I read the article below and my first thought was, this is how riots start. Read it for yourself, I recommend you do so on an empty stomach because if you don’t you might be wearing your last meal.
Incidents like this, the incident in Anaheim that has sparked Disneyworld to resemble a warzone and the elderly man tasered inside his own home for not going to the hospital, are seemingly more commonplace than ever. This may only be a perception due to the availability of info on the internet, but instead of using that statement as a scapegoat to be dismissive of the issue, we should be using it to address the situation. The police are not there for your safety.
Lesson to be learned: There is an increasing likelihood that you will regret seeking help from a police officer, therefore do so at your own risk.
I personally don’t want to sub-contract my safety to a third-party. I want to be able to protect myself and my family as I see fit. I don’t want/need the men in blue to kick in my door or my neighbors door for “our own good.” I don’t support the idea of a monopolistic police force (publicly funded or not) that is essentially above the law. Who watches the Watchmen?
Mayor Bloomberg grandstanded in the wake of the Aurora Massacre that the police should “go on strike” until the public as a whole give up their firearms. I am starting to work on an article about this very topic. There are many good police officers out there and I know it would be quite painful to deal with traffic accidents and domestic disputes with no public police force available. But with the current police force out there today and all the normal abuses and terrorism we as the public are forced to endure from them along with the paramilitary and military trajectory they are on would we be better off if the police took Mayor Bloomberg’s suggestion? And then we didn’t give into their demands? If it’s a package deal which would you choose?
It would be far from painless, but safety can’t be guaranteed no matter how many rights are given up and what is going on today is simply unsustainable, eventually something much worse is going to happen.
Regardless of the profession or the training that you receive, there are always going to be a few bad apples in every bunch; however the majority of officers out there are true hard working professionals that do care about your safety. Just because the public doesn't understand why we do what we do sometimes doesn't make us wrong. I wouldn't go into a bakery and tell a baker how to make stuff, and I wouldn't tell a plumber how to fix my pipes or toilet.
I've said it many times on this website...instead of sitting at your laptop bashing your police officers, troopers, and deputies just because of what some newspaper or internet article says, go out and get to know them. Go on a ride along. You might actually learn something or find out that you like them and appreciate how they do their jobs.
Does anyone else find it odd that in both the Aurora shooting and the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting someone had information regarding the repective shooter's state of mind? I'm waiting for the pre-emptive arrests to start. (Wait now that I think about it, they have, only is was directed at possible protestors in Chicago). I agree the Officer Friendly is nowhere to be found.
10:48 It seems to me there are more & more bad apples every day. So why not get rid of them? Now I have a question for you as the goverment is getting way out of control witch side are you on the people or the goverment
This is what you get when you recruit individuals who have a weak or twisted psyhcological profile. Instead of a PEACE officer charged with the duty of keeping the public safe, the opposite is achieved and you have nurtured a jack-booted thug concieved in the image of the German SS secret police. Not only are the police of today ignorant of the law, they are a group of paranoids who have been taught in the police academy to fear for their lives upon ANY encounter with a citizen. At any given time todays' police arbitrarily use deadly force on unarmed individuals criminal or NOT. They NEVER make a mistake due to the fact NO agency or board police them without influence from within their ranks. The night the two MSP rookies shot the guy (unarmed by the way) there were at least 10 police on scene (I saw them personally) and they could have used other means to subdue him i.e. gas or taser yet the two kid-cops chose to shoot him so they could be the big boys on the block. I'm surprised he wasn't mounted and displayed on the Barrack 'X' foyer wall.Later MSP de-villified them and made them somewhat heros.
Now comes the issues of the S.W.A.T. teams. They will make a mistake of address and in the wee hours break into someones home completely wrong and possibly injure or kill a resident/owner and terrify their families and when its over walk away with a smile on their faces snickering because no matter how dangerous to whom ever, there are NO channels of re-course that are effective. In their meager minds they are the BIG guys in a dangerous situation who are discharging their duty in a professional manner. I think not due to the fact they are in kind mental dwarfs with a death fixation who should be hand picked and subjected to rigorous mental scrutiny to protect the NORMAL people from THEM.
In the old days before you could be a cop you had to pass what at that time was known as the California Pshycological Intelligence Evaluation. This was developed by a team of researchers gathered from the MOST prestigious universities in the WORLD. The test was used to design the software for the first rudimentry computers of the day. It was developed on the Fruedian concept of I.D. and ego compatibility with the intelligence of the subject taking the test. Now comes affirmative action and the REAL experts, the politicians, to garner votes intimidated and finagled the top brass of the police agencies country-wide until the test was discontinued. Thus MANY police recruits hired have no place in law enforcement due to certain hidden personality traits and mental difficiencies that may have been exposed by the proper investigative tool (CPIE). I took the test when I recieved my training and was asked to take another when I got my badge. This flustered me greatly as I thought I was to be appointed and then fired all in the same day. Upon completion I was NOT sent into the field as a car chasing cop but instead sent to the planning and research division of the agency to explore development and implimentation of policy. I was elated and satisfied to NOT be a soldier yet still involved in law enforcement for the RIGHT reasons.So, in conclusion, you have to lend credence to the Silk Purse coloqualism and realize a LARGE percentage of the police coming to your door after you are a victim/complainant are no more than a group of incompetant IDIOTS who have been given a badge to accomplish quotas and mandates. As far as caring, forget it, the goal is to write you a ticket, THATS EASY, and add that collateral to the STATE general fund. Mike Lewis is a good poster child for that.
12:12 thank you
Thank you 12:12.
Finally reality and common sense.
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