Salisbury, MD: Today we received a message from Alan Girard, the Eastern Shore Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, concerning the cancellation of the September 24th Candidate forum at Salisbury University. In an attached press release it mentioned that they had learned that Republican Congressman Andy Harris had “decided to pull out of all debates this election season”. This came in the wake of the voter fraud scandal that saw the resignation of Democrat Wendy Rosen.
Obviously Congressman Harris was looking for any opportunity to not have to face voters and Libertarian Muir Boda who stated, “After observing the withdrawal of Democrat Wendy Rosen from the race amid voter fraud allegations, I had not anticipated another action of disrespect to the voters in the 1st District. Congressman Harris' actions are simply arrogant cowardice as he is obviously afraid to debate me."
Boda continued, "Congressman Harris' pulling out of all forums is a complete slap in the face to all the voters and the organizations that are taking their time to organize the forums by securing a place to have the forum, organizing resources to record the forums and to the those who desired to attend and to participate in the discussion of the future of country.
Congressman Harris has many questions to answer. For instance, we need an explanation on why, as a so called fiscal conservative he would support adding another $1 Trillion to our national debt. Or where does he really stand on the TSA, the Patriot Act and the NDAA."
I've always supported Harris but reading this is disappointing......
Please rethink this Congressman Harris.
Andy better for you to do the debate.Whats the problem. This appears that you are avoiding issues and you assume we all support the two party system some believe that its corrupt and it is time for a change
Do you really think Andy needs to debate Mr. Boda?
He's done a fantastic job for the 1st District and will continue to do so.
Muir is a nice guy but lacks experience. He's no threat to Andy's campaign and clearly his camp feels strongly about that.
Come on, Andy, debate Muir. It'll be just like debating a Democrat since Muir was all cozy with Gary Comegys, SAPOA and Laura Mitchell.
"Do you really think Andy needs to debate Mr. Boda?"
What do you mean to win? No I don't believe he needs to debate to win because I think regardless Harris will win by a landslide but I do believe he owes it to his voteres (myself included) to give his opponent and us the courtesy of seeing where he stands on issues.
I don't know who advised him or if he made this decision himself but it's stupid because now he appears pompous and self aggrandizing.
Why should Harris debate Boda? Is Boda a candidate for something? Should Harris have to debate anyone who thinks they want to be in Congress? Should Harris debate the Green Party candidate? The Worker's Party candidate? The Dog Fart Party candidate? Should he debate LaFerle (or whatever his name is) even though he's not on the ballot? Let's have a little common sense here.
Yes 10:25. Boda is on the ballot and is in MD considered a candidate of a recognized political party.
Why should Andy Harris waste his time debating an unknown like Muir Boda who hasn't got a chance in hell to win. This isn't even worth discussing.
I'm voting for Boda.
Kudos for refusing to debate a moron.
I agree with Andy's decision not to debate Boda.No one takes Boda seriously in this race.It would be a waste of time and serve no purpose.
9:59 Comegys was on the republican ticket.
Here is a thought who is Muir Boda I have seen him run for many things yet he never wins. Harris obviously does not need to restate his stance to local supporters as one poster stated. Muir is a nice guy that does not equate to an established Congressman wasting time debating someone just for the sake of debate. Muir needs to do public speaking and not on the coat tail of Harris. I was not aware he was running before reading this post.
I think Mr. Harris should debate Mr Boda so the voters can see the difference in the two candidates and make up their mind on who to vote for.
"Anonymous said...
Why should Andy Harris waste his time debating an unknown like Muir Boda who hasn't got a chance in hell to win. This isn't even worth discussing.
September 15, 2012 1:17 PM"
Well if for nothing else then giving the hosts of this event who spent time and money putting it together the courtesy of following through what he agreed to previously.
It also would have been a great experience for the students of SU. A few months ago I attended a sustainable food forum at SU and was surprised at the number of students that showed up so they do attend events on campus.
Muir Boda couldn't even win a local council race. He keeps bad company and will not make a viable candidate for any race.
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