Hooray for Florida!
I-95 and I-75 will be jammed for the next month or so with druggies and deadbeats heading North out of Florida, because this is the first state in the union to require drug testing to receive welfare!
Hooray for Florida! In signing the new law, Republican Gov. Rick Scott said,
"If Floridians want welfare, they better make sure they are drug-free."
Applicants must pay for the drug test, but are reimbursed if they test drug-free. Applicants who test positive for illicit substances won't be eligible for the funds for a year, or until they undergo treatment. Those who fail a second time will be banned from receiving funds for three years!
Naturally, a few people are crying this is unconstitutional.
How is this unconstitutional? It's a legal requirement that every person applying for a job has to pass drug tests in order to get the job, why not those who receive welfare?
Let's get welfare back to the ones who need it, not to those who won't get a job.
Yes!!!!! I agree.
Amen , good for florida ! !
Absolutely I agree and Maryland should do the very same thing, but we all know that's a joke, never will happen here.
It's a legal requirement to pass drug tests in order to get a job?
9:00 AM
I don't know if it's a 'legal requirement' or not but it sure is policy at most companies.
9:00. It is a requirement to get most government jobs, unless you are an elected or appointed member of Congress.
Yeah for Florida.....can't wait to get back!
9:00 AM - May not be a legal requirement, but sure should be.
The population in MD, specifically, PG county and Baltimore city is about to increase. Then they'll wander down here to the eastern shore and forget their way back. :( We aren't known as the Nanny state for nothing.
If Jim has his way they will all come here and live in government housing.
I agree with you Joe.
Unfortunately, once this is enacted there will be a spike in crime. It will be easier to rob someone than to quit taking drugs, in a users eyes.
Ha! Maryland do the same thing? Yeah right, this incredibly liberal backwards state will probably make some dumb public statement that it welcomes all those drug flunkies to come to here. Maryland will probably give them a "Welfare signing bonus" to move here!
this is wonderful news!! hope other states will jump on this wagon, then the druggies would have to leave the country!! great way to clean up the US of A!!
The rest of the States need to do this.It astounds me that this isnt already a mandatory thing to do. I'am tired of supporting these lazy good for nathing mongrels amkeing babies they cant afford to raise. If you cant feed them dont breed them.
O'Malley will invite them to Maryland and give them free in-state education , housing, cell phones, food stamps, and health care. Then he will increase taxes for those of us that have to pay for it. Simple liberal Democrat way of thinking.
You will nrver see it in MD.Not with the bunch we have in control.The demogrates might think about it if they could TAX it.
I totally agree. Welfare has gotten completely out of hand. I don't think the system was ever intended for the way it is now. The taxpayer doesn't know it, but we all the foot the welfare bill for: food stamps, medical assistance,child care, medicines, electric bills, housing/rent, clothing, infant supplies, camps, airline tickets for visitation all over the country, cell phones, taxi/bus fares, motels, job counseling, the list goes on and on. The person who has worked all their life, and is down on their luck can't get the help. I was behind a black lady at Walmart and I watched her buy all kinds of groceries plus a gift card on her food stamp card. Several people behine me were as disgusted as I was. Almost every church as well as the food pantries offer food assistance, so why do I have to as well? Social Services is a give away department and the taxpayer is getting ripped off.
As long as drug users can vote, the Democrats will give them welfare.
I just spoke to a lady who works for the government. Guess what she does (and I couldn't believe it, either)? She goes to Baltimore to interview the family members of welfare recipients to see if they would like to move to the Eastern Shore (to be closer to their OTHER welfare recipient families), which of course, will be paid for by (you guessed it!) the taxpayers!. This is HER description of her job! WTF?!
Glad for Florida! Now let's work on making it mandatory in all states!
I think that is their motive all along. Get all the bad ones to move out of their area so they can build it up and collect more taxes. Move them all to the Eastern Shore so they don't have to deal with the crime they create.
appointed member of Congress.
August 21, 2012 9:20 AM
I am pretty sure no member of congress is 'appointed'. Although MOST of them should be pointed to the exit.
In Maryland, if they register to vote, the democrats will happily give them free money, food and drugs
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