for city employees before the end of the year. They talked about a very sensible approach that included getting to the bottom of where the surplus is coming from and how city pay compares to the local market.
Does she collect a paycheck for the City Council work? If so, then do the job. ANOTHER example of politicians at the trough. You and I? We BETTER show up and do the job we gat paid for or we are gone. ONLY a politician thinks it fine to LOOK for another job (or goof off) while being paid for the one you AREN'T doing. Public Masters. Calling themselves "public servants".....
See the very next post. Wake up Salisbury. Police was an essential move that should actually result in savings long term and better safety outcomes. The rest needs to be evaluated in the same way rather than the "raises for everyone" approach.
Seems that the city council seat is just another entitlement for Mitchell, money for doing nothing.
I have a problem with people who want and seek out postions such as this and then do not fulfill the obligations. There are only 3 good reasons for missing a meeting, death, jail or hosptialization. A few other reasons are excusable but if one finds an elected postion interferring with vacations or their social life then they need to resign. Empty seats are getting old.
she was probably too busy campaigning for laferla...
I'll take the benefits of this any day. While absent from council meetings, real progress is being made there, and the usual hoopla is gone.
Cherish the moment folks ...
Can't wait to hear what the Council brings forth about how the HS is run! I hope to heck someone is made accountable for Tax Payers Monies!
AND---less we not forget the animals==that someone will get in there to work for their benefit!
She will probably try to get Henderson's old position at the bank. LOL
I guess that since she does not work (receives disability and lives in HUD housing)has the options to spend her time freely. I do not have that luxury since I have a work to pay my bills.
"I guess that since she does not work (receives disability and lives in HUD housing)has the options to spend her time freely. I do not have that luxury since I have a work to pay my bills."
Then you need to get yourself disabled and hide your true income. It's easy to claim disability if you know the right doctor and easy to claim you are poor if you know how.
Believe me,she gets it honest.Its hereditary.
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