Tonight at 6 PM WBOC will do the story about handicapped chilldren. Oh wait, we did that yesterday. Nevertheless, they'll have faces and voices.
Just kidding. I think it's important that as large an audience as you can get on this topic is in the best interest of Wicomico County.
Just remember that Michelle Wright cowardly voted to keep Dr. Fredericksen and then left the Board and resigned.
At this point Dr. Fredericksen couldn't care less what you think because by the time it comes around to vote again in 4 years you'll have forgotten how disrespectful he is towards handicapped children.
While there have been many comments on that topic I just want you to think. Imagine you were tied to a wheel chair, (as one comment suggested) and there was NO WAY for you to move. I'm not saying the Fire Department would ever ignore you BUT THINK of what would be racing through your mind while there is fire all around you.
Here's what I think. I think that there would be enough young Eastern Shore kids that would disrespect Dr. Fredericksen's wishes and they would simply go ahead and rescue those kids FIRST. Why, because that's the kind of people we have here on the Eastern Shore Mr. Fredericksen. You just go ahead and put them in a stairwell. By the time the Firefighters got there I'm sure you'll find them safe and sound outside the building.
The Teachers will be counting students and saying, don't worry about the handicapped kids, the Firefighters will get to them. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!
Recycled News at 6 on WBOC.
I wonder how many school fires Maryland has had in the past several years?
One at Salisbury Middle School, on the same floor these kids will be learning on, last year.
it doesn't matter how many school fires there has been. it only takes once. if it were my kid left in a stairwell i'd be infuriated. that's just completely barbaric!
Fredericksen is publicly known to have little care for special needs children. Sadly enough, many of the special education administration doesn't care either. Shame on the school system for treating any child with such disregard. Regulation or not, try being respectful of a child's feelings! Boo hoo to you again WCBOE!
No, that's what you call organization.
You have able bodies in one area, and special needs in another area. Then you can focus your response accordingly.
What do you think would happen at night at any assisted living or nursing home if it caught fire?
During the day they have plenty of staff to make a fire drill look good. Over night when there are no family visitors, they staff about 4 people per 100 patients.
Take this issue with only a few handicapped kids, and multiply that by 40, and figure the odds of getting all of the old folks out safe and sound. It's an accident waiting to happen all over the country.
What happened to the story? I watched WBOC at 6. Did I miss it?
Didn't happen as far as I saw. Not important enough, and the BOE owns the station and the Times anyway. They make the calls...
Whwn is Dr. Freddy going to terminate Ireton? It can't be soon enough.
And, don't forget Larry Dodd abstained from the Freddie contract vote. He could have made a difference but he didn't.
So if my kid breaks their leg and has to use crutches and is on the second floor this year, should I expect that the school will move his classes to the 1st floor. Similar scenerio...
Anonymous said...
Whwn is Dr. Freddy going to terminate Ireton? It can't be soon enough.
August 31, 2012 7:42 PM
I agree with you 100%
WBOC did contact the board and the last I heard the board did not return the call. WBOC wanted to get both sides and I guess this is the boards way of shutting this issue down. Don't answer for their actions and eventually the problem will go away. They have something coming because they may be able to skate around it but it will not go away until the parents are at the least involved in finding the solution.
To terminate one must have an objection to the one being terminated. Will never happen. Case closed.
Are you certifiably stupid? We are talking about students that are in motorized wheelchairs you dumb ass. And it is not just about this school and these students. It is about setting policy. This school and its administration knew about this last year. They could have made the arrangements over the summer to put these kids on the first floor and then no one would have to be moved because it should have already been done. You really are the poster child of stupid.
9:28 PM
How can you compare a TEMPORARY broken leg with disabled kids?!
9:27 PM If I remember correctly there were 4 that voted to continue his contract and that is a majority and enough to keep him. Your math is a little fuzzy so it's obvious you are a product of the Wicomico school system.
Are you certifiably stupid Rick Mills?
