When you look at Mayor Ireton's refusal to expose the more than $2,000,000.00 on returned surplus you have to wonder, was there some kind of insider trading going on at the time?
What I mean by that is, don't you find it interesting how all of a sudden out of nowhere the Police Chief comes forward with a massive request, yet she was told DON'T EVEN ASK during budget time?
Go back to the alleged phone spoof. Don't you find it extremely interesting how the dynamic trio, (Ireton, Duncan and Maciarello) filed criminal charges against me for filing a false police report, (yet I never filed a report or complaint) in order to access my cell phone records. Then they immediately dropped the charges!
Out of nowhere the States Attorney, Police Chief and Mayor come together to grandstand for financial support in a desperate attempt to make things look as if things could get really bad.
The FACT that NO CRIMINAL acts were done in the alleged phone spoof, the Police Chief and numerous detectives dropped everything they were doing to investigate a NON CRIMINAL activity.
I smell a rat. Some might call it a pay back. All I know is that every single department should be treated equally and this is NOT the case here. While I firmly agree, the Police should have been given the funding former Council Members agreed to years ago, ponying up more than $450,000.00 for the rest of the year and ignoring other departments is just plain wrong.
I also find it VERY interesting how the Mayor has not been present in ANY of the Work Sessions and Council Meetings on this matter. Perhaps he's too afraid I might stand up and challenge him like I'm doing right now.
Mayor Ireton knew there was extra funding in surplus but refused to let the Council know how much. This is just way too convenient to have me believe it was anything other than insider trading, (so to speak).
"It's not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose."
Holy crap. If I worked in any other department in the city I'd be outraged. I think you hit the nail on the head with this one Joe.
You just got my vote.
They can't get the job done now with what they have, why give more?
Joe, you already have my husband and I's vote. WE NEED CHANGE!!!! Thank you for stepping up to the plate!
Can he legally not turn over city financials ? If he is required to do so why has our " lawyer " who is paid to take of such things not taken action against him ?
How do you lose or not know of 2 million dollars. Ok sometimes I mess up my check book but 2 million dollars. Come on. Who is not watching what is going on with the books. Someone needs to explain where this money came from. How much other money it sitting out there "lost" until they find something else "they" feel it should be used for.
Nice police work Joe. It's shame these people won't be prosecuted for their actions cause that seems very criminal to me. 2 Million dollars is a lot of money to try and hide/steal. And good point 12:33, I think a full audit of the water treatment plant, legal fees, contributions should be done and put online for the public to connect the dots themselves.
That's not insider trading. Maybe it's collusion. But it's definitely not insider trading.
They announced last night they would like to know where this money came from so they can budget better next year.
Anyone else notice that Shields is a different person without her 2 cohorts sitting at the table?
Joe, I hope the first thing you do is fire that waste of a police chief! Send her stupid @ss back to where she came from.
Where was that money hiding during the audit? Sounds like a tighlman/dunn/comegys slush fund.
Ireton and Mitchell are too busy selling Obama to spend any time on city issues.
I dont know where all this money came from but when you have 6 officers leave in a month for a lot smaller departments and approx. 13 more right now actively looking then yes its time to try to keep the officers or there wont be a police department and then what would you do?
If city employees are in fear of losing their job if they go to human resources to vent their frustrations, then they really don't have a human resource department at all. How much money are we wasting on that department?
Is it possible for the city employees to have an actual human resource department independent of city politics? Without using the word UNION?
City employees unite!
Interesting that human resources was moved to the Mayor's office this year. Ireton, Pick and Chambers are tightening their circle of control.
nobody wants to talk about it because the mayor wanted a tax increase and did not get it and then all the sudden we have 2 mil extra. Let us hope slick rick does not pull the same move after raising our taxes.
I think this post makes you look reactionary. Everyone understands why you are mad at the police department. I would be mad at Ireton, the police, Sara Lake and more. I still don't believe the Mayors story about the call and the chief also lost some credibility on that one. However, if you had been following local politics and the city budget as long as I have, you would know that this adjustment of compensation for some of our police ranks is desperately needed. The cost of turnover and officer replacement $78,000 a pop tells the story to people who are looking at this unemotionally. I believe in performance based raises. As one poster said: he/she wants to be rewarded for working harder than his peers.
How does it cost 78,000 to go to Wor-Wic and take classes to become a cop? Sounds absolutely outlandish to me.
After the November election , if obamie wins , you can kiss the rest of the country goodbye.
Lock and load , get rid of these obamacrats by any means.
4:32, not really. When you factor in all the costs besides just the academy, hiring and training new people is more expensive than people think.
Joe, the liar mayor told all departments "Do not" ask for any employee's what so ever. That's exactly what we were told at the fire department which is why the council president said she had no knowledge of a need for personel. All department heads did exactly what they were told to do by mayor lair.
Maciarello, if you dont come clean and get your act together you can kiss a ton of votes good-bye next go around! Just because your mad at someone or dont like them dose not mean you can abuse/misuse the law to achieve retribution, the same goes to you Mrs Duncan! As for officers leaving...look into the outrageous attitudes of Duncan and the female disbatcher.....you'll have your reasons for jumping ship!
Ireton and Obama's running of the economy has forced another business to fail. The Fox and Olive closed this past week. Sad.
12:33 --
2 Million is chump change -- a few years ago they suddenly found several millions more than that floating around the GOB.!
Salisbury has not had a HR department since Lisa Ross quit! She knew the right and wrong to control and manage a city! I use to be able to call her and have an answer righ then, or the very next day at latest....This new bunch doesnt know a thing about the benifits, retirement, polices...or the handbook....and that Jeanie is just a waste of public funds...unless smoking cigarettes is a job description....
A number of people are only seeing $2 Million. Where it came from needs to be found and fixed which the council said it would do. Why didn't the audit find this out before?, I want our money back. Each department needs to have their needs seen by everyone, if the almighty mayor wants something he bitches his way to it, I want clean water, good services and police protection because that is what my taxes should be used for. This surplus is sort of a windfall and not something we will have year after year.
Someone request that the Chief provide not the base pay numbers of her officers but the average gross salary including all monetary compensation such as overtime, uniform allowance, mandatory court overtime, etc. for each pay grade in her department.
I bet the average citizen and especially other sacrificing city employees will be astounded at what each pay grade averages. i appreciate all people who do their job but Police, Fire, and Education absorb roughly 2 out of every 3 dollars of taxes collected. you dont DESERVE more compensation, respect, or appreciation than any other occupation.
If you want more of anything in a job then change occupations. Period.
The human resources department is an unethical joke! They discuss personal medical and employment information with everyone. I was going out on leave using the family medical leave act and only told hr, so why did Theresa Gardner ask me about it the same day?!?? Human resources is a pipeline to Gardner. If you want her to hear it then tell hr!
If H.R. is leaking that type of info. you have a federal labor law suit. People wonder why the Sheriff's Office went for collective bargaining. It obvious good ole boy politics in the city and county are out of control.
They police dept. deserves a raise to retain quailty officers. We the bad ones out and build something great.
As to all you crybabies at H.R. and the roads getyour people together and fight your battle. Present facts about parody and quility of employement.
I would love to see the city and county merge together. There is strength in numbers.
I have never seen anything like this place. A Delaware Blogger running as if he lives in Maryland. A mayor that does not have a clue about what he has done to the employes of the city. The furloughs took food off of peoples tables you idiot. You chose to travel on the city dime. Hypocrites that have good benefits and double dipping are ruining good people. So many local politicians ran for ego and not the community. They forgot what it is to take pay cuts because they have a good pension. They never give it a second look when they take others income. Truly screwed up it is time for change.
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