I am personally disgusted by all the entitlements granted to every special needs, IEP, ed child. Education is a right, but let’s gets real. We as a county, state, nation, we the working class, are paying for this. It is not enough to give them one on ones, all day everyday. These children’s parents complain about everything. I would imagine that dealing with all the special needs of every single child, quickly bankrupts the WCBOE’s budget. So you all GET REAL. Knowing that the county put a cap on taxes might be why we are in the lowest per student expenditures in the tricounty area. And if you deduct from regular ed children the resources needed to accommodate everything from, cp, mr, autism, bad hair days, poor behavior patterns, where does my child fit in. I’ll tell you. My child who comes to school properly dressed, respectful, homework done gets forgotten. Why, the squeaky wheel get the grease. It is often stated in many parts of our society that 10% of the people use 90% of the resources. So lets back up and review, the fire marshal has stated the evacuation plan , the risk of fire that consumes the entire second floor is probably less than .00005%. Therefore if the school system with its extremely tight budget has accommodated to educate your children, then you should also be accommodating. Life is tough, but in the real world there will also be challenges that wheelchair persons must overcome. So encourage the citizens of Wicomico County to either shove more money at the problem or parents of these 3 children acknowledge we don’t live in perfect world and some risks might be necessary to provide an educational environment for your special needs child that doesn’t exclude them from the rest of the students on a daily basis.
Anon 12:41
Meet me somewhere and I will let you decide for yourself.
Anon 12:46
You are a Jack A@#. I am so glad your child is normal. Actually it is good for them because if they were like these other less fortunate kids, you know the 10%, you would probably treat your kids like shit. Real world, you obviously don't know what the real world is. POS!
My kid goes to SMS and would be effected by moving classrooms. I have known this kid and his family for years and they expect everything from the BOE. Just like others with special needs kids. Want...want...want.
I got a solution to all of this...move the kid to a school that has only 1 floor. This kid probably doesn't even live in SMS's district so I say move him. That way, you don't inconvenience 100+ other kids.
The BOE only has to provide what the IEP says and I have never seen an accommodation that says the kid MUST be on the first floor.
Move on...the fire marshall approved the plan so it should be over. Quit disrupting my kids education. Maybe the "normal" kids parents should start speaking up!
I am glad you feel that way. Because the plan calls for them to be in the staircase alone so your kid has to find an alternative way down. Maybe your kid can jump from the window. Glad you like the plan.
Meet me somewhere and I will let you decide for yourself.
September 1, 2012 1:03 PM
ok tough guy, where ya wanna meet?
Put your name up here and name the place but you won't you coward.
The easiest thing to do here is trade classrooms next Tuesday putting the subject classes on floor 1. But, that would be easy and make sense! We wouldn't want that in the BOE, now, would we?
That would not be easy, nor would it solve the problem. The school is set up in seperate wings for each grade. Sixth grade and seventh grade are one the first floor, eighth grade is on the second. Switching two entire grade levels of cllasses would be hard. If there are children in the grade switched with Disabilities then you still have the same problem....
My niece in Western Maryland started Kindergarten last year. She had a boy in her class that has Myelomeningocele Spina bifida, and was born with hydrocephalus. This was explained to the parents and kids on the first day of school.
This poor child is paralyzed from the neck down, wears diapers, and has a feeding tube. He is strapped in a large wheel chair. But guess what, his parents fought for him to attend public school in the all day Kindergarten program. He cannot speak, and he doesn't seem to be aware of his surroundings.
He not only has a para- professional assigned to him by the school district, but he also has a personal aide that changes him and replenishes his feeding tube. A special bus drops him and his aide off and picks them up after school. They are the only ones on the bus.
The ADA says that he cannot be denied his right to a public education. Meanwhile the rest of the class is subject to the smells of his bodily functions, the disruptions he causes when he has an outburst and all he can do is sob and spit, and this happens several times a day. He doesn't participate in any way because he can't.
My sister did some research and discovered that while he is a student, he will be offered speech therapy and occupational therapy, reading and math enrichment while the school collects thousand of extra dollars in "Special Ed" money to comply with an IEP for a child that in all likely hood will never improve.
They did pass him onto 1st grade, and he is once again in my nieces class.
The parents however, have now made their son someone elses problem for seven hours a day.
This is the problem I have with Special Ed. The tens of thousands of dollars wasted on a child that doesn't have a chance, but mom and dad needed a break.
So perhaps the solution for the WCBOE is to move all the special needs students to an ADA Compliant building and be done with it, and give the students that can be helped a legitimate shot at success.
It didn't even need to come to this. The principal of the school was notified last year of this concern she could have already taken care of it but she chose not to. It is not the parents fault for caring about the kids it's the school boards fault for NOT caring about the kids.
Anonymous said...
Put your name up here and name the place but you won't you coward.
September 1, 2012 5:18 PM
Can you taste the irony? Shut your pie hole and go do your homework or something.
Let the adults talk sonny.
I have a question...what is the past history with this kid while he was in elementary school. I heard he went to Pinehurst so what did they do? They have 2 floors with an elevator.
The Pinehurst principal was kind enough to just put them on the first floor.
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